Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 234: Yin Ling Sect Base

The withered body that Lin Fei and A Zi met, after being repelled by Lin Fei, roared again and rushed towards Lin Fei. ""Ω"Literature "Mystery. *.

However, its body is very clumsy, only knowing how to move forward blindly, Lin Fei has moved to its left side, and thunderously punched its left arm.

Although this corpse-like thing is very tough in every part of its body, it was ultimately difficult to resist Lin Fei’s 80 kilograms of strength. With a click, the left arm of the corpse was fractured, revealing bacon-like dryness. The muscles come.


At the break of the mummy's left arm, the balloon that seemed to be pierced, sprayed out bursts of dark corpse air.

As the dark corpse energy sprayed more and more, the breath of the mummy gradually wilted, as if this corpse energy was its source of power.


The corpse let out a low growl, seeming to know that he was definitely not Lin Fei's opponent. He turned around and fled. The tough, iron-like dry feet stomped on the ground a row of footprints of axes and knives.

Where did Lin Fei let it go, the Heaven and Earth Sunda Wind Art unfolded, stepping out, and it was already in front of it, blasting and banging the corpse like a lightning, knocking the corpse back into the air.

There was a bang on the chest, and I don't know how many sternums were crushed, the skin was cracked, and a deep recessed meat pit appeared, revealing chunks of dry bacon.

At the same time, bursts of intensely dark corpse energy also spewed out of sneer.

In a moment, a thick black corpse was enveloped around the mummy.

And this mummy also seemed to be exhausted, lying on the ground, dying.

Ho Ho Ho Ho............

The mummy suddenly roared in a low voice continuously, and the voice continued.

No, it turned out to be calling a companion!

Lin Fei and A Zi looked at each other, thinking of this at the same time, their expressions were solemn.

One such thing is okay to deal with, but the problem is, if there are more than ten or twenty, it is really a bit troublesome.

"Azi, go, it seems that this place is still very dangerous."

Lin Fei greeted Ah Zi.

However, just when Azi nodded, the two of them were just about to head away from the valley.

Around, there was a low and low roar, roaring suddenly, appearing very abruptly.

Then, Lin Fei and A Zi realized that from the cracks in the ground, from the dead tree nearby, from behind a wall, in different places, three identical corpses appeared again, roaring, Xiang Lin Fei and A Zi besieged.

Seeing the appearance of the three mummy corpses, Lin Fei and A Zi let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are only three, with Lin Fei and A Zi's strength, they can still handle it easily.

However, when the three corpses rushed forward, Lin Fei immediately realized that two of the three corpses seemed to have the same strength as the one just now, and one of the tallest corpses was actually The aura is obviously twice as strong, and the corpse aura pervading his body is more intense.

It seems that this kind of mummy is also hierarchical.

Lin Fei moved, and attacked the two relatively low-powered corpses first.

With the experience just now, Lin Fei knew that the power of this kind of mummy was that the power was very strong and the corpse energy was very difficult to provoke domineering.

However, Lin Fei’s golden sun scripture can restrain the corpse energy, and Lin Fei’s physical strength is stronger than the mummy in front of him. Therefore, Lin Fei relied on the agility of his body to get close to the two mummy swiftly. With a few punches, the two [新笔趣阁] low-strength corpses broke up and fell to the ground, unable to move.

And that body is the tallest, the most powerful corpse is chasing Lin Fei and attacking, but Lin Fei’s Heaven and Earth Xunfeng Art is unfolding, and the figure is like a charm. It can’t even attack Lin Fei’s clothes. .

After solving the two low-strength corpses, Lin Fei stopped avoiding, and slowly turned around, staring at the most powerful corpse.

"Next, it's you."

"Lin Fei, be careful, this one seems very powerful."

During the fight between Lin Fei and the three mummy corpses, Azi kept watching and didn’t intervene, because unlike Lin Fei, she could ignore the corpse energy of these mummy corpses. It is also very troublesome.


The strongest corpse was also angered by Lin Fei's provocative expression, as if the wind opened his claws towards Lin Fei, the nails on the claws were long, and he swooped towards Lin Fei.

"Okay, just see how powerful your beast is."

Lin Fei jumped out, not too fancy, and directly blasted out.


Fist strikes.

Lin Fei's stature is not moving like a mountain.

But the dry corpse was pedaling, retreating more than ten steps in a row, and stood still. On the ground, two deep marks were ploughed by its tough feet.

Sure enough, it was the strongest corpse. After being hit by Lin Fei, those corpses just couldn't help flying out.

However, this dry corpse, after being hit by Lin Fei's 80 kilograms of power, only took a dozen steps back.

It can be seen that its strength is as low as several thousand catties.

For ordinary warriors, such power is very terrifying.

If it hadn't been for Lin Fei to train the third layer of the Overlord's forged body, I'm afraid that he could not easily deal with the mummy in front of him.

"Come again!"

It is rare for Lin Fei to encounter a monster with such a powerful force.

In the violent shout, he jumped up again, blasted his fists alternately, and hit the mummy continuously.

During this process, Lin Fei's fist couldn't avoid contact with the claws of the mummy. Every time it touched, the skin was stained with a lot of dark corpse energy, which penetrated into Lin Fei's body.

But as long as Lin Fei slightly circulated the pale golden vitality in his body, he could immediately expel the dark corpse energy.


Just as Lin Fei was fighting the mummy, in a huge cave beneath this ruin.

There are two or three bodies wrapped in the cold black mist, talking.

"So far, our base seems to have refined a total of 500 corpse soldiers, ten corpse generals."

"Yes, this progress is the ultimate we can achieve.

Because we lacked the corpses of the warriors, last time, it was said that in the mountains outside the Great Desolation, a certain grave master of our Yinling Sect was planning to collect a group of warriors’ ghosts and corpses when he was being taken by the five sects. Several of the elders and deacons ran into each other.

This has revealed the whereabouts of our Yinling Sect.

It is said that the grave owner was later executed by high-level officials.

Our Yinling Sect originally intended to hide in the dark, and when we were strong enough, we did it in one fell swoop and swept all the major forces of the Ziwei Empire. Unexpectedly, it turned out that it was because of the negligence of a little grave master that we exposed our whereabouts.

Therefore, from the above, we must take lurking as the most important thing for this period of time, go out as little as possible, and hunt for the ghosts and corpses of warriors. "

"Well, that's it. Fortunately, our base is the old site of my Yinling Sect. We have always intentionally or unintentionally released the news that there are treasures here, enticing many warriors to come here to hunt for treasure, which is equivalent to sending it for us. A lot of corpse refining resources.

Or, where do we come from so many ghosts and corpses of warriors.

Alas, I really don't know when our Yinling Sect's revenge plan can be carried out. "

"Hey, don't worry about this. I heard that in the headquarters, a large number of corpse kings have been refined, and our new leader is refining corpse monsters in secret.

As long as this corpse monster is successfully refined, the five major sects will not even count as a fart. "

"The corpse king? The corpse demon?"

"My God, is this true? The new leader is refining a corpse demon? I heard that this corpse demon is the most powerful corpse in the world. A corpse demon, killing a martial artist in the profound realm, is like killing a chicken and a dog. easy.

However, I heard that the corpse demon is extremely difficult to refine. Although the corpse refining skills are extremely high, there are only a handful of the masters of the past that can refine the corpse demon before our Yinling Sect destroys religion.

Unexpectedly, the new leader is able to refine the corpse demon. It seems that the re-emergence of our Yinling Sect is just around the corner. "

The men who were shrouded in the cold and black mist were talking.

Suddenly, one of them changed his tone.

"A corpse soldier has met a warrior."

"Yes, exactly."

"It seems that we have sent us the resources for refining corpses again!"

These people were refreshed.

However, soon, his face changed.

"No, the corpse soldier turned out to be calling for help. It seems that the strength of the incoming person is quite good. Let's go out and have a look."

"We don't need to be busy showing up, I think, let's take this opportunity to try the strength of the corpse general we refined."


The rest agreed in unison.


At this time, Lin Fei's fight with that dry corpse was a one-sided situation.

In the fight, Lin Fei was not afraid of the dark corpse qi from the mummy, with a power of 80 jin, from a pair of fists, he constantly blasted the tall mummy.

Lin Fei's bombardment caused the corpse to lose a piece of bacon-like muscle here and several bones there. At the same time, the whole body, like a pierced balloon, continuously sprayed out bursts of dark corpse air.

The deep black corpse gas, like the smell of animal decay, is disgusting.

After half a stick of incense, the dry corpse was finally torn to pieces by Lin Fei's bombardment.

Finally, he fell to the ground with a bang, dying, no longer able to fight Lin Fei.


So tired, Lin Fei was so tired after knocking down the corpse with strength alone, the power of this corpse was not small, Lin Fei estimated that it had at least five or six kilos of power.

At this moment, a small figure suddenly flashed and appeared on Lin Fei's shoulder.

Direct gestures to Lin Fei.


Originally, it was the goblin who brought Lin Fei and Azi to this Valley of Shadows.

But ever since, as soon as he entered this Valley of Shadows, the goblin disappeared without knowing when, maybe he went somewhere alone to hunt for treasure.

Lin Fei and this goblin, after all, just met in peace, and the relationship is not very deep for the time being. Therefore, when the goblin disappeared for a while, Lin Fei gradually got used to it and didn't deliberately look for it.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the goblin appeared suddenly.

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