Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 281: One hundred thousand yuan spar

Escape from the Valley of Shadows and Souls, until entering the imperial capital, Lin Fei kept the goblin in Azi's magic beads in order to avoid people's eyes. . .

At this time, this little guy, who had stayed in the magic beads for so long, was obviously very bored, and was protesting this inhumane practice to Lin Fei.

In desperation, in order to appease the goblin’s emotions, Lin Fei took out two crystal stones with a terrifying vitality content from his spatial ring, handed them to the goblin, and the goblin took them. This calmed down and shouted joyfully. , Gu Gu swallowed the two crystal stones in his stomach.


The goblin pointed around the valley, and Lin Fei understood that the goblin had just wandered around, so he nodded and told him not to go too far, just let it play.

Lin Fei took out a source power crystal and began to cultivate divine consciousness.

A Zi returned to the magic beads directly. In the words of A Zi, in the magic beads, her cultivation speed was accelerated and the effect was even greater.

About half an hour later, Lin Fei had absorbed the energy of the first source power crystal, and the power of divine consciousness directly increased by 5o meters.

Lin Fei didn't waste a moment of time, and the second source power crystal appeared in his hand and continued to practice.

Two pieces

Three pieces

Four pieces

Five yuan


As the power of divine consciousness became stronger and stronger, Lin Fei absorbed the energy of these source power crystals, speeding up faster.

At the beginning, it took about half an hour to absorb one piece, but after half an hour, it had already absorbed the energy of three or four source power crystals.

In this process, Lin Fei's divine consciousness became stronger and stronger.

31oo meters

32oo meters

33oo meters

34oo meters


4ooo meters


5ooo meters


6ooo meters

Two days later, the strength of Lin Fei's divine consciousness has been fully doubled, reaching the strength that can cover a distance of 6ooo meters.

This level of divine consciousness has already passed most of the profound realm martial artists.

Lin Fei believed that even many of the advanced martial artists of the Profound Realm were inferior to his own.

In these two days, Lin Fei had almost consumed more than 8o of source power crystals. At this time, there were only dozens of source power crystals left in the space ring.


Lin Fei stood up, stretched his waist, and suddenly remembered the goblin. I don't know this guy. In my memory, it seems that this guy came back once in the past two days. He saw that he concentrated on training, curled his lips, and left.

I don't know where I am at this time.

The divine consciousness was released outside, and the range within 6ooo meters all appeared in the perception of divine consciousness.

After searching the places within the scope of the divine consciousness, suddenly, in a low bush, there is a small clearing, very shady, and the figure of the goblin is sitting in it with his mouth. Biting and eating something.

what? A formed He Wu!

The goblin held a pair of small claws that looked like a human doll. The eyes, ears, mouth, nose, mouth and limbs were all available. Lin Fei suddenly realized that it turned out to be a human-shaped He Wu, but it was already biting. Halfway.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness carefully inspected it and determined that He Wu had been at least two hundred years old and had extremely high medicinal power. For the martial artist, it was a great tonic, and it was unexpected that this goblin would eat it as a snack.

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head, feeling heartache.


Those are, Lin Fei suddenly found a small pile of things stacked in front of the goblin.

Take a closer look.


Arhat bergamot, colorful leaf flower, magic snake potato............

Four or five kinds of elixir are sold as high-level elixir in the empire headquarters of the Tianlong Elixir Shop. They are now in front of the goblin, and the goblin seems to be just enjoying his lunch, very leisurely. .


Very happy!

For the warrior, these very precious elixir was eaten by this goblin in one meal.

Lin Fei roughly calculated that this goblin had almost eaten almost a hundred thousand yuan spar elixir!

Lin Fei could only shook his head helplessly.

In the next few days, Lin Fei began to practice the Heaven and Earth Xunfeng Art.

Lin Fei had reached the third stage of the Heaven and Earth Sunda Wind Art. By the wind, he reached a step of 1oo meters.

In the following time, Lin Fei centered on this valley, rushing over and over again, practicing the third layer of borrowing wind.

Borrowing the wind, as the name implies, is to use the force of the wind to become the driving force for one's advancement in the process of moving.

In the first two steps, Lin Fei laid a solid foundation for feeling the wind and comprehending the wind. Therefore, in this third step, the practice of taking advantage of the wind can be said to be very smooth. For others, it seems that there is no wind environment at all. Lin Fei can clearly feel the presence of wind.

As long as there is a little bit of wind, Lin Fei can catch it, bless it into his body and become the driving force for his movement.

Therefore, in the process of cultivation, Lin Fei ran forward for a moment, which seemed to be very exhausting, but in reality, Lin Fei had already greatly used the power of the wind, and his own consumption was very small.

This made Lin Fei in a rush, still appearing so calm and comfortable.

In the past few days of the Tiandi Xunfeng Art practice, Lin Fei still held two genuine crystal stones in his hand at all times, and continuously absorbed the vitality contained in them. When the vitality between the meridians in his body was really abundant, It is to continue to store vital energy in the Yunyuan Stone in the dantian.

After having enough vitality reserves, Lin Fei is not afraid to waste a lot of vitality in the next talent exchange contest.

In the past few days of cultivating the Heaven and Earth Sunda Wind Art, Lin Fei used divine power to check the goblin from time to time, but Lin Fei was speechless.

This goblin always finds many precious elixir from nowhere. It seems to be eaten as a casual snack. The value of the elixir eaten by the goblin seems to be close to one million yuan spar these days. Up.

What a waste of extravagance.

Moreover, Lin Feixian, this goblin seems to be particularly picky. When the taste is right, the priceless elixir is often bitten by the goblin and thrown aside.

This makes Lin Fei feel like a knife.

Later, Lin Fei simply chose the approach of blindness.

Two or three days later, Lin Fei felt that he was already in the third stage of the Heaven and Earth Xunfeng Art. In this step, he had achieved little success in his cultivation.

The degree has been reached, stepping 2oo meters in one step!

At this time, there are still two days before the talent exchange contest.

Lin Fei finished this training, recalled the goblin, let it hide in Ah Zi's magic orb, and rushed back to the imperial capital.

After a few hours, he returned to the house of the little prince Qin Ping.

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