Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2710: First try to fight the gods

"How about, posterity, do you want to gain strong strength and dominate three thousand worlds?

As long as you invest in my sect and treat me as my ancestor, I can make your dreams come true. "

Chi You's idol said, his tone full of temptation.

Faintly, a fascinating breath radiated from the tall idol and penetrated into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

For a moment, Lin Fei's mind was disturbed, and he began to feel in a daze, and he believed in what the Chi You statue said.

"Well, if you can really dominate three thousand worlds, it seems not bad..."

Lin Fei seemed to have seen himself, standing on top of the power of three thousand worlds, commanding the world to accept the adoration of billions of creatures.

Even Lin Fei wanted to kneel down in front of Chi You's idol right away and consider him his ancestor.

"What a brilliant psychedelic technique!"

Suddenly, as Lin Fei knew the sea, the soul tree shook violently, dragging out Lin Fei's fantasy scene of scenery, making Lin Fei sober instantly.

"what is this?!"

After waking up, Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised, only to see that there was a transparent bug in the sea.

If it weren't for Lin Fei's very powerful divine consciousness, and with the help of the soul tree, it would be difficult to spot this transparent bug.

This transparent bug, like a finger, crawls next to Lin Fei's soul body, slowly creeping, moving silently, and constantly spit out dark red weird silk threads, winding around Lin Fei's soul body .

"Well, it seems that I almost fell into the psychedelic technique just now because of this transparent bug in the sea of ​​consciousness.

What kind of secret technique is this, so powerful.

It seems to be similar to the secret method of the soul race, the puppet thread.

Even I was almost caught!

Ordinary creatures can't resist it at all! "

Lin Fei carefully looked at the bug in the sea of ​​consciousness, secretly admiring it.

However, the next moment, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and on the main trunk of the soul tree, long blood-red lines shot out, densely dense, like a torrential rain, instantly surrounding the transparent bug.

The bug seemed to be shocked, turned around and fled, breaking many long **** threads.

But soon, the bug was immobile and was completely controlled.

"Hey? You descendant is a bit special. Not only is your combat power good, you can actually crack my Gu technique.

Well, posterity, I am very optimistic about you.

I'm serious. I have a love for you. As long as you can rely on me, I am confident that I can train you to become a powerful person. "

Chi You's idol, continued.

"Haha, you have said so much, you just want me to pay homage to you day and night.

Finally, let your true soul have the opportunity to come back to this plane from the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It's you who really want to dominate the three thousand worlds!

And I will only become a tool used by you then.

Just relying on the kind of Gu technique you secretly cast on me just now, I know what your peace of mind is. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Hmph, don't toast, eat fine wine.

In my capacity, it is a great honor for you to say a few more words to you!


Whether you like it or not, you can never escape from me! "

Chi You's idol said angrily.


The giant with three heads and six arms attacked Lin Fei again.

"Brothers, what are you waiting for? This kid is good. Let's go together to control him and use it for us."

The statue of Chi You screamed.


Immediately, in the ancient temple, all the statues enshrined on the gods of the three main halls began to glow and shake regularly.

Then, in each of the gods, a vague figure emerged, making a terrible scream, as if leading an army of hundreds of millions to charge in battle in the ancient battlefield.

Then, a total of eighty-one figures, at the same time slaughtered Lin Fei.

Well, all of Chi You's 81 brothers originally left a ray of remnant soul in this ancient temple, but now, all of them have appeared.

As a result, Lin Fei couldn't help but numb his scalp.

Originally, just dealing with the three-headed and six-armed giant was barely able to deal with it. Now that there are 81 more evil gods, Lin Fei estimated that he might not have been able to fight it.

"Nima, the earth, an ancient planet of life, is really not easy.

No wonder it was known as one of the birthplaces of gods in ancient times.

Outside the wilderness, in a mountain temple, there is a group of such terrifying evil spirits hidden.

If it is a mortal, if you accidentally break in and offend them, there is absolutely no place to be buried! "

Lin Fei sighed inwardly.

Just now.

Lin Fei suddenly moved in his heart, remembering the two magical skills he had learned while entering the earth not long ago.

Three styles of fighting the gods.

"The first style, the piercing style!"

Lin Fei did not hesitate, cast it directly, groaning loudly, and at the same time suddenly raised his right hand, a silver war spear appeared in his hand.

Lin Fei's space ring contained various weapons. Moreover, if Lin Fei could admire him, his rank would not be bad.

As Lin Fei urged the divine tactics, immediately, between the heaven and the earth, the infinite laws of order, turned into a series of runes, like a group of deep-sea fish, continuously converging towards the silver war spear.

call out!

The silver war spear was thrown out.

There is no big scene of surging energy, the silver war spear, flat and plain, flies towards one of the figures.

"It turned out to be the three skills of fighting the sky! Boy, what is the relationship between you and the first **** under Queen Mother of the West!"

The figure was horrified and backed desperately.

However, it was useless, the silver war spear tore through all the defenses, pierced his body, and then passed through.

"Oh no!……"

The figure screamed, then directly exploded and turned into nothingness.

"Thirty-one brother!"

The statue of Chi You and the other evil gods roared.

"It really deserves to be a god's combat skills!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"The second style, the collapse of the sky!"

Lin Fei raised the spear again and groaned loudly.

Then, the war spear was thrown out.

This time, a terrible momentum was created.

I saw a series of big explosions in the space within the temple.

It's like this space has been thrown into tens of thousands of grenades, causing continuous explosions.

"No! Go back, everyone, we are now in the state of remnant soul! Fighting the heavens with three divine skills, one of the most masculine divine skills of the year, has a huge lethal power on the remnants!"

Chi You's idol was a little panicked.

However, it was too late.

In the continuous big explosions, one after another, the evil **** figure was blown to pieces.

"Haha, how about it, it feels good.

Hmph, it's just the remnant souls of a group of evil gods, and if you want to make trouble, I will kill you all! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed and wanted to come. This second form of the collapse of the sky was displayed, and there was such a terrible power.

"The brothers tried their best to urge the formation to squeeze out this kid!"

Suddenly, the statue of Chi You let out a loud roar.

The next moment, Chi You's idol and the remaining figures burned up at the same time, bursting out bursts of terrifying energy.

The next moment, the formation of the ancient temple seemed to be completely activated, and a violent shock produced a terrible transmission force, which wrapped Lin Fei's body and slammed out of the temple gate.

Then, with a sound of the mountain temple, it disappeared in the same place, leaving only a clearing there.

"Huh! I escaped!"

Lin Fei's eyes were cold.

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