Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3155: Go ahead

Feizhou is constantly approaching three thousand worlds.


   Within the Feizhou, the three upper gods of the Fuxi family, the Suiren family, and the Shennong family all stood up, their faces kept calm, and at this time, there was a trace of fluctuation.


   "Hehe, I didn't expect that after such a long time, there is still a chance to come back.


   I don’t know, what’s going on with the current three thousand world. "


   Fuxi laughed, with a calm tone.


   His deep gaze, across the distant time and space, looked at three thousand worlds.


   "Yes, even though I have been away for such a long time, but time flies, everything is like a dream, I feel like I left yesterday, and today I am back again."


   Then Renshi smiled.


   "Brother Suiren is so high!"


   Shennong also smiled.


  Wen Qiong, Ding Youshen and other middle gods also stood up one by one, looking at a world of three thousand big and small. The so-called near-home feeling timid, their mood at this moment is both excited and nervous.


   "By the way, now, in a world of 3,000 sizes, the situation is chaotic, and various factions are constantly returning, and the undercurrent is surging.


   I feel that our group of people should not be fancied. It is best to keep a low profile and sneak back quietly.


   In this way, it can play the outstanding effect of the surprise. "


   Suddenly, Fu Xi said slowly.


   The other gods were taken aback when they heard the words.


  "Brother Fuxi, you make sense!


   If we swagger back in front of everyone, we will definitely arouse the enemy's alert.


   go back quietly, when we need to take action, we will suddenly come out, in order to achieve a surprising effect. "


   Suiren and Shennong both nodded in agreement.


   "Senior Fuxi is right!"


   Wen Qiong and others also nodded.


   At this time, in the hall, a silhouette suddenly flashed, and Lin Fei had appeared, standing in front of everyone.


   "Haha, Lin Fei, you kid, you have finally finished your cultivation!"


   Wen Qiong laughed.


   "Brother Lin Fei, you are finally out!"


   Black Ruba, the first one, surrounded him and said to Lin Fei enthusiastically.


   Even the three upper gods of Fuxi, Suiren and Shennong smiled at Lin Fei.


   "Brother Lin, the three of us, this time, it can be regarded as yes, we have successfully completed the task."


   Ji Qian and Tang Mu said with a smile.




   Lin Fei nodded and smiled.


   "After a few years, we are back."


   Lin Fei's gaze, looking at the direction of the three thousand worlds, exclaimed.


   just now.


   Suddenly, the three upper gods of Fuxi, Suiren, and Shennong frowned, seeming to perceive something.


   The perception abilities of the upper gods are amazing. Although they are far away, they can already perceive some situations in three thousand worlds.


   "It seems that something happened.


   There are a large number of people and horses who are besieging the periphery of a three-thousand-large world, seeming to be rounding up something. "


   Fuxi's gaze penetrated the distant distance, perceiving it carefully.


   "Well, I recognized a few of them. They belonged to the Yinshen faction in ancient times.


   Although not a big man, I seem to have seen them on the battlefield. "


   Sui Renshi is also earnestly perceiving and muttering to himself.


   "I seem to hear someone lower their voice and say, please pay attention, you must not let the tree escape"


   Shennong's gaze also looked at three thousand worlds in the distance, and said slowly.


   When the other gods saw this, they all moved in their hearts, knowing that these three high-level gods were using their great supernatural powers to perceive three thousand large and small worlds from a distance, and found some abnormal situations.


   At this time, Lin Fei was the most shocked!


   "You can't let that tree escape, that tree does not refer to the Chaos World Tree!


   Could it be that the Chaos World Tree has exposed its traces and is being hunted down by the Yinshen faction? ! "


   Lin Fei immediately thought of this possibility.


   "No, chaotic world tree, there must be no accident!


   The plane of falling immortality, and the billions of creatures in the plane, are all attached to it Kazuki! "


   Lin Fei's heart was heavy, and his face changed drastically.


   "I must hurry back right away!"


   Lin Fei's eyes gradually became cold.


   "Hmph, no matter who you are, since you provoke me, don't blame me for being rude."


  In the depths of Lin Fei's eyes, a strong killing intent flashed.


   In three thousand worlds, it is well known that the plane of falling immortal is the plane guarded by Lin Fei.


   Bullying the plane of Luoxian is bullying Lin Fei.


  Since others have been bullied, Lin Fei will naturally not be weak.


   "We must kill them to be afraid!"


   Lin Fei's tone was rather cold.


   "Seniors, I have a foreboding that my plane, the plane of falling immortal, is very likely to be in crisis, so I must rush back to see it immediately.


   So, seniors, I'm going one step ahead. "


   Lin Fei was anxious, and said to the other gods in Feizhou.


   "Oh? Lin Fei, are you in a hurry to go back?"


   Wen Qiong and others asked curiously.


   "Lin Fei, since you are anxious to go back, then I will fly the boat to the fastest speed.


   My flying boat has first-rate flying speed. Even if you have a flying magic weapon, you may not necessarily be faster than my flying boat. "


   Fuxi could see that Lin Fei was really anxious.


   "Seniors, things are critical now, I have no time to explain to you in detail.


   I'm going one step ahead. "


   Lin Fei said.


After    finished speaking, Lin Fei flickered, and rushed out of the flying boat.


   "Lin Fei, let's go back together and do you a favor!"


   Wen Qiong and others shouted from behind.


   "No, seniors, you will quietly go back to the three thousand worlds according to your original plan. It is not suitable for publicity for now.


   And me, just kill it back! "


   Lin Fei replied loudly. He had already rushed out of the flying boat and activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card. With a sound, his figure disappeared.


  Ten Thousand Worlds Reincarnation Card, naturally recorded the space coordinates of three thousand worlds.


   "Lin Fei really has a way to quickly send it back."


   In the flying boat, Fuxi exclaimed.


   "Hehe, a mysterious and interesting young man."


   Shennong smiled softly.


   "With Lin Fei's strength, as long as he doesn't meet the upper gods, there should be no danger."


   Wen Qiong said.


   "Well, that's okay, let's keep a low profile and go back quietly as originally planned."


   Sui Renshi nodded and said.


   "With my current strength, surprisingly, I should be able to kill a lot of gods.


  The people of the Yinshen faction, since they have stated that they want to bully me, well, this time, let them give some blood and take a long lesson! "


   In a space transmission channel, Lin Fei's expression is cold, his eyes are shocking, and he muttered to himself.


at this time.


   In three thousand worlds.


  The gods of the Yin God faction and the alien space surrounded a certain chaotic space.


   This chaotic space has been laid out with a lot of god-level formations, a lot of magic weapons to block the space.


  "It is certain now that the tree must be hidden in this small space.


   The Chaos World Tree can be perfectly integrated into the space. This is its innate talent.


   As long as we break this space, it will appear! "A **** said excitedly.

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