Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2798:  Divine Essence

Lin Fei noticed that the people from three thousand worlds had arrived one after another, and immediately noticed that the power of divine consciousness was released, and they felt one by one.

However, no trace of Azi, Tianshending and others were found.

"I don't know, Zi and the others, what is going on.

Nothing should happen..."

Lin Fei was even more worried.

At this time, the people from the underworld, the gods, and other great gangs all came to the westernmost end of the continent, looked for bunkers and lurked, and then stared at the huge millstone in the distance and the old Taoist standing before the millstone.

"Everyone is ready, when I give an order, I will immediately go up and grab the chance of the gods!"

"One by one, the chance of the gods will appear soon."

"God's chance, finally coming!"


Suddenly, Lin Fei heard a few such voices from the crowds.

"Is the chance of the gods coming soon?

How did those people who are in the line know?

Could it be that they already knew something...? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but wondered in secret.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising.

The powerful traditions in the three thousand worlds have been passed down for a long time. Some old antiques in the sect have survived for a long time. Perhaps they have heard of this heaven and human world a long time ago, maybe.

"For the Lord God to protect the law, we must not let the evil spirits from the outside disturb the Lord God to live on the other side!"

Soon, the army of the eight tribes of Tianlong also arrived. The eight armies, one army lined up, protected the surroundings of the old Taoist.


The giant wheel of reincarnation was spinning, and the low voice slowly echoed between the heaven and the earth.

Before grinding, the old Taoist stood motionless for a long time.

"On the way to life, the blood is mournful, the other side ends, and you will always enjoy bliss."

Suddenly, the old Taoist slowly sang this sentence, and then ascended to the sky, step by step to the millpan.

"Success and failure, right now!"

The old Taoist seemed to have made a great determination and roared up to the sky.

Then, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he stepped into the hole of the millstone and slowly fell into the depth of the hole.

This process is very slow.

His body fell into the depth of the hole inch by inch.

next moment.


The soles of his feet began to be crushed by the grinding disc, the flesh was broken and the bones were cracked, and blood flowed out. This blood contained the most original divine energy.

Then came his little feet, which began to be crushed slowly.

As the old Taoist's body was continuously crushed, countless brilliant and dazzling energy spots flew out from the grinding disc holes.

At the same time, a chain of disciplined laws of order rushed out of the old Taoist's body and floated between heaven and earth.

Countless energy light spots, chain of laws, all emit a sacred luster, densely packed, floating between the world.


The old man roared in pain.

The reincarnation grinding disc, while grinding the flesh, also grinds the soul body, which is very terrifying.

"Those energy light spots are the most original divine essence in the life of a god.

Those chain of laws are the laws of heaven and earth controlled by gods.

If you can absorb refining, the effect is unimaginable! "

Suddenly, someone couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"It makes sense!"

Everyone who heard this sentence was refreshed, and even got a little short of breath.

As a result, each martial artist immediately began to operate their own magic arts, absorbing the energy light spots that drifted over.

And that chain of clever laws.

"Haha, I can absorb it! It feels great!

I just absorbed a little bit of the essence of divine nature, it is worth my usual thousands of years of hard work! "

"Hi! My body is full of power now, and my combat power has instantly increased by more than ten times!"

"Ah! Great! My realm has not been broken for tens of thousands of years!

Now it's just a chain of gods' laws that has been refined, and he has an epiphany, and he will soon break through! "


Many warriors yelled on the spot, showing ecstatic expressions.

After they have absorbed some divine essence, and those law chains, they can feel that their own strength is instantly improving at a terrifying speed!

As a result, one by one absorbed refining frantically.

Not only are the three thousand people in the world like this, but the army of the eight tribes is also undergoing absorption and refinement.

"Brother Lin, we also seize the opportunity to absorb and refine some.

This is the energy and law of the gods. "

The demon prince said to Lin Fei, he teleported all the people on the plane of the sky demon from the magic weapon of space.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei also sent Yu'er and others out of the slave tower with a thought.

"This is an opportunity for the gods, everyone quickly seize the opportunity and absorb and refine some."

Lin Fei used divine consciousness to transmit sound and told Yuer and others about the situation.

Then, Lin Fei took Yu'er and the others and sat down cross-legged, ready to absorb and refine the energy light spots and the law chain that had drifted over.

at this time.

"Ah! No, my body seems to explode!

How is this going? ! "

Suddenly, a man cried out in horror.

Everyone was startled and looked over.

I saw that the man's body, like an inflated balloon, was rapidly inflating.


Within half a breath, the man's body exploded into a cloud of blood.

"No, my body seems to explode too!

I have absorbed so many divine essences, my strength has surged, and my future is unlimited. Why is this happening? I am not willing! "

In the miserable cry, another person's body was directly exploded.

Puff puff……

Next, there were thousands of warriors in a row, their bodies exploded one after another, like blossoming blood flowers.

These blasted warriors had all been desperately absorbing the essence of divine nature and the law chain just now, and they were the craziest and fastest batch.

This scene made everyone stunned and frightened.

"I understand, the energy contained in these divine essences and the chain of laws at the level of gods is terrifying.

With our realm of strength, we can't absorb too much, otherwise, with our physical quality, we will not be able to dress up at all, and we will burst and die! "

Suddenly, someone yelled.

"Not bad!"

All people suddenly realized that this truth is actually very simple.

It's just that all the people just now were a little crazy and lost their reason.

So, next, the rest of the people began to be cautious, and no longer dared to absorb too much divine essence and law chain.

Some weak warriors even stopped after only absorbing a divine essence, or a chain of laws.

"Yu'er, you few, each of you can only absorb one divine essence, or a chain of laws, otherwise, with your strength, you will definitely explode and die, know if you don't."

Lin Fei said to Yu'er, Shanshen and others.

"Master, I understand."

Yu'er spit out fragrant tongue at Lin Fei.

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