Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2007: Reiichi

This private room is on the third floor of Fortune Restaurant.

This private room alone cost five hundred yuan, and it is not included in the food bill.

Both parents and elder brother are in pain.

Such high-end consumption is indeed a bit high for a poor family in a small county.

However, there is no way, the place of the date was appointed by the girl herself.

"It's okay, it's okay. Now your father and eldest brother have gone out to work, and they have two wages. Add up to at least five or six thousand a month. We can afford this little money."

While waiting, his mother talked to Lin Fei several times.

Lin Fei laughed straight at hearing, and wanted to tell her mother, Mom, let alone a private room, even if we buy the entire wealthy restaurant, we have enough money.

However, Lin Fei planned to find a suitable opportunity to show his family.

A family of four waited a full two hours in the private room.

Finally, eight aunts took a girl, and she was too late to open the private room door.

Eight-aunt is a woman in her fifties. She is well dressed and has small eyes. Although she is not young, she pays attention to dressing up and puts on lipstick, showing a shrewd taste.

Behind the eight-aunt, a young woman followed.

Lin Fei looked at the woman a little, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Red twenty-four or five years old, wine-red big wavy curly hair, beautiful features, very white skin, objectively speaking, looks good.

Moreover, she knows how to make-up, she has a light eyebrow sweep, and she has silver laser eyeshadow. His eyes are watery, and there is a deliberately artificial flattery.

Moreover, Lin Fei also caught a kind of sophisticated shrewdness and smoothness in her eyes.

Young, but inadvertently, wandering in a mature style, wearing a beige Oshili dress, set off the taste of fashion and decent.

How powerful is Lin Fei's sense of consciousness, and how sharp is his thinking.

With a glance, he analyzed the woman's character clearly.

"This woman seems to be well-versed and scheming, very sophisticated.

It's definitely not suitable for the honest person like my big brother. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Lin Fei's parents and elder brother Lin Jie greeted the woman in secret.

It can be seen that both parents and elder brother are very satisfied with the woman's appearance.

Especially the eldest brother Lin Jie, who secretly looked at the woman from time to time, turned a little blush.

A family of three, pouring tea and handing water, tried to please.

However, the woman's gaze swept across Lin Fei's family of four, and there was a touch of ridicule and disdain in her eyes.

Then, instead of taking care of Lin Fei's family too much, he took out an Apple mobile phone, sent a letter to himself and played games.

But the eight aunts are very enthusiastic.

After introduction, the woman turned out to be Xiaofeng.

In the past, I had been working in Guangdong in the south, and I only returned to my hometown and county for development in the past two years. I was planning to find someone to settle down.

"Dongguan, that is a big city, it is different from our small county..."

Lin Fei's mother wanted to find a topic and talk to Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng didn't make much sense, and nodded occasionally, not even bothering to look back.

However, when it came time to order the dishes, Xiaofeng immediately became active, a jade finger dedicated to those expensive dishes. It was shocking to see Lin Fei's parents and elder brother.

After ordering, roughly calculate, this meal costs about three thousand yuan!


Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother gasped on the spot.

Only Lin Fei sneered secretly in his heart.

Lin Fei noticed that eight aunts and that Xiaofeng whispered to each other from time to time, and there was an imperceptible trace of banter in the depths of their eyes.

However, Lin Fei's parents and elder brother gritted their teeth and agreed.

"My family is really honest."

Lin Fei has warmth flowing in his heart, but in this world, honest people often suffer.

"Aunt Eighth, look, Ajie and Xiaofeng, the two of them, in the end..."

Finally, Lin Fei's mother couldn't help it, and took the eighth aunt aside and asked quietly.

Lin Fei's superb savvy, naturally heard clearly.

"Xiaofeng hinted to me just now, saying that he could socialize."

Aunt Eight replied.

"Really, that's great! Well, then, it's worth the money."

Lin Fei's mother was finally relieved.

"Ahem..., but, Xiaofeng meant, in order to prove your sincerity, you want a red envelope of eight thousand yuan.

Then, will continue to associate with Ajie.

However, in the future, when the marriage is negotiated, the eight thousand yuan will be included in the gift money. "

Eight aunts continued.

"What?! Another eight thousand yuan red envelope!"

Lin Fei's mother was shocked on the spot.

The dishes I ordered just now cost more than 3,000 yuan, and now I need another 8,000 yuan red envelope.

In this way, if you want to go on the blind date tonight, at least it will cost more than 10,000 yuan!


Suddenly, Lin Fei's mother hesitated.

"Meizi, it's not that I said you, your family, you also know it yourself, you want Xiaofeng to marry into your home without any blood, how easy is it..."

Eight-aunt is trying to persuade.

And that Xiaofeng's eyes at this moment became fierce, staring at Lin Fei's mother, as if waiting for the result.

Lin Fei's father and elder brother did not dare to say a word on the side.

Although this Xiaofeng is a good person, but now that the eight characters have not been written, at least ten thousand yuan must be used. Such a blind date, no matter what, it is a bit too much.

Lin Fei saw this scene and couldn't help but become angry.

"It seems that this woman did not come to a blind date sincerely at all, but cheated money in the name of the blind date!

Nothing, no need to play with her anymore! "

Lin Fei sneered.

So Lin Fei stood up directly, took a cup of tea, and walked to that Xiaofeng.

"Stop! What do you want to do!"

Seeing that Lin Fei's behavior was different, Na Xiaofeng couldn't help but shouted subconsciously.

"Splash you bitch."

Lin Fei smiled lightly, splashing the tea in his hand, and the tea splashed over, dampening a large area of ​​Xiaofeng's hair and clothes.

"Ah! Brat, you are looking for death!"

Xiaofeng couldn't help being furious when Lin Fei dared to pour her tea.

"What are you doing! Why do you treat Xiaofeng like this? Do you still want your eldest brother to marry a wife!"

The eight aunts were also completely angry.

"Haha, you two bitches, sing and make peace, obviously you want to cheat money and get out."

Lin Fei sneered.

"What are you talking about! Meizi, your son, is he crazy?

My kindness, your son actually slandered me like this! Too much!

Humph, Meizi, let me tell you, I have been a matchmaker in the county town for decades, and the connections in the county town are far from what you can compare. I will let you go, I promise, yours. Two sons, never think of finding a wife in this county seat! "

Eight aunts roared.

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