Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3103:  The situation is chaotic

Lin Fei and Lu Daqian moved forward quickly in one direction. !

Of course, this is a bit blind. There is no specific standard in which direction to go. It can only be based on feelings.

Along the way, I met many teams, and there were many people.

Lin Fei and Lu Daqian, after weighing them up, chose to avoid them.

On several occasions, it was in danger and almost encountered siege from several teams.

Fortunately, Lin Fei managed to escape by relying on his body and speed.

In a desert area.

At this moment, a team is walking in the desert area, looking around.

This team, with more than 40 people, is considered a relatively strong group.

The headed man, full of golden armor and illusory points floating on his head, reached more than six thousand!

"Boss, your current points must be considered very good in the entire Weishen competition area.

However, our points are not good... hey..."

Some team members who followed sighed.

"Don't be wordy, don't worry.

I will lead you to continue hunting other people, so that your points will continue to rise.

With this chaos magic weapon that I refined, there are not many gods who are my opponents, huh! "

The leading man in golden armor said coldly.

Behind a pile of giant sand dunes on the left side of this desert, Lin Fei poked out his head slightly, his eyes and divine consciousness condensed. Observing the team walking in the desert.

Lu Daqian also stood aside and stuck his head out.

"It's been a few days, we have walked a long way in this area, and met many teams along the way.

However, there are basically no opportunities to get started. "

After observing for a while, Lin Fei shook his head slightly and said.

In the past few days, both Lin Fei and Lu Daqian felt very aggrieved.

The two wanted to find a chance to hunt down other contestants again, but they didn't expect that they would encounter a lot of teams along the way.

Such as a team of a dozen or dozens of people.

Although Lin Fei was fast, he did not dare to do it directly.

Now Lin Fei can be sure that there are absolutely no singles.

Or, he and Lu Daqian are the only ones left alone.

Moreover, in the past few days, the luck of the two was extremely bad, and they never encountered the kind of team fighting each other, making Lin Fei no advantage.

Lin Fei couldn't help but start to miss it. When the game just started, his luck was against the sky and he picked up the bargain several times in a row.

"If this continues, I'm afraid we will have difficulty hunting down other contestants and gaining points and treasures."

Lin Fei said, his tone was a little impatient and worried.

"Oh, take your time, you can't worry about this big situation now.

I can only figure out a solution slowly. "

Lu Daqian was also helpless, sighed.

Both of them were a little depressed.

at this moment!

"Even Xiaoxiao was watching secretly! It's really looking for death!"

The team walking in the desert, the golden-armored man at the head, suddenly stopped and looked sideways at the sand dunes hidden by Lin Fei!


A fierce divine power attack directly blasted towards the dunes where Lin Fei and Lu Daqian were hiding!

The space is fragmented, the air is twisted and evaporated!


The sand dunes were directly blasted into nothingness!

Even in that area, a huge pit appeared!

"Boss, are you killed?"

Other team members asked.


What a fast speed!

Could it be that a speed magic weapon was refined? "

The golden armored man's eyes passed a look of surprise, and then said.

Lin Fei naturally left with Lu Daqian directly before the golden armored man launched a lore attack.

Across that long distance, Galin Fei had Chaos God walking shoes, coupled with Jiugong Wuwei God Step, other gods, it was not so easy to hit Lin Fei.

Unless it is a group siege, or the attack power is particularly tyrannical, and belongs to the invincible **** of the same rank, it is possible to cause damage to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei and Lu Daqian stopped after escaping hundreds of miles, and they sat in a dense forest very depressed.

"Hey, those teams, at every turn, forty or fifty people, the strength of the two of us is too weak.

There is no chance to do it!

I don't know when they will meet Wen Qiong.

I estimate that according to the current situation, those teams are also annexing each other, and some teams with weaker forces and smaller numbers of teams are struggling to survive. I am afraid that they will be destroyed early, and it will not be our turn to hunt.

Brother Lin Fei, should we also join some team? "

Lu Daqian sighed.

"We just want to join a team now, it seems a bit late.

After so many days of fighting, it is estimated that most of the teams have begun to settle down, and there should not be many teams willing to accept new members.

What's more, in this game, everyone is an opponent and an enemy. No one can be trusted.

Wait and see, when the game reached the final stage, the team members started to count each other and assassinated each other. "

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

"What you said makes sense.

It seems that the two of us can only see walking.

This situation is getting chaotic. "

Lu Daqian sighed helplessly.


Lin Fei and Lu Daqian's expressions changed at the same time.

Another team is coming here from dozens of miles away!

"Let's hide."

Lin Fei directly activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, and Lu Daqian found a hidden location nearby and hid.

Lin Fei also communicated with the earth and quickly arranged a Feng Shui bureau to hide the aura of the two of them.

The so-called Feng Shui Bureau, in fact, is a small-scale Jedi arranged artificially.

Although, no, those naturally occurring, large-scale Jedi, but the effect is not small.

Soon, a group of about 50 people flew by from a distance.


A group of silhouettes landed in the dense forest, exactly where Lin Fei and Lu Daqian were sitting.

This team, everyone, exudes a strong breath, obviously, they belong to the generation of good combatants.

That's right, the game is now, and every player who can survive the game has gone through many fights and been selected and eliminated after battle.

Those who survive, generally, are truly strong.

Moreover, this team has more than 50 people, which is a very powerful team!

"Hey, it's weird. Just now, there were obviously two people here. Why did they disappear all of a sudden."

Those team members are looking for them one by one.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to find Lin Fei and Lu Daqian hiding in a hidden place.

"Everyone, I believe everyone knows that as the game progresses, the situation is getting more and more tragic.

Each of the groups that can survive to the present is not simple, and none of them can be easily dealt with.

Therefore, we need to adopt some methods and strategies to overcome difficulties.

The beauty plan I proposed before, I don’t know, how are you six of you thinking about it. "

At this moment, a handsome and elegant man with a face like a crown jade said in a loud voice.

His eyes looked towards the team, six female members.

These six female members, one by one, are charming and moving, they belong to the posture!

"Brother Lu, this..., it's embarrassing.

What's more, it's a life-and-death game now. Counting the six of us, we are willing to sacrifice our hues and take the initiative to seduce other people. Other contestants are not necessarily willing to accept the temptation and be deceived. "   A woman in pink with a very charming appearance said hesitantly.

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