Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 272: Suppress the audience

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that the light ball in the dantian had absorbed part of the attack energy of the blazing sun Ziyuan Jue, it turned out to have increased in size a little bit. Although it was only a little bit larger, Lin Fei could still be very Feel clearly. "Wen   Xue Fan. ㄟ.

Well, it seems that absorbing the energy of the yang attribute is very good for the light ball in my dantian. This light ball is actually formed by condensing and transforming the strongest vitality in my body.

The larger the volume of this sphere and the more energy it has, the more refined my vitality cultivation is.

Well, since being beaten can increase my vitality cultivation base, then take this opportunity to get two more palms.

"Hahaha, I'm not a fool, I dare to win honor. What kind of **** secret skills, okay, I'm standing here now, let you play casually, see what you can do with me."

Lin Fei this is a radical approach.

Sure enough, after the shock, Jin Hanshan's face suddenly became ugly.

"I don't believe it, my scorching sun purple yuan tactic is a secret technique that teaches Xiaoyao. It is extremely powerful. It burns mountains and cooks the sea and burns everything. I don't believe it can't kill you!"




One after another, the purple palms with large grinding disks slammed down where Lin Fei was. The heat wave emptied and the temperature was astonishing.





There were bursts of explosions and clusters of small mushroom clouds completely concealing Lin Fei's figure.

The hall was full of scorching smell, the heat wave was rolling, the high temperature was pressing, and everyone was sweating like rain.

a long time……

In the area under the bombardment, the steamed water vapor and white smoke lingered, and no one appeared.

Jin Hanshan stared at the area blocked by the white smoke and water vapor, for fear that in the next moment, he would see Lin Fei's shadow stepping out of it.

However, after four or five breaths, no one appeared.

"This time, that kid should be dead."

"I think that kid must be dead, otherwise, it would be really unreasonable."

Try to keep the volume down as much as possible, and it sounded quietly.

After more than a dozen breaths, the white smoke dissipated, and on the floor of the hall, there was a person lying impressively, like a piece of burnt wood, it was Lin Fei!

"Hahahahahaha, mad in front of me, I thought, how capable you boy are, why not mad, hahaha, thought that with a few brute force, you can be mad in front of me. of!"

Jin Hanshan's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, suddenly bursting out crazy laughter, and restored the domineering aura.

"Hehe, this arrogant kid is finally dead."

"In fact, the strength of this kid is pretty good, but, unfortunately, he offended Jin Hanshan."

"Yes, it is definitely not a weak person who can kill the intermediate level existence in a second, but it is a pity..."

Many young warriors who watched the battle in the hall talked.

"This..., unexpectedly, Lin Fei will still lose to Jin Hanshan after all."

Seeing this situation, Qin Ping, who had been watching the battle, shook his head helplessly, a little disappointed in his heart. He originally had high hopes for Lin Fei, thinking that with Lin Fei's strength, he should be able to win a place in the Profound Underworld. Unexpectedly, it is still overestimated.

Cough cough

A few coughs, and it sounded softly, the sound was not loud, but it was clearly audible, and the martial artist who was there was clearly heard in the ear.

Looking for reputation.

"Yes, yes, it's worthy of the secret technique of Xiaoyao Teaching, it's still quite powerful, but, unfortunately, you just have a glimpse of the door."

Lin Fei, who was full of scorch on the floor and smoked, suddenly got up and reached out to pat the soot on his body.

The gaze at Jinhan Mountain was full of sarcasm.

He was hit four or five times in succession by the scorching sun Ziyuan Jue, and he was not dead yet!

In the hall, the eyeballs almost rolled all over the floor, full of stunned eyes.


Jin Hanshan looked at Lin Fei, his expression was like a ghost, he wanted to say something, but his throat was tightly choked by a shaped hand, and it could only make a roar like an owl.


Lin Fei spit out a mouthful of blood.

I took a few hard palms, and it was really painful. It seemed that I was also injured. However, the light ball in the pubic area also gained a lot of benefits. It absorbed a lot of yang energy, and its volume also increased by a thumb. The size of the volume.

"Well, if I don't play with you anymore, I said that if I blow you up, I will never break my promise."

As Lin Fei said, his figure moved, whistling, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

The next moment, he appeared directly in front of Jinhan Mountain, who had not yet awakened from the shocked state.

Then, a fist wrapped a huge force of 10,000 jin and blasted out directly. Even the air was directly torn apart from the sound of creaking friction.


Jin Hanshan had lost his momentum, he was full of frustration and horror, only to see a fist with violent power, instantly enlarged in his pupils, and crushed!

next moment…


Lin Fei slammed Jin Hanshan's chest with a fist, knocked him volley and threw him.

When it comes to power, Jin Hanshan is far worse than Lin Fei. At this moment, it is impossible to withstand Lin Fei's close-up punches and kicks!


Jinhan Mountain in mid-air, hit another punch!

Between the electric light and flint...


Lin Fei withdrew his right leg like lightning, breaking through the air, making a heart-piercing howl, kicking Jinhanshan sandbags tens of meters away, directly smashing a wall of the hall, and falling to the ground in the garden outside, convulsing and convulsing. He vomited blood and wanted to get up, but couldn't get up after all.


Lin Fei flicked his nails and said frivolously.

Several young martial artists who had joined the Jinhan Mountain and had already formed a group wanted to rush up to do it, but after all they didn't dare, so they had to **** out and help Jinhan Mountain.

The audience was silent!

Lin Fei's face was domineering and vertical, his eyes swept across the audience, but anyone who came into contact with Lin Fei's gaze did not dare to look directly at him, a little chilly.

"So, next, who else is not convinced and wants to suppress those who drive me, just stand up early and let me blow up!"

In the silence of the audience, Lin Fei Senhan's voice sounded.

This Jin Hanshan had already negotiated with a dozen young warriors with a higher cultivation level in advance, to suppress Lin Fei, kill chickens and respect monkeys at this banquet, and take the opportunity to drive some young warriors from the palace of the little prince.

However, at this time, the dozen or so young warriors who had conspired in advance knew that this time, they had stepped onto the iron plate.

No one can think of this result.

A arrogant look, with a sharp sword wrapped in black cloth behind his back, a black-clothed young man with a gleaming sword in his eyes, his eyes flashed, and the sword energy all over his body wanted to rise to the sky for a while, but it was immediately suppressed. , Stared at Lin Fei, but after all, he still didn't stand up.

A young man with dark skin, pitted face and a hideous expression also gave Lin Fei a fierce look, but did not stand up.

A young man in white, with his hands on his back, with a cool air, kept looking at Lin Fei.

A young man with a full sky, a straight nose, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes, also revealed a superior sense of superiority everywhere. He also looked at Lin Fei coldly and did not act.

A young girl with snow-white skin, beautiful and charming, looked at Lin Fei curiously, and her eyes flashed with hidden splendor from time to time.


The dozen or so young warriors with the strongest strength in this game did not act, and the rest of the warriors were silent.

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