Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3014: The female fetus is about to hatch

"Go, go and take a look!"

The second **** will lift the war horse and gallop toward the Yanhuang plane.

The two gods, Daozu Hunyuan and Old Man Dameng, were also disillusioned step by step, rushing in that direction.

All the gods who shared him also showed off and rushed over.

"Thank you for helping me take care of the immortal plane."

Lin Fei looked at the Chaos World Tree and said.

At this time, the Chaos World Tree was hiding in an edge corner of a three-thousand-sized world with the plane of falling immortal.

Only Lin Fei alone can perceive it.

Just now, Lin Fei's divine consciousness probed into the plane of falling immortal early and found that everything was as usual.

On the surface, the plane of Falling Immortal had shrunk to the size of a fruit, hung on a branch of the Chaos World Tree, but the internal space was not affected at all.

It is still a vast starry universe in normal operation.

"Don't worry, I have already blended with this plane.

My growth is good for it.

Its development is also good for me.

So, I will definitely protect it. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"Thanks a lot!"

Lin Fei knew what the Chaos World Tree said was true.

At this time, within the plane of falling immortality, a clone of Lin Fei, as high as one hundred thousand feet, stood upright and dazzling, was manifesting in the stars of the universe, explaining what happened to the creatures in the plane, Everyone practice with peace of mind.

Under Lin Fei's comfort, within the plane of immortality, all the creatures were relieved.

Soon, within the plane of falling immortal, the previous order was restored.

All living beings, what should they do, what should they do.

Of course, cultivation is still the most important thing for all creatures in this plane.

At this time, Lin Fei's body had already displayed his starting technique, and hurried away toward the Yanhuang plane.

After a while.

Lin Fei came to the Chaos Void where the Yanhuang plane was.

The second **** general, Hunyuan Dao ancestor, old man Dameng, old man Tianluo and other gods, all stood in this boundless chaotic void, staring at the Yanhuang plane ahead.

I saw that beyond the boundary wall of the Yanhuang Plane, there were thousands and thousands of array restrictions, the array flags spread, and the howling sound shook the sky.

Lin Fei was shocked.

It seems that there are at least tens of thousands of formations arranged outside the Yanhuang plane!

Even, Lin Fei suspects that there are more than 100,000, maybe!

I saw that the multiple array restrictions were really spectacular, completely partitioning this chaotic void into a moat, creating an isolated vacuum zone.

The Yanhuang plane was in that isolated vacuum zone.

Moreover, in addition to the terrifying number of formations, there are also densely packed various law symbols, shaped like ribbons, which surround the four sides, enclosing the Yanhuang plane.

These law symbol ribbons are used by the strong to use the power of the law of order and are arranged here to block outside creatures from entering the Yanhuang plane.

Of course, it also prevents the creatures in the Yanhuang plane from coming out.

In addition, Lin Fei also saw that there were rows of pitch-black spatial zones, floating in all directions on the plane of Yanhuang and the same as the colored ribbons of Law Talisman.

Lin Fei was shocked to discover that every area of ​​pitch-black space was actually a dangerous situation.

If there are creatures who want to enter the plane of Yan and Huang, they must go through many dangers.

There are more than ten thousand arrays forbidden, one by one ruled symbol ribbon, one after another, dark space zone!

Each of these three is extremely terrifying.

It is now arranged here at the same time, and the water can't leak, isolating the Yanhuang plane.

And it's more than that!

Faintly, Lin Fei felt that in addition to these three, there was a more terrifying and unknown crisis hiding in the surroundings of the Yanhuang plane.

It is estimated that only by approaching completely can it be triggered and let those unknown terrorist crises emerge.

"No, this is too exaggerated!"

Lin Fei's scalp was numb, and couldn't help muttering.

Lin Fei estimated that with his current strength, he was afraid that he would be bombarded and smashed immediately after he had just approached the Yanhuang Plane, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

Subconsciously, Lin Fei couldn't help but backed up two steps, and got some distance from the Yanhuang plane.

"It's no wonder that the Yanhuang plane will enter the post-end dharma period, with the lack of Dao laws, and the thin aura of heaven and earth, which is no longer suitable for spiritual cultivation.

The periphery of the Yanhuang plane was completely isolated by such terrifying means, and could not be replenished from the chaotic void of the outside world for a long time. The energy within the plane would naturally wither and be consumed. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned.

You know, in ancient times, the plane of Yan and Huang, especially the earth, was one of the most powerful and core forces in the entire three thousand-sized world.

Unexpectedly, now, it has become like this!

Lin Fei's heart couldn't help but feel a little bit of sorrow.


Strange sounds like muffled thunder continued to sound.

It sounded like the sound of a beating heart.

Every time it beats, it seems to hit everyone's heart, making people unable to resist, following the weird rhythm.

"Sure enough, that **** female fetus has officially entered the incubation stage!"

The Second God General's face was blue and he said slowly.


Back then, before the **** Pangu left, he once sighed, if one day, the female fetus had a heartbeat, then the day when it hatches and breaks out of the shell is not far away. "

Hunyuan Daozu exclaimed.

"It seems that after a long time, that female fetus has absorbed enough energy to enter the incubation stage."

The face of the old man Dameng was also very ugly.

Basically, people of the Yangshen faction are not willing to see this situation.

Back then, powerful men such as Pangu God and Nuwa God led the Yangshen faction. I don't know how much time, energy, and the treasures of heaven and earth were spent to seal the earth and the Yanhuang plane.

Its purpose is to isolate the earth, the Yanhuang plane, and the external chaotic void, and want to prevent the female fetus from absorbing energy from the external chaotic void, thereby incubating.

Unexpectedly, after a long period of time, that female fetus finally absorbed enough energy.

"Actually, this situation, Pan Gu God, and Nu Wa, and other strong people, had long expected it.

When Pangu God left, he once sighed and asserted that one day, the female fetus would be born! "

The second **** will suddenly said.

"Furthermore, this secret method of refining the female fetus can't be obtained with Chi You from a main **** in a different dimension.

Pangu God once said that once this female fetus was born, he could not be with Chi You, and he might not be able to control it.

Once the female fetus is out of control, it will definitely be a catastrophe for our three thousand worlds.

No creature can survive. "

The second **** will murmured. He was one of Heavenly Court's main fighters and knew a lot of secrets.


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