Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2783:  Missile Rain Attack

Bang bang!

The two severed fighter planes exploded high in the sky, and smoke billowed.

"Damn it!"

On the aircraft carrier, the generals of various countries witnessed this scene and were extremely frightened.

You know, this time all countries dispatched the most advanced and most expensive fighters, and the loss of any one would be extremely painful.

"No, look, that sword has slashed towards the next fighter plane again!"

A general pointed to the large LCD screen in the hall and shouted.

In the sky above the boundless ocean, a flying sword tore through the void like a bolt of lightning and rushed towards another fighter plane.

In the rear, thousands of white sword auras spread like a peacock.

"Shoot! Shoot down that flying sword!"

"Aim at that oriental man and shoot!"


Over the Black Sea, there were hundreds of fighter planes, either aimed at Lin Fei, or at Feijian, and launched their attacks, and missiles came roaring in.

Bang bang...

Almost at his fingertips, the flying sword was as fast as lightning, slicing dozens of fighters in succession.


The speed of the flying sword was too fast. While slashing those fighters, it also slammed the incoming missiles into a blast.

"How can this Oriental's method be so powerful!"

"That flying sword seems to be the flying sword in the legend of the Eastern Kingdom!"

The generals of various countries were thrilled looking at the fighter plane that exploded in the sky.

"The flying sword technique handed down from the Chinese nation is really powerful."

In the distance, Lin Fei stood high in the air and nodded in satisfaction.

"Back, all the fighters, all back, don't get too close to that Easterner, so as not to be injured by his flying sword!"

On the aircraft carrier, the generals of various countries all began to speak to their own fighter pilots.

In the previous wave of attacks, fighters from all countries suffered losses.

"All fighters, after getting a distance from the Easterner, they can shoot from a distance! At the same time, order the navy to join the battle!"

"Use a nuclear bomb, we can't wait any longer! If we wait any longer, our losses will get bigger and bigger!"

The generals of all countries are anxious.

At this moment, the scene that took place over the Black Sea has long been captured by the satellites of various governments.

In particular, several major countries with military satellites in the world have all focused their attention on the Black Sea and sky.

This is the first time that a martial artist has headed against the modern army!

Originally, today's earth is in the era of the end of the law, and the martial arts practitioners are weak and choose to retreat.

The technological civilization is advanced, and a modern army with fighter planes, warships, and nuclear bombs rule the earth.

However, now, over the Black Sea, a warrior, single-handedly, confronted modern military forces.

High-level figures in the governments of various countries are closely watching and want to see whether the warriors win or the modern military forces win!


On the sea, after the navies of various countries received the order, the guns on the destroyers fired one after another.

This time, the warships gathered in the Black Sea are all very advanced.


The sharp artillery shells that pierced the sky, like a chain of fire, shot towards Lin Fei.

The high-altitude fighter, after a certain distance from Lin Fei, fired again.

This piece of world, like a bullet rain.

It can be said that this wave of attacks is much more powerful than the first wave just now.


An unusually sharp voice fell from the sky.

As soon as Lin Fei looked up, he saw a missile that was more than ten meters long, flying at an extremely fast speed like a **** of thunder landing in the sky.

This missile exudes a terrible atmosphere.

"This is..., a ground penetrating missile?"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

In the past, when he was still living on the earth, Lin Fei was more interested in some advanced military weapons in the world, and would often browse some military websites on the Internet.

Therefore, Lin Fei has some understanding of some advanced weapons.

The so-called ground-penetrating missiles are special missiles that have great penetrating power and are designed to attack underground equipment.

It is said that the most advanced ground-penetrating missile can penetrate forty to fifty meters of reinforced concrete and destroy the nuclear facilities below.


Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the flying sword rushed past like lightning, like shooting into the sky, instantly exploding the missile in the sky.

"Nuclear bomb!"

Lin Fei suddenly narrowed his eyes, staring at a missile that was as thick as a truck from a distance and flew in the distance.

Even Lin Fei frowned at the fluctuations emitted by this missile.

However, with Feijian, Lin Fei didn't need to resist.


Feijian slashed in the past, slashing on the nuclear bomb at an extremely fast speed.


The explosion of the nuclear bomb, the possible shock wave of energy, spread in all directions.

Standing in the distance, Lin Fei could also feel the terrible energy wave, rolling over, her hair and clothes all over, hunting and dancing.


Whoosh whoosh...

Countless sharp whistles came from the sky, the ground, and the sea.

Cruise missiles were fired from the major destroyers.

A series of surface-to-surface missiles fired from numerous military bases along the Black Sea.

Supersonic missiles were fired from fighter jets dozens of kilometers away.

Even under the sea, there are torpedoes shot by submarines, rushing out of the sea.

The armed forces of various countries collectively launched a frenzied attack, the sea, land and air, the trinity, all shot together.

The terrifying scene of the earth breaking apart made everyone watching the battle belittle it.

"Haha... I see how many missiles that Dongfang boy can block!"

On the aircraft carrier, the generals all laughed.

"High priest, do you think Lin Fei can stop this wave of missile rain?"

In the headquarters of the Western Church, the black servant asked the cardinal.

"It is hard to say that this wave of attacks basically represents the most powerful military attack in the world today.

Not to mention a warrior, even a big country, under such a terrible attack, it is estimated that it will have to destroy the country.

However, if Lin Fei can withstand this wave of attacks, it means that his combat power is much more terrifying than we estimated. "

The cardinal sighed lightly.

"Well, here's the highlight."

Lin Fei looked at the sea, land and air in the three directions, and the missile rain was overwhelming, and he understood that this should be the strongest attack by the other party.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, Feijian's speed increased, and it turned into a streamer and quickly cut out, which could not be caught by the naked eye.


Over the Black Sea, a group of amazing and beautiful sparks burst out instantly.

Smoke billowed, space was distorted, and the whole world was completely boiling.

In fact, so many missiles have exploded, so that all satellites are directly blinded and can no longer monitor and get any pictures.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the space where smoke billowed and the noise shook the sky.

"This time, it should be able to blow up the Oriental."

Many people swallowed subconsciously, guessing.

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