Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 314: Much attention!

"Huh, the Profound Realm is really strong, compared to the realm cultivation base, it is completely at two different levels!"

After the breakthrough, Lin Fei felt the wave of powerful vitality coming from his body at the moment, and sighed from the bottom of his heart. ΩΔ. *.

Then, Lin Fei slowly raised his head, staring at Lu Wuhuan's shocked face with sharp eyes, and he no longer meant to avoid it.

At the same time, Lin Fei's hands suddenly crossed her chest and danced quickly, like a butterfly wearing a flower, her posture is graceful and smooth, and proficient.

A torrent of thick, light golden vitality burst out from his palm.

Within a few breaths, a nine-story golden pagoda was formed in Lin Fei's palm, overflowing with the violent coercion that dominated the world.

After the pagoda was completed, Lin Fei held the nine-story golden pagoda with one hand, and his clothes all over his body were hunting and flying. The whole image seemed to have become taller.

The cultivation base of the Profound Realm has completely improved Lin Fei's temperament from the inside out!

"Then, next, we will have a formal battle."

"Lin Fei, even if you break through, so what? I am the intermediate level of the Profound Realm and you are the elementary level of the Profound Realm. I will torture you to death today!"

The fact that Lin Fei broke through in the battle made Lu Wuhuan extremely jealous, breathing fire in his eyes, and murderous riots in his eyes.

He knew that with Lin Fei's terrifying potential, maybe one day, he would completely surpass him, take his place, and become the strongest of the younger generation of the Ziwei Empire.

While talking, the nine fists on Lu Wuhuan's head, and the nine demons were screaming frantically, without any reservation, the nine fists were blasted out at the same time.

Nine fists, extremely powerful, destructive, converging with Lu Wuhuan's brutal killing intent, exuding amazing destructive power.

Lin Fei did not dare to slow down, the nine-story gold pagoda in his hand also shot out.


Nine fists hit the nine-story golden tower together.

An astonishing elemental force shock wave rippled.

Then, the nine-story golden pagoda shot back, Lin Fei stretched out his hand to catch the golden pagoda. Under the impact, his figure also retreated more than ten steps, and even the corner of his mouth was overflowing with blood.

"Well, it seems that a big buddha tower really cannot defeat Lu Wuhuan."

Lin Fei stared at the sky above Lu Wuhuan's head, the nine fists with monstrous blood, suddenly a crazy thought flashed in his heart, and a bit of enthusiasm appeared in his eyes.

Then, with a movement of his mind, the Yun Yuan stone in the dantian trembled, and a steady stream of vigorous energy was transmitted, quickly replenishing the meridians in Lin Fei's body, which had just been consumed by the condensation of the Great Buddha Tower. vitality.

After a few breaths, the second Great Buddha Tower took shape!


In the field, all the Huayang Sect people, from the head Xiang Xiaotian, to the elder, to the disciple, all jumped and stood up.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!"

Xiang Xiaotian couldn't control his emotions at all, and almost shouted.

"Huh? Xiang Aiqing, what's going on?"

The emperor was surprised.

"Your Majesty, this is completely impossible!

This kind of big buddha technique that Lin Fei used to condense a big buddha tower would cost 70% of his own vitality.

It is a very domineering and very exhausting martial arts.

However, this Lin Fei had already condensed a Great Buddha Tower just now, how could it be possible to condense a second tower?

This is unreasonable, it's just...! "

However, just before Xiang Xiaotian's words were finished............

Suddenly, Lin Fei took action again. He suspended the two Great Buddha Pagodas on both sides of his body. At the same time, with a movement of his mind, he communicated with the Yunyuan Stone in his dantian. In an instant, he completely replenished the lost vitality and the vitality of the whole body. , Once again return to the state at the peak.

Then, after a few breaths, the third pagoda was formed again, resting on Lin Fei's palm.

"Xiang Aiqing, what is going on?"

The emperor also faintly felt that Lin Fei seemed to have made a remarkable move.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

Xiang Xiaotian only felt that his head was completely broken. Facing the emperor’s question, he wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, only the kind of weird owl. Scream.

"Oh my God, it's amazing!"

"A miracle, look at the miracle that Lin Fei created."

"Lin Fei, you are my idol."


The emotions of all Huayang faction personnel are completely out of control.

Even the two elders who led the team were frantic and mumbled to themselves.

"How is this possible, how is this possible......"


After condensing the third Great Buddha Tower, Lin Fei's face was also very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, the crazy idea that suddenly flashed in my mind just now was really done by myself.

Although, every time a Great Buddha Tower is condensed, it needs to extract 70% of its own vitality.

However, the Yunyuan Stone in his body already stores a great amount of vitality. You can instantly restore the vitality to its peak state, and then you can condense the second Great Buddha Pagoda, and then, as long as you continue to replenish it, you can Constantly condense more and more bodhisattva towers.

This is also because Lin Fei has a treasure like Yun Yuanshi in his body to complete this idea.

"The three big buddha towers should be able to cope with the situation right now."

Lin Fei's eyes sharpened.

"I was so happy just now, now, it's my turn!"

As we spoke, the wind was surging, the clouds moved in ten directions, and a huge rumbling sound rang from the ring.

The three, nine-story Great Buddha Tower quivered, and then, mixed with the faint sound of dragons, shocked the entire arena, and swept all the wastes and covered the world, and hit Lu Wuhuan.


Feeling the world-destroying aura of these three nine-story gold pagodas, Lu Wuhuan, who has been pointing the country and confident and confident, finally burst out a slightly panicked roar.

The nine magic fists on his head turned and knocked out, and blocked them in a hurry.

Each of the three large floating pagodas contained 70% of the power of a junior martial artist in the profound realm. Together with the Great Buddha Art, it was originally a very domineering martial skill.

These three towers attacked together, even if Lu Wuhuan was at the intermediate level of the Profound Realm, he was losing ground steadily, and soon showed signs of defeat.

After a while, under the violent attack of the three golden pagodas, the nine magic fists on the top of Lu Wuhuan's head showed an inch of cracked road on the surface.


Lu Wuhuan spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face was extremely hideous.

"Impossible, how is this possible!

Lin Fei, you have just broken through to the elementary level of the Profound Realm. How could you have the strength? You can display such a violent and domineering offensive power, and you suddenly passed me! ! ! "

Lu Wuhuan couldn't believe it at all!

But what greeted him were three golden pagodas, bombarded more violently.

"Get out! Get out!"

Lu Wuhuan finally panicked, unfolded his posture, and began to dodge.

He knew that the general situation was over, and Lin Fei had completely controlled the battle situation.

However, to make him concede defeat, he can't save his face. As long as he concedes defeat, Lu Wuhuan will completely become a laughing stock in this Ziwei Empire!

How can Lu Wuhuan accept such a big gap in life!


In the auditorium.

"Your Majesty, please, stop this game.

Nothing, let Lin Fei take the first place.

If this continues, with Lin Fei's ferocious character, there is no danger.

Your Majesty, we are happy to teach, we can't lose the genius of Lu Wuhuan. "

Suddenly, the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect was anxious and burst into tears, completely abandoning face and begging the emperor for love.

The leader of the Xiaoyao Sect also saw that Lu Wuhuan in the ring could not pull him to admit defeat anyway.

The current plan is to ask the emperor to stop this battle. As long as the emperor opens the mouth, Lu Wuhuan will be saved!


The emperor of [Longteng Novel Network] was taken aback.

"Well, such a talent as Lu Wuhuan really shouldn't let him die easily. To die like this is indeed a great loss for our Ziwei Empire. Okay, let the order go on, let this fight stop, Lin Fly win!"

Soon, the old **** gave the emperor's order to Lin Fei and Lu Wuhuan who were fighting hard in the ring.

"Oh, no need to fight. Am I winning?"

Lin Fei is a little strange.

And Lu Wuhuan, just in the midst of danger, suddenly heard this command, and his heart suddenly relaxed, feeling like a survivor.

Looking at Lin Fei with extremely bitter eyes, Lu Wuhuan left the ring lonely.

Lin Fei also jumped out of the ring.

At this point, the vigorous talent exchange contest is over!

And Lin Fei, became the invader of this competition!

In the field, all the people, all their eyes, were completely concentrated on the slightly thin body of the young man who was slowly jumping off the ring.

At this moment, much attention!

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