Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 298: A punch

Lin Fei did not dodge or evade, and shouted like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, like an Arhat descending from the earth, his power was completely released, and the power of 150 kilograms was released, and he slammed a fist on the spur of the spear. . .


In Luo Shaojie's horrified gaze, the spear retreated steadily, bending into a big bow.

Lin Fei's fist and the tip of the spear were pressed tightly against each other, and the sharp tip of the spear could not damage the fist at all.

Lin Fei stepped forward step by step. With each step, the spear in Luo Shaojie's hand was bent a bit.

The vitality of Luo Shaojie's whole body, unreserved, poured into the spear, trying to shake Lin Fei back, but no matter how strong he was, it would not help.

Lin Fei's fist was almost like a cast of steel juice. The tip of Luo Shaojie's spear was originally extremely sharp and gleaming, but at this time it was impossible to hurt it at all.

For the two people on the ring, Luo Shaojie was holding the curved spear tightly with both hands at this time, his face flushed, and he almost exhausted his milk.

However, Lin Fei seemed calm and relaxed, with a fist pressed firmly against the tip of the curved spear, step by step, slowly approaching Luo Shaojie, as if walking after a meal with a sneer in his mouth. Spare power.


Finally, what Luo Shaojie didn't want to see happened the most. The long spear held between the two had changed to the extreme, and cracks began to appear in the middle, on the edge of breaking.

Then, with a snap, it splits into two, completely disconnected.

"It's time to get you on the road."

Lin Fei's voice, as if coming from under the Jiuyou Purgatory, was cold and full of death.

Luo Shaojie couldn't help trembling when hearing it.

Do not!

I can't die here!

It was hard for me to become the core disciple of the Huayang School, and I was appreciated by the high-level Huayang School. The future is boundless. How could I just die on this ring?

Luo Shaojie had lost all fighting spirit at this time, and only felt that the breath of death had never been so close to him.

He knew that close hand-to-hand combat would not be Lin Fei's opponent anyway.

With the palm of your hand, a number plate appeared in your palm. As long as the number plate was crushed, it could be sent out of the ring to end the battle.

"Lin Fei, today's hatred, I will definitely want you to return it ten times in the future."

Luo Shaojie gritted his teeth. With this breath, he, who has always been self-centered, couldn't swallow it anyway. Therefore, when he left, he couldn't forget the cruel way.

However, Lin Fei was willing to let him go like this.

When Luo Shaojie moved his hand, Lin Fei knew the meaning, and the ghostly posture unfolded. It took only a few dozen times to breathe. It was already a punch, impartially, on the shoulder of Luo Shaojie's right hand holding the number plate.



With a supernatural power of 15ooo catties, Luo Shaojie's entire right arm, including the right half of his body, was smashed into pieces, the flesh and blood became scum, and blood was splashed.

15ooo kilograms of supernatural power, even if it is a Tier 3 and Tier 4 monster, it is estimated to be smashed into scum, let alone a human being with a realm cultivation base.

As for Luo Shaojie's right hand holding the number plate, only a section of his palm remained, holding the number plate firmly and fell to the side.

"Lin Fei, don't, don't kill me.

I kowtow to you, I am not willing to die like this.

Lin Fei, your lord has a lot, let me go. "

Luo Shaojie has always been a delicate body. Wherever he has been subjected to such a torture, where he is afraid, where there is still half a chance to struggle, and under extreme despair and fear, he actually fights for the remaining energy and kneels. In front of Lin Fei, crying and begging for mercy.


In the auditorium.


This sudden reversal really stunned everyone.

Originally, Luo Shaojie had already seized the opportunity, but he did not expect that the battle was instantly reversed. Lin Fei suddenly released a dazzling golden ball of light to completely disintegrate Luo Shaojie's blazing prairie fire spear attack without any effort, and then use violent power. , Directly blasted Luo Shaojie's spear and smashed Luo Shaojie's right arm. Lin Fei's big counterattack made everyone shout out of surprise.

There was dead silence in the audience!

The emperor stood up from the throne.

"Lin Fei's cultivation technique is incredible, incredible, truly amazing.

What kind of trick is it to be able to directly swallow the energy of other people's attacks?

It is almost unheard of, is it a legacy from the ancients? "

The emperor murmured.

This emperor was completely shocked by the methods Lin Fei showed.

Of course, this is not to say that Lin Fei's combat effectiveness is so fierce, how proud.

You know, this emperor is an out-and-out cultivation base of the heavenly realm, much stronger than a master of the profound realm.

Although Lin Fei's performance just now was enough to be eye-catching, for a master at the level of the emperor, he only needs to wave his hand, perhaps, Lin Fei will be bombarded into scum in an instant.

What shocked the emperor was... the golden sutra of the sun displayed by Lin Fei.

The emperor knew instinctively that this must be a very rare high-level technique. The emperor faintly felt that it was much more advanced than the Qi refining technique he was practicing.

From this, but this, Lin Fei, must have had an adventure against the sky, only to obtain such a skill.


In Luo Shaojie, when Lin Fei smashed half of his body with a punch, Xiang Xiaotian almost stood up, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Luo Shaojie was one of the strongest representatives of the Huayang faction participating in the competition. Originally, it was extremely hopeful that the Huayang faction won a place to enter the mysterious world. Unexpectedly, he met Lin Fei in the ring. Lin Fei was punched and it was scrapped.

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