Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 237: Soul Eater

Just after the tall corpse followed Lin Fei and A Zi, and after entering the cave, a few people in a certain cave immediately felt it. Wen Δ learning fan. .

"The corpse officer we sent out has already tightly locked the breath of the two intruders. It seems that they really broke into our corpse vault.

In the depths of the corpse vault, we store spare resources for the future revenge and revenge of our Yinling Sect.

Once taken away by these two people, don't we have to be punished by high-level officials? "

There is a deep worry in a voice.

"Yes, that's it, so these two people must not let them go alive.

Even if they did not take away the spare resources in the corpse vault, they would not be allowed to go out safely.

Once they go out and tell the situation here, isn't this base of our Yinling Sects going to be exposed?

Hehe, if this is the case, I'm afraid that the high-level sect will never let us go. The grave master last time was a role model. "

"Well, don't worry too much. The corpses we released have already locked their breath. After the corpses enter the corpse vault, they will definitely wake up, those sleeping corpses.

The hundreds of corpses there, once they woke up, even if they were winged, they would not be able to fly. "

The rest of the people were completely relieved after hearing the words. There were hundreds of mummified corpses, even the Profound Realm martial artist, dare not face it.

It is estimated that these two guys who broke into the Valley of Souls also came in with the purpose of looking for treasures, and most of them were low-level warriors with low cultivation base and delusional wealth.

And those Profound Realm martial artists, who is not a generous thing to dominate one party, don't need to risk everywhere.

"Then we, do you want to follow it and see?"

One of them suggested.

"I can't use it anymore, so hurry up and refine this soul-eater as soon as possible.

Once this Soul Eater flag is successfully refined, it will be infinitely powerful, even if it is a high-level warrior, it will be the result of a spike.

If we hadn't spent so much time refining the corpse a while ago, we should have successfully refined this soul eater.

In this way, our base will undoubtedly have another weapon for defeating the enemy. "

The rest of the people, after hearing the words, did not object, they were all focused on refining the soul-eater.

There are four people in total, all middle-aged men.

Sitting in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest, on the ground between them, there was a long, seven-colored square flag, which was the soul-eater in their mouths.

In front of these four men, there are many jade bottles with big belly and narrow mouth. The body of the jade bottle is constantly shaking slightly, as if there is some living thing in it.

"Everyone pay attention and start spelling please God!"

The man sitting in the East gave a soft drink, and the rest of the men immediately raised their spirits, embraced the origin and returned to one, muttering a very strange spell in their mouths.

Together with this kind of spell, the Soul Devouring Banner on the ground among the four was agitated by some power.

It actually slowly floated upwards, and finally rose to the top of the cave.

After these four people chanted the spell for a long time, they all suddenly reached out to pick up the jade bottle in front of them, and opened the bottle cap like lightning.

"Please Ghost Ancestor Refining Soul!"

All four of them yelled in unison, and in the shouts, the Soul Eater tremble immediately and violently, and a wave of strange power spread out from it.

Then a ray of light escaped from the jade bottle, bumping everywhere in the cave.

I saw that the rays of light escaping from the jade bottle turned out to be many illusory human figures, just the ghosts after death.

When these ghosts wanted to escape out of the cave, the soul-eaters floating above the cave suddenly showed dazzling seven-color brilliance. The seven-color brilliance turned into a colorful little net, each little net, They all covered a ghost like lightning, and then the ghost pulled back into the soul-eater.

Suddenly, the sad howling, screaming, pleading, and mourning of the ghosts resounded in the cave.

And after these ghosts were pulled back into the soul-eating flag, they were still struggling. On the body of the soul-eating flag, countless ghost faces were printed on top of each other, constantly wriggling, struggling, and hideous. , Frightened, fierce, furious, performing various expressions.

But those four people turned a blind eye, and constantly pushed the jade bottles in front of them one by one, releasing a lot of ghosts for the soul eater to absorb and refine.

In the entire cave, there is simply a picture of eighteen layers of hell!


And Lin Fei and A Zi, at this time, came to a secret cave deeper in the cave.

As soon as they arrived in this cave, Lin Fei and A Zi looked at the scene in front of them and almost couldn't help laughing.

In this cave, the collection turned out to be a large number of metacrystals and various rare ores!

Two-thirds of that piece of elemental spar is ordinary elemental spar, and one-third of it is genuine elemental spar.

These elemental spars have piled up into hills, each of which is as high as more than ten feet. If you look across, the number of elemental spars in each hill is at least three or four million.

Before running to these ordinary Yuanchang stones and genuine Yuanjing stones, Lin Fei and A Zi both smiled so hard that they could not see their teeth.

The goblin was also very excited. He jumped off Lin Fei's shoulders and bounced back and forth between the hills of the elemental spar.

A rough estimate, Lin Feixian, there are tens of millions of ordinary crystals here, even if they are genuine ones, they are in the millions!


Rao is Lin Fei's current wealth, which is already very rich, but looking at these, the wealth that I had never thought of before, could not help but get a heart, and it beats very unworthy.

Looking at each other with Azi, both of them saw deep surprises in each other's eyes.

But at this time, the goblin was asking for credit, and jumped to Lin Fei's face, with a very airy expression, as if he wanted Lin Fei to notice its credit, and at the same time kept pointing his finger at the space ring in Lin Fei's arms.

Of course Lin Fei understood its meaning, so he took out two more crystal stones, those crystal stones with aura content higher than the real crystal stones from the round cave, and handed them to the goblin.

The goblin took it in his hand, and he swallowed it in his stomach with two mouthfuls, then touched his stomach, looking very satisfied.

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