Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3091: Game start

"It's just that you have to be mentally prepared.!

Risks and returns are always positive!

High returns are always accompanied by high risks. In this competition, the survival rate is extremely low.

A hundred people, at most, only one person can survive.

About one percent survival rate. "

The magnificent voice continued.

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling cold after hearing this.

The survival rate of one percent is not too high or too low at first glance.

However, just think about it, all those who can go to the final competition area and participate in this competition are all people who have passed through the Valley of Fallen God, many dangers, many tests, and one in a thousand.

It can be said that everyone who was able to participate in this competition finally got this opportunity after nine deaths and a very long time.

However, he had to accept the selection of one from a hundred miles before he could finally leave the Valley of Fallen God alive.

For everyone, this is too cruel!

At this moment, the magnificent voice rang again.

"The survival rate of one percent..., doesn't it feel cruel?


For you, this is cruel.

It's just that cruelty is cruel, but the harvest is huge.

Remember, in this world, if you want to get it, you must give, the more you get, the more you give!

There is nothing in this world for nothing!

You people, didn't you enter the Valley of Fallen God because of the so-called chance?

Now, the opportunity is in front of you! "

The loud voice continued.

Hearing that, Lin Fei asked himself and found that things in the world are indeed the case.

Giving and gaining are indeed positive.

"Well, what I said before is to cheer you up.

Now, I want to announce the specific rules of the game.

The game is divided into three areas.

They are the lower **** area, the **** area, and the **** area.

People of different strengths will be gathered in different areas to participate in the competition.

In every area, my master has hidden a large number of magic weapons, martial arts secrets, precious elixir, and all kinds of rare heaven and earth treasures.

After the game starts, you can go to find these treasures, whoever finds them, who belongs to them!

However, these treasures were not given to you immediately!

On the contrary, these treasures, my master, have already been set up with restrictions and seals. With your strength, they are far from being able to be refining and possessing.

If you want to refine and truly own these treasures, you can only kill your competitors!

Every time you kill an opponent, you get a certain amount of points.

Every treasure needs to be accumulated to a certain point before it can be refined and truly possessed!

Of course, the more precious treasures you want to refine and possess, the more points you need naturally.

And, at the end, rank according to the number of points.

Those who can rank in the top three will be rewarded very generously.

Those who can survive this game can naturally leave the Valley of God. "

That grand voice explained the rules of the game in detail one by one.

"It turns out that the core of the so-called match is to kill the opponent!

This is cruel!

However, for me, it is a big advantage.

My vitality realm is nothing more than a **** realm.

According to the three areas of the game, it must be assigned to the lower **** area.

Hehe..., the lower god, to me, is like a cat and a dog! "

After listening to Lin Fei, while surprised, she was confident.

I have to say that Lin Fei's vitality state is too confusing!

"Well, I think everyone should understand the rules of this game.

Next, I won't talk too much nonsense.

Start the game! "

The grand voice announced.

next moment.


Lin Fei only felt a huge inexplicable suction, and pulled his body directly, causing Lin Fei to instantly enter a vast and independent space.

For the first time, Lin Fei's eyes flashed, his vision became blurred and distorted, and it took dozens of breaths before his eyes became clear.

At the same time, there were bursts of grass and fragrant fragrance, the gurgling of the mountain stream, the roar of the birds...they came!

Lin Fei saw that the area he was in was a vast grassland with prominent peaks, terraces and waterside pavilions, and Yuyu Qionglou. The rich fairy spirit filled this area. It was really beautiful and refreshing. Dizzy.

"Yes... well, this should be the lower **** zone.

Now, the game has officially started. I must pay attention to every step. "

Lin Fei walked slowly, stepping on the soft grass, very comfortable, but Lin Fei knew that this is not a beautiful day, nor a paradise, but a very dangerous place!


"Everyone, welcome to the place of God.

You can start the game.

The competitions in the other two regions have also officially started. Good luck! "

That magnificent voice rang high in the sky again.


After listening, Lin Fei was taken aback.

Then, couldn't help but growl.

"Here, is a **** zone? This is...too outrageous! I am just a **** zone, so why am I divided into a zone with a god? A large group of gods!

This is not fair! "

Lin Fei was extremely unhappy. According to the truth, he was only the strength of the gods, and in any case, he should not be allocated to the gods.

Originally, Lin Fei was still very confident, thinking that he could easily kill a large number of lower gods, get enough points, and win the game.

But now, things are counterproductive...

In this way, Lin Fei has no advantage at all!

At this time, the Sky of Fallen God Valley, a pair of huge eyeballs, were staring at Lin Fei.

"Hehe, this young man seems to be a little bit unconvinced.

He is just the strength of the **** realm, and being assigned to the area of ​​the gods will indeed be a bit unconvinced.

However, his own combat power is already close to a god, what's more, if he wants to be recognized by his master, he naturally needs to accept a more difficult test!

Everyone can live hard.

Only such a young man deserves my master's gaze. "

The pair of huge eyeballs murmured to themselves.


Lin Fei cursed in a low voice.

After that, he quickly adjusted his mentality and quickly entered the role.

Lin Fei also knew that if at this time, always complaining and unwilling, it would definitely not help, what should be done now is to accept reality.

Put it to death and live afterwards, in this **** area, smash a blood path!

"Fine, I'm not afraid!" Lin Fei murmured a few words, then stretched out his figure, cautiously, and walked forward.


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