Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2743: Contact the headquarters

"I do belong to the ancient times on earth, but what is my identity?

I forgot it myself. "

The old man said, his eyes a little confused.


Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Little friend, I believe you can see that my current state is just a remnant soul."

The old man sighed and said.

Lin Fei nodded. Naturally, Lin Fei had already noticed this.

"In ancient times, I seemed to have participated in a great battle. In that battle, I was cut by a sword repairer, my soul was scattered, and I died on the spot.

Fortunately, I cultivated into a demon body at the time, and my flesh was very tough, so I was not destroyed.

However, I don't know why, my body will be locked on the altar in this underground palace, imprisoned forever.

Later, I don't know how many years passed. In my physical body, a trace of surviving soul light gradually recovered and became who I am now.

It can be said that I am extremely incomplete now.

Therefore, I don't know what my identity is, why I participated in that battle, who killed me, and why my body was suppressed here. "

The old man's tone was extremely confused, as if he had fallen into a state of trying to remember.

However, he couldn't think of anything.

"So that's the case."

Under Lin Fei's sense of consciousness, he found that although this old man was very strong, he was indeed incomplete and extremely incomplete.

Lin Fei carefully inspected the huge dragon corpse on the altar, and saw that there was a sharp sword scar on the dragon's head, with deep bones visible.

An extremely terrifying sword intent radiated from the wound.

The source of the terrifying sword qi in this underground palace is the wound on Jiao's head.

Obviously, this Jiao was killed by a sword.

Moreover, after a long period of time, the sword intent of that sword still survived.

"The sword cultivator who killed you back then, his cultivation in kendo is really terrifying."

Lin Fei sighed sincerely.

"Judging from this sword, that sword repairer must already be fascinated by kendo."

The old man nodded.


Lin Fei felt the terrifying sword intent from the wound on Jiao's head, a little fascinated.

In the end, Lin Fei didn't have any conflict with this old man, but bid him farewell, took the rest of the Sun Moon God Sect, left the underground palace and returned to the ground.

This old man was just an extremely incomplete remnant soul, knew nothing, and had nothing to do with Sun Moon God Sect, Lin Fei didn't have to embarrass him.

"You usually have some way to contact the headquarters.

Now, immediately send a message to report what happened in this base to the headquarters.

Moreover, it must be specifically pointed out that I was the seed selected for that experiment, and now I am back alive. "

Lin Fei said coldly to the congregation.

Under Lin Fei's intimidation, the congregation had no choice but to do so, leading Lin Fei to a mountain range, in front of an ancient Buddhist platform.

On the altar, there is a fist-sized blue crystal ball.

A slender middle-aged man walked up to the dharma platform and knelt down for a while, as if performing a simple prayer ritual, then he stretched out his hand to press the crystal ball.


The crystal ball bloomed with bright blue light and rose into the sky.

After a while, an illusory figure appeared above the crystal ball.

This figure, shrouded in a black robe, shaped like a water wave, constantly rippling, seemed very mysterious.

"It turns out that in this crystal ball, there is a space-time transmission array. As long as it is activated, the transmitted sound and video can be received."

Lin Fei saw it at a glance.

"Contact the headquarters for something."

The figure in the black robe asked in a loud voice, a bit old, it should be an old man.

The middle-aged man quickly reported what happened in this stronghold according to Lin Fei's intention.

Immediately, in the black robe, the sharp light burst, two sharp eyes staring at Lin Fei.

"Are you really the selected seed back then? Now, are you back alive?!"

The figure in the robe asked with excitement.

"Not bad.

I will come back to liquidate your Sun Moon God Sect.

I guess you are also very interested in me, right?

Moreover, as long as I carry these jade badges on my body, it is not difficult for you to find me. "

Lin Fei took a step forward and took out a handful of identity jade badges, which were all found from the congregation.

"Haha, young man, I don't know how high the sky is, but I want to provoke my teaching.

However, you are right. We are very interested in you.

Okay, wait, we will come to you soon. "

The figure in the black robe burst out laughing.

"I am waiting for you."

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and then blasted a punch in the air, and a fierce fist wind blasted the crystal ball on the altar to pieces.

Then, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, sensing the remaining congregation.

With Lin Fei's divine consciousness, he can perceive the thinking, thoughts, attitudes, and even some secret thoughts deep in his heart.

Because Lin Fei's realm of divine consciousness was much higher than these congregants.

For these congregants, Lin Fei is actually a real fairy.

"Anyone who is fierce and evil will die today."

Lin Fei's voice was cold, and then he shot mercilessly.

Any religious congregation who was caught by Lin Fei's spiritual sense and had great evil thoughts was immediately killed.

The puff sounded endlessly. Every time Lin Fei pointed out, he would shatter the head of a congregation, splashing blood and brains, and spilling on the ground. One after another, dead bodies fell on the ground.

In the end, there were only more than a hundred congregants, squeezed back to back, their feet weakened and their faces pale in fright.

These congregants, Lin Fei sensed that they didn't have any big evil deeds or big evil thoughts, so forgive them and not kill them.

After killing the people, Lin Fei shook his figure and walked outside. In a moment, he left the area covered by the space formation.

Lin Fei carried hundreds of identity jade plaques, and these identity jade plaques had the function of positioning.

If someone from the Sun Moon God Sect headquarters finds it, they only need to sense the location of these identity jade medals, and then Lin Fei can be found.

Lin Fei knew that the people at the headquarters of the Sun Moon God Sect would definitely come to him.

"Thank God, that terrible Killing Star finally left!"

After Lin Fei left, the remaining congregants in that stronghold were relieved one by one. After some discussions, they decided to withdraw from the Sun Moon God Sect and find a hidden mountain forest to clean up.

Almost all of these congregations were ordinary birds and beasts, cultivated into spirits, and then they were recruited by the Sun Moon God Sect.

Today's experience has completely frightened them. From now on, it is estimated that they will not dare to ask questions about the situation.

After leaving the Sun Moon God Sect stronghold, Lin Fei once again escaped under the ground of Wuyi Mountain to observe and study the five earth dragons.

Especially after those dark and evil spirits made Lin Fei very curious.

These strong evil spirits not only completely immersed the five earth dragons, but also spread to the bottom of the entire Wuyi Mountain, affecting the geographical atmosphere of this area.

Originally, it was a beautiful cave with heaven and earth, but now it has become a land of demons.

Lin Fei understood that something earth-shattering must have happened here.

Lin Fei studied the method of geography in the end, so he was particularly interested and wanted to find out.

However, no matter how Lin Fei studied, he had no clue.

Finally, Lin Fei received a message from a jade slip on Lin Fei's body.

"It seems that they are from the Tianshan Sect. I have found them."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Lin Fei once left a piece of jade slip for transmission at home. As long as someone broke into the house, Lin Fei could receive the message immediately.

"The Tianshan school is known as one of the top super-large sects in China. Well, let’s go for a while and see how these traditional large sects in China are."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

This time, Lin Fei returned to the earth, the biggest purpose is to find his family.

Now the family has been found.

Lin Fei understood that he could not stay on the earth for too long. After all, in the outside world, there were still many things waiting for him to do.

However, before leaving the earth, Lin Fei planned to take a moment to study the martial arts world on the earth to see if it is related to the gods of the ancient times.

So Lin Fei took out the void ship and headed back to his hometown of Qing'an County.

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