Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 284: Conflict before departure

Lin Fei was talking with Wu Feifei, and suddenly a young warrior with jealous eyes came over. ". Δ.

"This man is called Zhong Ping. The combat power is unfathomable."

Fatty Zhu whispered in Lin Fei's ear.

This Zhong Ping, about twenty years old, has a condensed breath, and from time to time there is a deep cold light flowing on the surface of his body. Between his eyebrows and eyes, everything is cold.

Everywhere on his whole body, there was chill gushing out, and countless cold currents lingered around him.

As Zhong Ping approached, a substantial cold air pressure, from far to near, instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei suddenly felt that where he stood, there seemed to be endless frost, as if he was in an icy world, with a powerful, condensed chill that enveloped this space.

Even, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that icy debris began to appear on his clothes and head.

This Zhong Ping should have cultivated a martial skill that can release chills!

"It's cold!"

Fatty Zhu next to Lin Fei immediately reacted, his teeth trembled when he spoke, and he stepped back several steps in amazement.

"Zhong Ping, you!"

When Wu Feifei saw Zhong Ping coming over, she immediately started to attack Lin Fei, frowning and shouting softly.

"Hmph, get out of the way, Feifei is not something a cat or dog like you can get involved!"

Zhong Ping stood beside Wu Feifei and shouted to Lin Fei.

With the shout, the chill in the space around Lin Fei suddenly strengthened. It turned out that flakes of goose-feather-like snowflakes appeared immediately, presenting a scene of heavy snow. The silver outfit was so commendable, even on the ground of the square where Lin Fei stood It started to freeze.

Moreover, this chill continued to disperse, spreading to the young martial artists standing in other fields nearby.

The young warriors nearby, in amazement, quickly mobilized their own energy to form a warm current on the body surface, dissolving the cold and colorful snowflakes.

Only Lin Fei stood silently, his whole body covered by snow, and the ice had covered his knees.

There was a bitter cold wind roaring in all directions, like a sharp weapon piercing every pore cell of Lin Fei's body.

And that Zhong Ping, standing proudly, with his hands on his shoulders, his body was surging and rising, and the endless chill from his body was like a tide, revealing the ups and downs of the tide.

That look and boldness, faintly is the style of a generation of masters.

"Huh, rubbish, I thought that with a few pounds of brute force, I would be arrogant, and it would be humble!"

Zhong Ping was completely condescending, squinting at Lin Fei.

"Oh, it seems that you feel good about yourself.

Think you can suppress me with these naive methods? "

Lin Fei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, with disdain in his tone.


Zhong Ping's awe-inspiring awe-inspiring, snow overwhelming, pouring down, headed towards Lin Fei! The cold wind is like a sword, cutting it every inch!

At this moment, between gatherings, Lin Fei's whole body suddenly showed bursts of light golden vitality luster, and fiery vitality suddenly expanded!

All the chill was driven away instantly!

Pieces of snowflakes melt instantly!

The earth rejuvenates, and the surrounding environment changes from cold winter to early spring, and then directly to hot summer!

"It's so warm."

Fatty Zhu had not left Lin Fei just now, but he had always used his vitality, his teeth trembled, and forcefully supported him.

At this moment, when I was rushed by the heat, I immediately felt warm and comfortable, and couldn't help but scream.


Zhong Ping was terrified. He thought that Lin Fei was just relying on the tyranny. He had frozen Lin Fei by the chill. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei immediately broke the chill he was proud of for many years of practice.

"Unbelievable, why is there such a hot vitality in this guy's body? This is simply the nemesis of the chill I cultivated!"

When Zhong Ping faced Lin Fei, he no longer had the kind of superior attitude just now. Instead, he felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.


Sword Qi is allure!

Hundreds of thousands of sword lights, like a sharp sword with a real handle, are unstoppable, like a shooting star passing through the sky, and are pressing towards Lin Fei.

The invisible sword light cut the air in the square into chaos, and the sound of sneezes rang out.

8 points sword intent!

Lin Fei was surprised to find that the seven sword lights in the depths of his soul, which represented seven points of sword intent, had actually produced a slight tremor of being suppressed.

Obviously, the makers of these sword auras actually realized an amazing 8 points sword intent!

A black-clothed young man with a arrogant expression and a black cloth wrapped in a black cloth stuck behind his back, with sword glow in his eyes, also walked over.

"Hello, Feifei."

When the black-clothed boy looked at Wu Feifei, there was also a gentle flash in his eyes.

Obviously, this black-clothed boy, like that Zhong Ping, has a sense of belonging to this Wu Feifei.

"Song Yijian, what do you mean?"

Wu Feifei was also quite dissatisfied with Song Yijian's actions.

Lin Fei let out a cold snort, just about to react.

"Hahaha, three people, the competition is about to come, all three are the best under Qin Ping, and we will fight again.

how is it. "

At this time, as soon as Qin Ping appeared on the square, he realized the situation here, and hurried over. He was followed by a middle-aged man and a lean old man who was about 60 years old.

Following the middle-aged man next to the little prince Qin Ping, all young martial artists would occasionally experience vitality fluctuations from him, guessing that his cultivation level should be the elementary or intermediate level of the Profound Realm.

The old man is very ordinary and mediocre, but his eyes are like the deep starry sky, vast and boundless, making people feel like they are invisible at all.

Lin Fei instinctively felt that the ordinaryness of this old man should be that kind of extremely gorgeous ordinaryness.

Because these people who are in conflict are all the hopes for him to win this battle.

Last time, he let these young warriors fight internally and lost a Jinhan Mountain. After the incident, he regretted it. At this time, how could he allow these people to conflict again. In case of one or two casualties, his loss would be Big.

"Hmph, don't pester Feifei, Feifei is not something a person like you can climb!"

Seeing the master's words, Zhong Ping and Song Yijian also knew that this conflict would definitely not be able to continue. Zhong Ping sternly piled up a sentence and walked away.

Song Yijian also stared at Lin Fei extremely coldly, then turned and walked away.

Wu Feifei looked at Lin Fei thoughtfully.

Just now, when she saw Lin Fei with her own eyes, she suddenly broke Zhong Ping's amazing chill.

Moreover, when facing Song Yijian's 8-point sword intent, he was also very comfortable, as if he was not affected at all.

"Lin Fei, it doesn't seem to be, on the surface, it's as simple as relying solely on strength."

Qin Ping was also greatly relieved to see that this conflict was resolved.

Hastily gathered all the young warriors and prepared to come out.

"Everyone, the long-awaited talent exchange contest will finally officially begin today.

Now, follow me to the competition venue! "

A group of people filed away from the Little Prince's Mansion.

Qin Ping took the middle-aged man, and the old man, leading the way, and Lin Fei, Fatty Zhu and Feifei Wu walked at the back of the team.

The venue of this talent exchange competition is located in the Imperial Palace.

In fact, the Little Prince's Mansion is already very close to the imperial palace, so there are very few idlers in this area.

Only occasionally can I see a group of soldiers with bright armor, patrolling in formation.

These fighters are all at the sixth level of Qi Condensing, and above the seventh level. The captains who lead the team are all based on the ground, all of them are mellow, not squint, and iron-blooded.

After a short time, he gradually entered a special area.

There are numerous halls and magnificent weather here, and there are Zhumen porches everywhere, and the eaves are like dragon wings, stretched out. The whole area is full of aura of heaven and earth.

It's like an area blessed by gods!

"Listen, everyone, we have entered the periphery of the palace! Here, we must not make a loud noise! ​​Even talking and chatting are not allowed! Otherwise, it will be a crime of blasphemy against the emperor's majesty!"

The middle-aged man turned his head and lowered his voice to confess to the young warriors.

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