Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3064: Unbeatable self

"Have you figured it out yet.

If you decide to break through, you will step on this wooden bridge and walk forward, and then you will meet yourself.

Defeat that oneself, even if it is a successful breakthrough.

In the course of the battle, if you feel that you cannot win, you must give in in time, otherwise, you will be beheaded. "

Wen Qiong said.

Lin Fei, Tang Mu, and Ji Qian were standing by the abyss, looking at the huge abyss in front, only to see the dense fog blocking everything.

After a while.

"I decided to break through."

Tang Mu said.

"me too."

Ji Qian said.

"me too."

Lin Fei also nodded.


Just step on this wooden bridge and it will do.

Do not have to be in order.

Three people can step on at the same time without interfering with each other.

Remember, if you fail, you must give up in time.

Otherwise, you will fall here! "

Wen Qiong said.


The three Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Tang Mu stepped onto the wooden bridge, stretched out his figure, walked forward, and instantly disappeared into the heavy fog.

Ji Qian stepped on the wooden bridge for the second time and disappeared instantly.

"Senior Wen, I'm going too."

Lin Fei said hello to Wen Qiong, and then stepped onto the wooden bridge, walking towards the depths of the dense fog.

Lin Fei found that his divine consciousness could not perceive anything around him.

Looking around, there is only a white mist and a wet and dilapidated wooden bridge underneath.

I don't know how far I went forward, about half an hour later.


Lin Fei found that there was a figure in front of him, waiting for him.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

That was a handsome young man, no matter his appearance, clothes, temperament, and the scent of soul, they were all exactly the same as Lin Fei.


Lin Fei looked at the other party and couldn't help but marvel.

"Yes, I am you, and you and I are the same person.

As long as you defeat me, that is, defeat yourself, you can pass this wooden bridge. "

Lin Fei on the opposite side said in a loud voice.

The tone of his speech was exactly the same as Lin Fei.

"You are definitely not me.

You are just a copy. "

Lin Fei smiled.

No matter how similar the person opposite you is, it is definitely not yourself.

For this, Lin Fei's mind is naturally very clear.

"let's start!"

Lin Fei shook his body and rushed forward.


Lin Fei first punched, and several secret realms in his body spewed chaotic essence at the same time, turned into infinite strength, and blessed on his body.

The whole fist, like forged gold, bloomed with golden light, constantly zooming in, and blasting forward.


The moment Lin Fei made a move, the opponent moved too, with the same punches, the same movements, the same moves, and the same power!

Even the speed is the same.


Two huge golden fists collided violently.

The terrible impact energy shook Lin Fei back and forth.


Lin Fei pulled out a long sword and rushed up.

Several consecutive 100 swords of sword energy were cut forward.

The other party is the same move.

Moreover, he was also holding a long sword of similar level, and the sword energy he slashed out had the same power.


The two swords intersected, sparks sputtered, and the sharp metal strikes were endless.

In a moment, the long swords of the two sides collided thousands of times!

This emptiness was chopped by two long swords.

The same sword moves, the same strength.

There is no difference between winning and losing!


Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed, the Chaos-level flying sword slashed out, dazzling, and dispelling a large cloud of dense fog in the surrounding space.


The opponent also opened his mouth and spouted a flying sword, which was also a flying sword of Chaos level!

"You can copy Feijian too!"

At this moment, Lin Fei was truly shocked.

This Chaos Flying Sword is his big hole card.

Flying swordsmanship is the secret technique of ancient times from above the earth.

Unexpectedly, the other party could actually copy.

However, Lin Fei discovered that the opponent's Chaos Flying Sword was somewhat different from his own Chaos Flying Sword.

Obviously, it is not the same sword.

"So that's the case.

He is really copying me.

It's just that the chaos-level magic weapon is too advanced to be copied.

Therefore, he took a Chaos-level long sword with a similar look to imitate my flying sword. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei killed him, holding a sword in his right hand and a fist in his left hand, and then cooperated with the flying sword to fight with all his strength!

The same is true for the other party.

This battle was very fierce.

Lin Fei continued to display all the secret techniques he had practiced before.

No matter what martial arts secrets Lin Fei uses, the opponent will draw the gourd in the same way at the same time and perform simultaneous moves to resist Lin Fei.

In short, when fighting back and forth, both sides have the same moves, the same strength, and the same speed.

The power exerted is exactly the same.

In this way, there is no way to tell winners or losers!

Even when Lin Fei displayed the two taboo secret techniques of Tai Last Weekly Induction Chapter and Yi Qi Hua San Qing, the other party also performed the same moves!

Even this taboo secret technique can be imitated!

One day, two days, three days...

One month, two months...

at the same time.

On the shore of the abyss, a large number of gods stood.

Wen Qiong, a brawny man with the surname Lu, an elegant man, stood together, looking at the monstrous fog ahead, waiting patiently.

Not far away, there are many other gods who rush to see the excitement, and they have been waiting.

Someone breaks through the barriers, which is a big deal.

Under normal circumstances, a large number of gods will be attracted to watch the fun.

Because everyone is trapped here.

Breaking through is the most concerned thing for all people.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

"half year.

It's really good that they can last so long.

Back then, when I first broke through the barrier, I only persisted for a month.

Brother Wen, these three of your fellow villagers are really different! "

The strong man surnamed Lu suddenly said.

"Hehe, it is not easy to beat yourself.

Back then, when I first broke through the barriers, it happened for three months. "

Wen Qiong smiled.

"It's too hard to beat yourself.

For most people, it is simply an impossible thing. "

The elegant man also nodded and sighed.

at this time.

In the middle of the wooden bridge, Lin Fei was still fighting hard.

The opponent is exactly the same himself.

In the past six months, the two sides have repeatedly used various martial arts secrets from beginning to end, I don't know how many times.

The more you cast, the more skilled you become.

The so-called practice makes perfect.

Lin Fei discovered that after half a year of fierce fighting, his fighting skills had greatly improved.

It's just the same for the other party!

The emotions, thoughts, ways of thinking, soul power, and understanding of both sides are exactly the same.

What one thought of, the other thought of it at the same time.

In this way, the more the two sides fight, the more familiar they are, and the more familiar they are, the harder it is to tell the winner!

"It is too difficult to defeat this monster who is exactly like myself!

Even, it is impossible.

No wonder, so many gods are trapped in this level. "Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.


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