Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2716: Practice along the way


Xu Tianhuan couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard this.

He understands that since the head of the Tianshan faction speaks himself and wants to take him with him, it shows that the head of the Tianshan faction values ​​him.

Although the Xu family in the southwest is also a martial arts family, compared with the Tianshan faction, its strength and status are far behind.

Now, the Xu family in the southwest is regarded as the real Tianshan faction, and the status of the Xu family will undoubtedly soar!

The head of the Tianshan Sect personally ordered that two elders and a group of disciples of the Tianshan Sect were sent to H Province City with Xu Tianhuan.

Of course, most of the main members of the Xu family followed.

At this moment, in a karst cave in the underground world, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, facing the huge translucent dragon head.

Some time ago, Lin Fei learned the ancient geomantic art from that mountain god, and then read and comprehended a large number of ancient geomantic geography books. He had already made a qualitative leap in his cultivation of the geomantic art.

About four days later.

Lin Fei, who was cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and his hands quickly formed a strange handprint.

"Knot Seal!"

Lin Fei drank lightly.

Immediately, a series of khaki seals rushed out from between Lin Fei's palms and flew out of the huge dragon head in front.

Lin Fei was casting spells, communicating with this earth dragon.

Soon, the earth dragon reacted, and the huge dragon head began to tremble slightly.

Not only the dragon head, but also under the entire underground world, there is no idea how long the huge dragon body stretches. Every part of it began to wriggle regularly.

On the earth, looking from a distance, this mountain range, peaks, hills, and even some plains surrounding the mountains began to shake regularly.

Moreover, this kind of vibration is getting bigger and bigger.

"How is this going?!"

"It looks like an earthquake! Hurry up, get out of the house immediately!"


In and around the mountains, at this moment, many people clearly felt the large-scale vibration, and they rushed out of the house in terror.

Under the underground world.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, his hands were still forming seals quickly, and he kept releasing ocher seals.

After a long time.


Lin Fei stood up, yelled, and punched the final seal.

As the last ocher seal merged into the body of the earth dragon, the earth dragon began to calm down.

At the same moment, the mountainous area above the ground and the surrounding borders of the mountainous area began to stop shaking.

"The earthquake has stopped!

It seems that it was just a slight shock. "

"Finally it's okay, just safe."

"It's strange. Our area is not an earthquake zone at all. In history, there are very few earthquake records.

How could there be an earthquake suddenly? "

On the ground, the nearby residents all sighed lightly and talked a lot.


Lin Fei stood in front of the earth dragon, reaching out here to touch and pat there.

"It seems that this earth dragon has a short time to take shape.

Only have some very vague, seemingly unconscious consciousness, almost negligible. "

Lin Fei studied it a bit and muttered to herself.

"The dragon turns over!"

Lin Fei stretched out his foot and stomped the ground lightly, then chuckled softly.


In the underground world, the huge dragon body that stretched for many miles suddenly turned over.

In this way, above the ground, it can be lively.

The mountains, like piano keys, keep going up and down, ups and downs.

The hills, like giant earthworms moving forward, are constantly moving.

The boundless trees shook.

In the mountains, endless birds and beasts ran desperately.

"Oh my God, the earthquake has started again!"

People living in the surrounding areas also flee from the house again, desperately screaming in panic.

"Not good! The noise that came out seemed too big."

At this time, Lin Fei also sensed the situation above the ground, and smiled bitterly, a little guilty.

"Well, the dragon was successfully tied for the first time.

However, the time taken was too long.

It took a few days to succeed.

You must continue to practice and speed up. "

Lin Fei is still not satisfied.

Lin Fei flickered, leaving the underground cave, and fleeing away.

Next, Lin Fei looked for the direction of City S and walked away all the way.

Along the way, as long as you encounter an earth dragon, you will stop and practice dragon binding.

Generally speaking, only those mountains and rivers full of spiritual energy, areas where there are tracts of mountains, and under the ground, where there are a lot of strong earth energy, will there be earth dragons.

It is what the Chinese folks say, the treasure of geomantic omen.

There must be an earth dragon, and a place can be called a geomantic treasure.

The Chinese folk feng shui, the so-called hunting for dragons and acupuncture points, is actually to find the treasures of Fengshui where earth dragons exist, and find the location of the dragon's head, and then use special methods to acupuncture points.

Once the acupuncture point is clicked, it is equivalent to locking the earth dragon under the ground.

Then, the bones of the deceased were buried.

The bones of the ancestors, buried in the ground, long-term nourishment by the earth dragon, will give birth to invisible air transport, exerted on the offspring, thereby blessing the offspring.

Of course, Qi Luck belongs to another kind of mysterious energy.

Qi Luck, like faith, is a mysterious energy that is very mysterious and difficult to explain in the world.

Finally, Lin Fei came to S city.

Under the ground in S city.

"It turns out that there will be an earth dragon beneath the ground in every city.

It's no wonder that cities are densely populated places for humans, especially large cities with very important locations, which represent some kind of atmospheric transportation.

Such a place will be very rich in geography.

Because those places with poor feng shui qi and qi have no chance to develop into big cities.

At this moment, when Lin Fei stood deep underground in City S, he saw a very large earth dragon.

This earth dragon is also in a transparent state. If it weren't for Lin Fei's, a person who was successful in physiognomy, even if he came under the earth, he would not be able to see this earth dragon at all.

This is the mystery of Earth Dragon.

However, Lin Fei discovered that the earth dragon in front of him had been locked here by some kind of magic.

It is estimated that those ancient geologists did it.

Because, in the ancient times, some important cities would hire a geologist to come and choose a good day and auspicious day to hold sacrificial rituals, cast spells, and lock the dragon.

In this way, the earth dragon stays quietly underground forever, providing the city with plenty of energy and luck.

"Well, actually, the dragon-binding technique and the dragon-locking technique are almost the same principle."

Lin Fei stayed under the ground in S City, studied most of Yu, all his insights.

"Okay, go and see my own body."

In the end, Lin Fei got out of a sewer opening in the urban area of ​​S City.

After some inquiries, he clarified the location of the funeral home, and then stretched out his figure and headed towards the funeral home.

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