Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3105:  Two more fat sheep

"Brother Wen, don't worry, that chaotic magic weapon, in a hidden cave, it is not easy to find it. Three-inch world

If the two teams all die together, then the magic weapon of chaos must still be in that cave. "

The pink girl smiled coquettishly.

Her clear and melodious voice, plus her charming features, and her skin that can be broken like a white jade from suet, are indeed very charming.

Even a gentleman like Wen Qiong was slightly moved and quickly looked away.

"That's great, come on, sister Caifeng, lead the way!"

Wen Qiong was overjoyed.

This team is headed by Wen Qiong.

Because Wen Qiong's strength, at the level of the incumbent god, belongs to the strong of the same rank, and the combat effectiveness is particularly strong.

"Heh, it's a great drama, it's almost seamless.

This kind of hypocrisy is really hard for ordinary people to detect and guard. "

Lin Fei saw all this in his eyes and couldn't help but sneered.

"It seems that Brother Wen Qiong completely trusts these six bastards.

But, fortunately, Senior Lu and I learned in advance the origins of these six **** identities, so they are doomed to fail.

Senior Lu, now, we show up to meet Big Brother Wen.

However, don't expose the conspiracy of these six bitches.

I am going to discuss with Brother Wen on how to deal with these six bitches. "

Lin Fei said.

"Okay, Lin Fei, you decide."

Lu Daqian nodded.

So the two appeared from their hiding place.

Almost at the same time.

Wen Qiong and others found that there were two more people ahead.

"Brother Wen! There seems to be the breath of two singles ahead!"

The pink-clothed woman was surprised.


However, it seems familiar, could it be..."

Wen Qiong frowned.

"Haha, Brother Wen, don't guess, it's us!"

At this time, Lu Daqian rushed toward him with an arrow.

"Senior Wen!"

Lin Fei also followed.

"It's Brother Lu and Lin Fei!"

Wen Qiong was overjoyed and greeted.

"Haha, you two guys actually appeared here!"

Gan Yunxiao also laughed.

There were also three other gods, one surnamed Pu, one surnamed Wan, and one surname Xu. They were all the ones who followed Lin Fei and went through the Jedi. They were very familiar with each other and welcomed them enthusiastically.

Everyone was very happy to meet again.

"Brother Wen, do you know these two people?"

The pink-clothed woman was suspicious, followed Wen Qiong closely, pressed very close, and asked.

"Sister Caifeng, come, let me introduce you.

This is Brother Lu, this is the little brother Lin Fei, both of whom are my good brothers.  Also, sister Caifeng, don’t look down on the little brother Lin Fei. Although he appears to be just a descendant with the strength of the gods, he is endowed with enchanting talents, many cards, and real combat power. Counting our gods, it’s not too much.


In particular, his cultivation skills in the aspect of phase and earth techniques made me admire very much. "

Wen Qiong introduced.

"However, if his strength is really a god, how can he appear here?

You know, here [Smoke Yu Hongchen Novel], but it belongs to the game area of ​​God. "

That Caifeng looked down at Lin Fei with a strangely complicated look. Although she didn't show any obvious contempt, she didn't show much respect.

"Yes indeed!

Lin Fei, I almost forgot about this.

How did you appear in the game area of ​​God.

I thought you would be assigned to the lower god's game area! "

At this time, Wen Qiong suddenly realized, slapped his thigh, and asked Lin Fei.

"Brother Wen, I also asked Little Brother Lin Fei about this question, and he himself doesn't know the exact answer.

I guess, it is very likely that the little brother Lin Fei was assigned to the game area of ​​our **** because of the special combat power of the little brother. "

Lu Daqian was aside, rushing to answer.

"Senior Lu is right."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"To make Big Brother Wen such a compliment, it seems that Little Brother Lin Fei must be a hidden master."

Na Caifeng looked at Lin Fei, her eyes, vaguely, Qiubo secretly sent.

"Anyway, Lin Fei, Brother Lu, we finally got together. This is a great thing."

Wen Qiong laughed.

"Haha..., yes, in fact, little brother Lin Fei and I have been looking for you, Brother Wen.

Unexpectedly, accidentally, met like this! "

Lu Daqian laughed freely, this smile came from the heart.

Gan Yunxiao, as well as the other three gods who had rushed into the Jedi with Lin Fei, all came, embraced Lu Daqian and Lin Fei, and were very enthusiastic.

After all, in this terrible game, everybody kills each other, intrigues, and intrigues each other. It is indeed a shocking thing to meet old acquaintances in this terrible game.

At the same time, other members of this small team also greeted Lin Feilu and Daqian one after another.

After all, Wen Qiong is the leader of this small team. Because of Wen Qiong's face, they naturally want to show their favor to Lin Fei and Lu Daqian.

"Brother Wen, are you mixing well in this area?"

Lin Fei asked slightly excitedly.


Hearing Lin Fei's question, Wen Qiong let out a sigh of relief.

Gan Yunxiao was on the side, also showing a look of resentment.

Lin Feijian defended his appearance, he saw Wen Qiong's head, only 2000 points, Gan Yunxiao only 1700 points.

In this team, the points of other members are very low, even 300 or 400 points.

It has to be said that this kind of points is extremely poor.

Look at Wen Qiong's look again, don't think about it, Lin Fei also knows that their situation must be very miserable.

"Hi! Lin Fei, Brother Lu, you two! You, your points!"

Surprisingly, Wen Qiong looked up and saw Lin Fei's points, and her mouth grew wide in horror!

Lin Fei's points reached more than two thousand points.

And Lu Daqian's points, even more than three thousand points!

Originally, Lin Fei and Lu Daqian, only two of them acted together, which was a serious single situation.

Being able to barely survive without being hunted is already quite remarkable.

Unexpectedly, the two got such high points instead!

Wen Qiong and others were totally unbelievable, staring dumbfounded at the illusory points on Lin Fei and Lu Daqian's heads, a little unbelievable.

Just now, everyone met suddenly. Under excitement, there was no time to look at each other's points carefully. Until now, they started to observe.

"Brother Wen, don't look at me, all this is the credit of little brother Lin Fei.

Without him, maybe I would have been killed by now. "

Lu Daqian smiled.

"Senior Lu, you laughed.

If it weren't for the powerful combat power of Senior Lu, I myself might not be able to survive until now. "

Lin Fei said quickly.

"Okay. Lin Fei, I have to say, no matter what, under any circumstances, as long as you are there, it seems that you can always handle it."

Wen Qiong smiled bitterly.

"Unexpectedly, there are two more fat sheep!


Originally, every member of this team was a poor ghost, with so few points, I found it a bit boring.

Unexpectedly, now, there are two fat sheep who take the initiative to send the door! "

That Caifeng, and her five other female companions, were excited one by one, looking at Lin Fei and Lu Daqian, there was a touch of greed that could not be concealed.   Caifeng, excited, couldn't help but walked towards Lin Fei.

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