Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2781: Modern weapons of war

In this battle, there were more than one hundred mercenary groups, and thousands of them were killed by Lin Fei.

Among them, there are also many world-class mercenaries like the poison wolf mercenary group!

The news spread, and the entire underground world of the earth was boiling.

Countless people in the international mercenary world and the East and West martial arts world were shocked and couldn't believe this was the truth.

You know, those powerful mercenary groups are not only equipped with extremely sophisticated modern weapons, but many of their members are themselves well-known martial arts masters.

Now it was actually destroyed by the group.

"It's really strong."

In the headquarters of the Western Church, the cardinal stared at the battle scene displayed on the large LCD screen with a gloomy expression.

Beside, the black servant stood.

"If these mercenary groups cannot intercept him, then the next step is to let the generals of all countries use weapons of war.

I really want to see how strong this Lin Fei can be. "

The cardinal said slowly.

"High priest, I guess, no matter how strong he is, once he uses warplanes, warships, and nuclear bombs, he will definitely die.

Don’t we want to capture him alive? "

The black servant asked.

"You underestimated him, wait and see.

Well, if he is really strong enough, I have to consider whether to recruit him and let him serve for our court in the future. "

The cardinal smiled suddenly.

"To recruit him?

He seems to have a great hatred of our western church. I'm afraid it is difficult to solicit. "

Said the black servant.

"Nothing is impossible, we just pay a price that is enough to make him move."

The cardinal said slowly.

Lin Fei took Yu'er and others and continued westward.

Along the way, I encountered more mercenary groups.

Lin Fei didn't talk too much nonsense, all those who blocked the road in front were killed with one palm.

"The latest news, the Heavenly Spider Mercenary Group, ranked fourth in the Underground World, has been wiped out!"

"The third-ranked Sombra Mercenary Group is almost destroyed.

It is said that there is only the head of the regiment, there is a family magic weapon to save his life, he was beaten half disabled, and luckily survived! "

"The most feared XI terrorist group in the Middle East!"

"The Scorpio Organization in North Africa!"


One after another, news of the world's top mercenary groups and armed elements were being destroyed.

"This Oriental is not a human being, but a devil! A life-threatening devil who came out of Shura hell!"

Everyone who heard the news was extremely shocked.

The coast of the Black Sea.

Several large aircraft carriers are docked. In addition, there is a warship that looks mighty and mighty from a distance.

A fighter plane flies by at low altitude from time to time.

Raptor fighters, Typhoon fighters, Lightning fighters, Rafale fighters, all carrying many missiles and weapons, patrol the Black Sea.

On one of the aircraft carriers.

The generals of the Western countries sat around a large round table.

"Everyone, just received a notice from the high priest, let us be prepared.

That oriental young man is coming soon! "

A general said loudly.

The generals of other countries are all refreshed.

They have been waiting here for more than a day, and now the goal is finally about to appear.

"What is the origin of this Oriental.

Is it worth it to deploy such a big battle against one person?

You know, the power we are using now is enough to fight a medium-sized war! "

One of the generals couldn't help asking.

"Major General George, it doesn't matter how much power is used, whether it is worth it or not.

It is important that you understand that all of this is an order from the high priest himself.

If you have any questions, ask the high priest yourself. "

An elderly white-haired general said lightly.

"Ahem..., I just talk about it casually, don't take it seriously."

Major General George was taken aback, where he would dare to ask again.

Don't think he is a major general of a country, but in front of the high priest of the church, nothing counts.

The high priest of the church is so powerful in the Western world that it is beyond imagination.

In the past few days, due to an order from the high priest, politicians from various countries in the West have attached great importance to it and have taken action.

From this alone, we can see how terrifying the power and influence of the high priest are.

"Ahead is the Black Sea, and across the Black Sea, it is the hinterland of Europe, and the headquarters of the Western Church is coming soon.

However, in the Black Sea, there seems to be a big meal waiting for me. "

Lin Fei took Yu'er and the others, unhurriedly, came to the shore of the Black Sea and looked at the vast sea ahead.

"Little friend Lin Fei, this Black Sea has always been a military powerhouse. The Soviet Union, Russia, and the European Union are heavily guarded here.

We pass here, and it is very likely that we will encounter warships and military aircraft from Western countries.

You must be careful. "

Old Man Ta Xue said to Lin Fei, a little worried.

After all, as a warrior in the Age of Dominance, no matter how powerful he is, he will feel profoundly powerless when facing advanced war weapons such as warships, fighter planes, and nuclear bombs.

Lin Fei's divine power was far away.

"Warships, fighter planes, they are already ready, waiting for me."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Other people's divine consciousness was weak and could not be perceived, but Lin Fei's divine consciousness was so powerful that he had already clearly perceive all the situations.

"What?! Waiting for us!"

Old man Ta Xue and others were all surprised.

"Don't be afraid, I am here.

Let's go, I really want to see how powerful these most advanced weapons of war on earth are.

Hope it won't let me down. "

Lin Fei didn't care about it at all, looked extremely calm, and walked forward.

The others smiled bitterly at each other.

However, everyone could see that Lin Fei had made up his mind and could not persuade him at all.

As a result, everyone had to bite the bullet, followed closely behind Lin Fei, and began to cross the sea.

"Found the target! Request an attack!"


In the sky, fighter planes roared, and in space, one by one monitoring satellites accurately positioned Lin Fei's position.

On the aircraft carrier, the generals of various countries sitting around the round table are all refreshed.

"Dear High Priest, the target has reached the Black Sea and is crossing the sea, whether to launch an attack."

The gray-haired general pressed a button on the desktop in front of him.


Ten seconds later, the voice of the high priest sounded.

"Attention everyone, attack immediately!"

The white-haired general gave an order.


Several missiles, like sharp swords that pierced the sky, rose from the surface of the sea, whizzing towards the location of Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei took Yu'er and the others, flying forward over the boundless sea.

Lin Fei volleyed on foot.

Yu'er and others, some stepped on flying magic weapons, and some rode various holy beasts.

"Hmm! Have you finally launched an attack!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure stopped, Bing Han looked towards the sky and sneered.

"You advance into the void ship, wait for safety, and then come out."

Lin Fei said to Yuer and others.

After speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand and sent out a gentle force, which rolled up the crowd and sent them into the void ship.

"come on."

Lin Fei looked at the end of the sky with sharp eyes.

The war is about to start!

Lin Fei, the most advanced modern war weapon on earth!

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