Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2393: Raksha Palace re-emerged

At this time, a large group of demons surrounded the ground around the altar, anxious, panicked, and some were yelling, worrying about the safety of the Demon Ancestor.

"Don't worry, everyone, you don't want to think about the strength of the Devil Ancestor.

This time, the Demon Ancestor of Sky Exterminator returned strongly, and his strength was much stronger than before. Even if the Lord of the Palace came, he would not necessarily be the opponent of Demon Ancestor of Sky Exterminator!

So, Master Demon Ancestor, how could something go wrong! "

An ancestor-level master said loudly, his magic power was rolling, and his voice overwhelmed the voices of all other demons.

"Yes, we are worrying too much! The Demon Ancestor of Heaven Extinguisher is already in this cosmic starry sky, invincible, how can there be any accidents."

When the other masters of evil spirits heard it, they were all refreshed.

At this time, Lin Fei's demon clone had already quietly arrived nearby.

Because of the strength of the demon body clone, it is too strong.

Therefore, none of the masters of evil spirits can find out.

"Your Heaven Slayer Demon Ancestor has been killed long ago, and it is still invincible."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile when he heard those demons' comments.

"Well, it's time to let the demon body clone appear.

I hope these demons will not be suspicious. "

Lin Fei was looking forward to it.

Then, the demon body clone stepped out and teleported to the top of the altar.

The demon body clone at this time was a middle-aged man wearing a **** cloak, exactly what the Demon Ancestor usually looked like.

"Look, it's Master Exterminator Demon Ancestor!"

Suddenly, all the evil demons masters were surprised and happy.

Because the demon body energy possessed by the demon body clone is too powerful, it tightly seals the entire body, isolating all external perceptions.

Therefore, these evil demons masters simply have no way to tell that the Heaven Extinguishing Demon Ancestor in front of them is just a clone.

"Master Demon Ancestor, what happened?"

An ancestor-level evil demon master stepped forward and asked carefully.

He is the confidant of the Demon Ancestor, and has always been in the eighteenth layer of the Demon Realm.

"Oh, it's a long story.

When I traveled in the starry sky of other universes, I forged a very powerful enemy named San Qingzi.

He actually brought a large number of people and followed me back secretly. Not only did he want to kill me, but he also wanted to destroy the entire abyss domain. Fortunately, I found out.

So I organized a large number of warriors in my domain in time to set up the next ancient magic array, and waited here to trap San Qingzi and all his men and horses.

After fighting hard, San Qingzi and the men and horses he brought were finally eliminated.

However, the warriors of our domain, in the course of the battle, all died heroically.

Alas, speaking of it, it was my fault that I had caused so many warriors. "

After the demon body clone said, he sighed up to the sky, infinitely sad, and seemed very self-blame.

When he came in just now, Lin Fei had secretly captured several demons from the eighteenth layer of the Demon Realm. After torture, he figured out the whole thing.

Therefore, Lin Fei made up a set of lies to deal with these evil masters.


My domain warriors, all are dead! "

After hearing the words of the demon body clone, all the eighteenth-layer evil demon masters were shocked.

You know, the demonic masters who were gathered here by the Exterminating Demon Ancestor accounted for almost the entire abyss domain, and 70 to 80% of the demonic masters were actually dead!

This is a very tragic news for the Abyss domain and all interfaces.

"Yes, these warriors of our domain were honorably sacrificed to protect the safety of the entire abyss domain. Therefore, they are the martyrs of our abyss domain, and they are honored to die!"

The Demon Clone said loudly.

"Master Exterminator Demon Ancestor is right!"

All the evil demon masters nodded and agreed.

"Okay, pass my order, summon all the interfaces, and all the remaining masters of the Five Source Demon Realm and above, immediately concentrate.

Also, those demonic masters who are still in the outer starry sky have all been summoned back, and I want to count the number.

From now on, our eighteenth layer of the Devil Realm will rule the Abyss Realm! "

The Demon Clone said loudly.

After hearing these words, all the demons on the twelfth floor were refreshed and very excited.

Two or three epochs before, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven Exterminating had ruled the Abyss Realm. At that time, the eighteenth Demon Realm was the head of the Abyss Realm.

Later, the Demon Ancestor of the Exterminator went abroad for many years and never returned.

The various interfaces of the abyss domain began to work independently and become kings.

Now, the Demon Ancestor returns, and the eighteenth layer of the Demon Realm will once again become the head of the Abyss Realm!

As a result, the masters of the eighteenth-level demon world sent out one after another to go to other demon worlds to gather people from all circles.

And those demons masters in the outer starry sky were also recalled one after another.

A few days later, after some rectification, all the interfaces in the abyss domain were headed by the ancestor of the devil, called the lord of the abyss.

Of course, the Lord of the Abyss is actually Lin Fei's demon clone.

Lin Fei tried to transform the mystery of the Dao breath method, trying to make the demon body clone practice, to cover the breath more perfectly, making it difficult for others to see through.

Because, the soul body in the demon body clone is actually Lin Fei's soul body, if it is seen by others, then the deception will be dismantled.

After several days of in-depth research and transformation, Lin Fei actually developed a hidden breath method suitable for the cultivation of the demon body clone.

The demon body clone cultivated the breath-concealing method that Lin Fei had researched, and the breath of the soul was more tightly hidden.

After staying in the abyss domain for more than ten days, Lin Fei took the demon body clone and left the abyss domain.

As a human, Lin Fei didn't want to stay in this dark misty, dark world of demons for a long time.

at this time.

A major event happened in Xianling Realm.

Raksha Palace sent a large number of troops to formally declare war on the immortal cemetery.

This time, it is different from before.

In the past, Raksha Palace sent a small group of teams to deal with the immortal tomb world.

This time, the people sent by the Rakshasa Palace were very large and numerous!

What is even more shocking is that Qin Yue, the deputy palace lord of the Luosha Palace, personally led the team. In addition to Qin Yue, five masters of the ancestor level followed!

"What? In order to deal with the immortal mausoleum realm, the deputy palace lord of Luosha Palace, Feng Tianjian Qin Yue, actually led the team personally?!"

"In a mere immortal tomb, Luosha Palace actually dispatched six ancestor-level great figures?!"

Almost all people couldn't believe it after hearing the news.

For a while, this matter became the focus of the entire starry sky.

"I heard that the eight masters of the Xianling Realm, the Eight Stone Sages, have been surrounded by a pioneer army in the Luosha Palace in the starry sky, and they are shopping."

"It is said that the Eight Stone Saints dispatched troops everywhere, organized the troops of the various interfaces of the Xianling Alliance, and prepared to fight against the Raksha Palace army. Unexpectedly, it was blocked by the Raksha Palace vanguard."

A news spread.

As a result, many starry sky creatures rushed to the starry sky area, ready to watch the excitement.

The Raksha Palace is making great efforts to destroy the immortal cemetery world. Such a lively scene, I don't know how many good creatures in the starry sky have come to watch.

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