Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 252: You are actually quite handsome

When Uncle Huang talked quietly with the two young girls, the man from the blood wolf group stood with his hand behind him, his mouth was grinning, as if he was holding the winning ticket. .ん.

The people in the blood wolves group laughed, threatened, or verbally spoken foul language, just like a strong cat. Before eating the mouse, they would want to play around.

And those warriors who guarded the convoy were worried, disheartened, cringed, and completely lost, like a group of lambs waiting to be eaten by the wolves.

"Friends of the blood wolf group, I also know that you are here for money, so let's give you half of the valuables in our caravan as a gift to honor your blood wolf group.

The two young ladies in our family are disciples of Elder Xiao from the Palace of Flowering Flowers. This time, they are going to visit relatives in the Imperial Capital. I hope that friends of the Blood Wolf Group, for the sake of Palace of Flowering Flowers, can let us go. "

Uncle Huang clasped his fists and said, his tone was respectful and sincere.

"Haha, it turned out to be a girl from Yihua Palace. I heard that in Yihua Palace, all of them are women. Moreover, most of them are the beauty of the country and the beauty of the country and the city. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved.

Haha, it seems that my Yanfu is not superficial. Today, I can taste the famous girl in Yihua Palace, haha, good luck, Yanfu is not superficial. "

The man with the blood wolf group laughed loudly when he heard it.

When Uncle Huang heard this, his face suddenly changed. Obviously, the man in the blood wolf group, not only was not afraid of Yihua Palace, but because of the fame of Yihua Palace, he was even more obscene towards the two girls.

"Stop talking nonsense, this wolf general is anxious to spend a good night with these two beauties who have moved to the flower palace.

Put down all the weapons and die obediently, so that I can give you a whole body. Those who dare to resist will have to be tortured to death before they die miserably! "

The man with the blood wolf group seemed to be impatient, his breath was severe, his vitality and vitality rolled, his aura was shocking.

"Brothers, don't wait, come on!"

Suddenly, the members of the blood wolf group were all gearing up for a long time, and they were impatient. It seemed that for them, killing was an exciting and fun game.

And the warriors who guarded the caravan lost their fighting spirit. When they glanced at the members of the blood wolf group who rushed up like wolves, they all shouted: "It's over, this time is over, I regret it, I shouldn't covet this. The amount of hire, now, will also cost my life."

"Friends of the Blood Wolves, I have been hired. Now, I have announced that I am quitting. I am not in the same group with those two chicks. Please let me go. I will go now!"

"Don't kill me, please, friends of the blood wolf group, I have always admired the blood wolf group. I and you are in the same group. I am willing to surrender and serve the blood wolf group from now on. Until the dead!"

These warriors who guarded the convoy had lost their fighting spirit, were full of ugliness, fleeing, begging for mercy, crying, peeing, frightened pale and desperate, and sluggish and motionless.

Sixty or seventy guards of warriors, in an instant, their combat effectiveness was reduced to zero!

The members of the blood wolf group are as easy as cutting melons and vegetables, harvesting the lives of these warriors one by one.

Seeing this situation, Uncle Huang couldn't help but close his eyes deeply, his face suddenly, like two decades of aging, two deep muddy tears flowed from his eye sockets.

"Fine, nothing, spent such a large price to hire this group of warriors, but I didn't expect that when I met people from the blood wolf group, it turned out to be in this situation. A bunch of garbage, garbage is not as good."

Then, a palm slammed on the backs of the two horses that were pulling the two girls in the carriage. The two horses were frightened, and they screamed, spread their hooves, and ran forward.

Uncle Huang also moved like a shadow, followed on both sides of the carriage, banged his palms, and killed the two members of the blood wolf group who were trying to stop him.

This Uncle Huang is worthy of being an intermediate-level cultivation base, with profound strength, and his moves are quite old.

"Haha, want to run, is it possible?"

The man for the blood wolf group has always looked at the carriage that is pulling the two girls with great interest. Seeing this, wherever he is willing to put it, his figure swayed, he was already blocked in front of the carriage, pressing his hands. Just press on the heads of the two horses.


The two horses suddenly mourned for a long time, struggling, but at this moment, the two horses, at this moment, were as if they were being held down by two mountains, where did they move half a minute!

[书趣阁] Bang Bang

With two violent noises, the man from the blood wolf group exerted a slight force, and it turned out that the heads of the two horses were directly shocked, and they exploded completely, turning into pieces of flesh and blood in the sky, as if two blood flowers were in full bloom. Under the shining of the surrounding torches, it looked very strange.

"Go away!"

Uncle Huang didn't even think about it, he just rushed towards the man, a giant khaki palm turned out in front of him, and hit the man in the blood wolf group fiercely, with a violent palm.

It seems that Uncle Huang, the best martial skill, should be a master skill.

"I dare to show my ugliness with my little skills."

The man in the blood wolf group did not dodge, nor did he use any special martial skills, he just took it directly, hitting out with his right palm, directly hitting the vitality giant palm that Uncle Huang had transformed into.

With a bang, the vitality palm was directly shattered!

In the realm of vitality, this man from the blood wolf group completely suppressed Uncle Huang, and there was no need to use any advanced martial arts.

Uncle Huang also knew he was not an opponent, but in this situation, where would he be willing to retreat, otherwise, the two young ladies would really be dead.

Once he gritted his teeth, a giant palm of vitality condensed and unearthed again, and attacked.

Bang bang bang

After two or three palms in a row, Uncle Huang's face was withered, his breath was weak, he vomited blood in his mouth, and the vitality of his whole body was also showing signs of relaxation.

"Uncle Huang, forget it, you run away. Our two sisters will commit suicide now, you don't have to worry about us."

The girl in white and the girl in red cried out in unison.

"It's not that easy to commit suicide! Old Piff, die for me!"

The man in the blood wolf group was also a little impatient when he heard that the two sisters were about to commit suicide.

A spooky blood-red wolf claw formed in an instant, the scarlet shadow flashed, and the claws screamed like an eagle hitting the sky, a whale strangling, and a fierce tiger pounding at the sheep.

"Brother Miao, brothers are incompetent and can't protect the two young ladies, I'm sorry!"

Uncle Huang also gave a sharp scream, and the giant earth-yellow palm was also formed again, and it slammed up.

"Uncle Huang, be careful!"

In the carriage, the two girls called out in shock at the same time.

Of course, depending on the aura, this Uncle Huang is about to die in an instant.

The man in the blood wolf group is going to use thunderous means to quickly kill Uncle Huang, and then quickly control the two girls in the car to prevent them from committing suicide. Otherwise, they will be busy and have no fun. Up.


A violent impact sounded.

what happened?

I seem to have nothing?

Someone seems to have blocked this blow for me.

After the bang, Uncle Huang touched his body, nothing happened.

But the man in the blood wolf group was stunned on the spot with five or six steps back.

I saw that between Uncle Huang and the man in the blood wolf group, I don't know when, there was a slightly delicate young boy standing there, mocking his face, looking at the man in the blood wolf group.

"You..., who are you, so bold!"

The man in the blood wolf group, after waking up, was annoyed and frantic, and almost ran away.

However, there was also a lot of dread in his eyes. Just now, he was shocked to retreat several steps.

Although the young man in front of him came in a hurry and he didn't take any precautions, it would be easy to shake a senior strong man back.


Uncle Huang also reacted, looking at the young boy in front of him.

"This..., this young man, did you save me just now?"

"Presumptuous, do you know that I am a member of the blood wolf group, we advise you to take care of the blood wolf group's affairs, and at other times, for the so-called chivalrous act, I will get into trouble for myself, boy, I Kindly persuade, you should have heard of the name of the blood wolf group.

You can't afford it.

Boy, I think your cultivation is good, don't ruin your bright future for the sake of those illusory chivalrous names.

Okay, you can leave now, boy, you just blocked my palm, our blood wolf group, we can write off without care. "

The man in the blood wolf group was also aware that the young man's cultivation base was indeed extraordinary. If this young man and Uncle Huang joined forces, I was afraid that he wanted to win, it would really take some weeks.

In this way, the two girls were given plenty of time to commit suicide.

For this reason, the man in the blood wolf group turned out to talk to the young man who appeared suddenly.

This suddenly appeared, and blocked the blood wolf group man's palm, and rescued Uncle Huang's boy, of course it was Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's heart, he also respected the loyalty of this Uncle Huang, and couldn't bear to see that he was killed under the vitality claws of the blood wolf group man, and stood up to save him at a critical time.

"Haha, I'm sorry, these two young ladies, for the kindness of having a meal, your blood wolves don't care about me. I don't care about this, but the kindness of these two little ones, I must repay. ."

Lin Fei laughed.

what? A meal?

Could it be..., could it be that you are... that little beggar?

In the window of the carriage, the two girls heard Lin Fei's words, they immediately yelled.

"Haha, how about it, two young ladies, they invited me to dinner enthusiastically today, I don't recognize them now."

"Little beggar? Are you really that little beggar?"

The red girl called out directly.


Lin Fei was very helpless, but who allowed himself to confirm the identity of this beggar in the eyes of these two stunning girls?

"Sister Cui, he is really the little beggar today, I seem to recognize a little of his face.

Little beggar, you have become more beautiful, did any kind person give you this outfit?

Haha, little beggar, in fact, you look handsome when you dress up? "


Lin Fei couldn't answer. This was the first time a beauty said she was handsome.

But also, when Lin Fei met the two girls at the hotel today, his clothes were ragged and his face was dirty and unsightly.

And now, last night, Lin Fei had a good wash in the inn, and also changed into a new set of clothes. It seemed that although he was not very handsome, he was also a handsome boy.

Comparing the images before and after, the difference is really too big, no wonder, this girl in red must praise Lin Fei for being handsome.

"Little beggar, what are you doing here? It's dangerous. You should go!"

After all, the white-clothed girl was relatively mature and stable, and her temperament was also determined. She suddenly thought of the current situation, and immediately urged Lin Fei.

Shaoyi also suddenly remembered that the current dangerous situation had come.

"Yes, little beggar, go away, it's dangerous here!"

The girl in red also screamed with concern.

Lin Fei's heart warmed. These two beauties were really in a mess. It was obvious that both of them were in desperation, and they were worried for me!

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