Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2779:  Plain Ambush

"It's okay, seniors, don't worry.

No matter what he is, I can kill them with a single blow. "

Lin Fei smiled disdainfully.

When everyone heard Lin Fei's words, they couldn't help being shocked, wondering why Lin Fei was so confident.

They felt that even if Lin Fei's strength was strong, he should not be able to fight against nuclear bombs in his body.

If it is hidden, touched it quietly, and then suddenly attacked the headquarters of the Western Church, that would be fine.

But now he is so upright, rushing unhurriedly, completely exposing himself to the supervision of the Western Church.

This is exactly a living target!

People shoot a few nuclear bombs randomly, and the trouble is big.

"Don't worry, everyone, I promise everyone will be safe, including myself."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Master, I believe you!"

Suddenly, Yu'er clenched a pink fist and expressed support for Lin Fei.

During this period of time, Lin Fei had long become an invincible and omnipotent hero in her eyes.

"This..., well, little friend Lin Fei, since you insist..., then be careful."

Although Shanshen and others were still uneasy, seeing Lin Fei's attitude, they knew it was useless to persuade them.

At this time, Lin Fei had come to the edge of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.


Lin Fei looked forward with a sneer.

In front of it was an open plain area. Under Lin Fei's divine consciousness perception, it could be found that people were everywhere.

Moreover, these people are fully armed, with submachine guns, grenades, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, shoulder missiles... everything.

Lin Fei roughly estimated that the number of mercenaries ambushed on this open plain would be at least 7,000 or 8,000 even if there were not more than 10,000.

Of course, these mercenaries belong to different groups, and each group is lying in ambush in different positions.

Each gang dug their own trenches, hid in the trenches, and waited for the target to appear.

The Western Church had already pre-judged Lin Fei's route and published it on some underground world websites.

This plain area was considered the only way for Lin Fei.

Therefore, there are a lot of mercenary groups here in advance.

On this vast plain, in one of the hidden underground trenches.

"Boss, kill an Oriental, there will be a reward of 5 billion US dollars. I have been a mercenary for so long, this is the first time I have encountered it.

Is this a bit unreliable?

Is one person worth 5 billion dollars? "

A brawny man with bare arms and a hideous wolf head tattooed on his chest, carrying a missile on his shoulder and a cigar in his mouth, asked roughly.

Beside him, there are almost three hundred heavily armed men who are checking their weapons.

Poison Wolf Mercenary Group!

The Poison Wolf Mercenary Group’s equipment is top-notch, including Humvees, armored vehicles, heavy machine guns, bazookas, and shoulder missiles.

More importantly, every member of the regiment is a master of martial arts, each with amazing strength.

Modern technological sophisticated weapons, and a group of martial arts masters, created the famous poison wolf mercenary group.

Ranked No. 2 on the list of international mercenaries, it belongs to a large mercenary group. It is extremely powerful. Governments around the world are very afraid of this poison wolf mercenary group.

"Just received reliable news, the bounty is not 5 billion US dollars, but has risen to 10 billion US dollars."

The head of the poison wolf mercenary group, Hans said.


Hearing that, all the members of the Poison Wolf Mercenary Group couldn't help taking a cold breath and felt very shocked.

"Moreover, Burren, if you know who the publisher of this mission is, you won't doubt its authenticity."

The head smiled slightly.

"Oh? Who is it?"

The brawny man who asked before was taken aback and asked.

"This task was personally assigned by the high priest of the church."

The head slowly said.

The high priest of the church!

Every member of the team was shocked, and there was no doubt.

These members are all martial arts masters, and they know well how high the status and power of the high priest of the Western church is.

"Mah, I live and die in the Middle East, earning up to several million dollars a year.

Kill one person now and you will get 10 billion dollars!

Even if the opponent is the great master of the Eastern martial arts world, or even the legendary land immortal, what about the power of the profound realm, we will rush up and we must divide him! "

The brawny man named Burren slapped his feet.


All the members of the group screamed.

"There is a situation!"

Suddenly, a member of the group who was spying in the distance with a telescope yelled softly.

Immediately, all the members of the regiment quickly set up their weapons, set up their formations, and stared forward.

At the same time, except for the poison wolf mercenary group, on this open plain, all the mercenary groups found that there was a situation and entered a state of preparing for battle.

At the end of the plain, a young oriental man with ordinary clothes, black hair and black eyes, was walking in the sky.

Behind the young man, a dozen figures followed, some stepping on flying magic weapons, and some riding holy beasts, all flying.

"It's him! The goal of our mission this time is the Easterner named Lin Fei!"

Immediately, on the plain, countless telescopes were aimed at Lin Fei.

Before the action, Lin Fei's appearance had long been deeply imprinted in the minds of many mercenaries.

"Little friend Lin Fei, there are many mercenaries waiting for us on this plain.

It seems that the allure of a $10 billion bounty is too great. "

The mountain **** was riding on the back of a pterosaur, followed Lin Fei, and said with a wry smile.

On the way, Lin Fei beheaded a large number of paladins and Western warriors, and seized many flying magic weapons and holy beasts.

Yuer and others, almost everyone, were assigned a flying magic weapon, or a flying holy beast.

"It's normal for people to die for money and birds to die for food.

However, the 10 billion yuan bounty, I am afraid they will never earn it. "

Lin Fei sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei moved forward and strode forward.

"Strike first, fire!"

"Do it, kill him first!"


On the plain, there were shouts of shouts.

Every mercenary group, every mercenary, wants to be one step ahead, kill Lin Fei, and get a reward.

next moment.

Almost all weapons aimed at Lin Fei and opened fire.

Machine guns, blocking guns, rocket launchers, shoulder missiles...

The entire plain boiled completely.

Countless bullets, rockets, and missiles dragged a long tail of fire, densely packed, like locusts passing through the sky, screaming at Lin Fei.

"Be careful!"

Looking at this terrible scene, Yu'er, Mountain God and others were shocked.


In the blink of an eye, the sky full of bullets, rockets, and small missiles flooded Lin Fei and then exploded.

The world began to shake.

Everyone's eyes only saw violent explosions, shrapnel in the sky, scorching heat, tumbling gun smoke, and distorted space, but Lin Fei was no longer visible.

Because Lin Fei's figure has been buried in the smoke of the sky.

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