Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3169: Xingtian adult

In the plane of the gods, the headquarters of the gods.

"Heaven God Cauldron, don't worry, I have asked three old seniors with boundless magical power to set up a few very clever formations on the Celestial God plane.

The current Celestial Plane is very safe.

Moreover, in this Shenchao headquarters, there are also several large teleportation formations.

If you stay here, if anything goes wrong, you can immediately use these teleportation formations to return to the plane of falling immortality. "

In the discussion hall of the headquarters, Tianshending ordered people to place the spirit tea and fruit, and was slowly drinking tea with Lin Fei.

"So I'm relieved.

Lin Fei, it’s so cool to see you kill the Quartet today and beat those gods of the Yinshen faction crying for fathers and mothers! "

[August 1 Chinese website] Tianshending smiled.

"Unfortunately, my body is a magic weapon, and I have basically reached the top when I cultivate to the gods.

In this life, it is estimated that he will not be able to become a god.

Seeing you become a **** now can only be envy and jealousy. "

Tianshending sighed, suddenly feeling a little depressed.

"Haha..., how difficult is this.

It's true that your people, whose spirits become refined, are subject to innate restrictions, and it is extremely difficult to become a god.

It’s just that there is always room for negotiation.

I think there is a way, it is possible, that you can cultivate into a god.

So, you don't have to worry, when the time is right, I will help you become a god. "

Lin Fei laughed.

"Is there really such a way?!

any solution!

Boy, speak quickly, don't say half, hide half! "

Tianshending jumped up on the spot, blushing with excitement, his neck was thick, and he shouted at Lin Fei.

"Well, don't get excited, sit down and listen to me slowly."

Lin Fei took a sip of tea slowly and comforted.


Don't play deep with me!

Say it! "

The Celestial Cauldron was already too anxious and yelled at Lin Fei.

"It's very simple.

At that time, I will find ten and eight chaos magic weapons, so you can slowly refine and absorb them.

I believe that you have a chance to become a god. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Ten eight chaos-level magic weapons!

Boy, if you can find it for me, this is indeed a way to try..."

Tianshending heard the words and immediately began to deduct it.

He himself appeared as a magic weapon, and became a refined cultivation practice, and he knew all the magic weapons in the world.

"Lin Fei, you are right, I have forgotten it, this method has great hope of success.

It's just that the chaos magic weapon is so precious and rare that it is very difficult to find one.

It is even more impossible to find ten or eight.

The method you think of is too extravagant to work! "

Celestial Cauldron sighed and said.

"Don't worry, the magic weapon of chaos, although precious, is not impossible to find.

I have two of them. "

Lin Fei showed his purple sword and **** walking shoes to the gods.

Under the careful identification of the Tianshen Cauldron, his eyes could not help but shine.

"Sure enough, it is a magic weapon of chaos, kid, give it to me!"

Tianshending was drooling at the sight, so he wanted to reach out and grab it.

"I can't give you these two pieces. Most of my combat power lies in these two chaos magic weapons."

Lin Fei put away the two chaotic magic weapons.

The purple sword and the **** walking shoes, these two magic weapons of chaos, gave Lin Fei the power to fight against the mid-level gods, and they had a great effect on Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, since I can find two, I have the ability to find more.

In the future, I will help you find ten and eight chaos magic weapons, so that you can cultivate into a god. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Well, kid, you remember what you said."

Tianshen Ding said angrily.

Just now.


Suddenly, a series of rapid and powerful beating sounds sounded.

In the entire three thousand-sized world, any corner can be heard clearly.

"It's a female fetus!

Go, take a look! "

Lin Fei rolled up his sleeves, took the Celestial Cauldron, strode the meteor, and instantly rushed out of the Celestial Plane, towards the Yanhuang Plane.

After a while, the Yanhuang plane was already in sight.

At this time, the Yanhuang plane was full of figures in all directions, all observing and talking quietly.


One after another loud noises, the rhythm was very rapid, and they were constantly transmitted from the Yanhuang plane, shaking the surrounding void like chaff, shaking violently.

Layers of sound waves, like a frenzy of raging waves, slapped and spread to the surrounding chaotic void.

"This female fetus seems to be getting louder and louder.

The sound is getting louder and louder. "

Celestial Cauldron frowned and said.

Every once in a while, the female fetus will make a heartbeat, shaking the entire three thousand-sized world, almost everyone knows.

"It seems that this female fetus wants to hatch and was born."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Yes, the female fetus already has strong vitality, and the energy it contains is also terrifying.

It is possible to hatch at any time. "

Suddenly, a faint voice rang in Lin Fei's ears.

"Senior Fuxi!"

Lin Fei looked to his side, three faint figures standing in the void beside him, covered with a vague mist, covering his true body.

With Lin Fei's strength, he couldn't see clearly.

However, Lin Fei knew that these three figures were Fuxi, Suiren, and Shennong, the three upper gods.

"The vitality of this female fetus is too tenacious.

Back then, Pan Gu and Nu Wa led everyone, trying their best to arrange obstacles, formations, and even planted a positive fetus.

Unexpectedly, it was still unable to truly restrain the female fetus. After a long period of time, it finally gained enough energy to enter the stage of incubation and birth. "

Shennong sighed softly.

The moods of the three upper gods are very complicated.

Because, back then, in order to restrain this female fetus, the great abilities of the Yangshen faction could be said to have tried their best, exhausted the means, and the three high-level gods knew very clearly about the complicated process involved.

Because the three upper gods Fuxi, Suiren and Shennong were one of the main participants back then.

"This female baby is too weird and too violent. Once it is born, it is estimated that even if the main **** comes, it must avoid three points!

If the female fetus is really born, we, the Yang God faction, will probably suffer an extermination massacre! "

Suiren also sighed.

"so smart!"

Lin Fei's scalp numb.

"Lin Fei, your potential is very good, step up your time to practice.

Soon, the Yinshen faction cannot and Chi You will return.

There must be a big battle between our Yangshen faction and Yinshen faction.

I hope that you can have an outstanding performance. "

Fuxi looked at Lin Fei and said with a smile.

"Junior understands."

Lin Fei answered quickly.

at the same time.

Far away, in an unknown mysterious space.

In a very old ancient cave, there is a statue that has not known how long it has existed.

The color of the statue has been blurred, the gray tip of the year, covered with spider silk, looks very decayed.


"The female fetus is about to be born, I have to rush back.

Pangu, Nuwa, the eternal grievances between us, it's time to settle down. "

A faint voice came out slowly from the mouth of this statue.


The next moment, a monstrous red light, bright as blood, burst out from the body of this statue.

The whole world was dyed red and it seemed to be bleeding.

at the same time.

In another mysterious and vast world.

In a huge and frightening yellow palace.

"Jie Jie..., brothers, the female fetus is about to be born, we are going to kill it back.

The three thousand worlds belong to our Yinshen faction.

Those dog thieves of the Yangshen faction are all going to die! "

An extremely tall giant towering into the clouds, with a strange smile, said loudly.

"Okay! As long as the eldest brother gives an order, we brothers, do it!"

Dozens of giants gathered around, shouting in excitement.

at this time.

The edge of the three thousand world.

In the chaotic void.

Suddenly, a pitch-black flying boat slammed through the space and appeared through it.

On the bow of the flying boat, stood a vicious weird person, exuding a terrible breath, shaking the surrounding space barriers, and wrinkles appeared.

This is a headless monster!

It has no head, with two **** as eyes and a belly button as its mouth. Its left hand is holding a Cangsang old battle shield, and its right hand is holding a weird-looking giant axe.

This headless monster stood there, and the surrounding space was filled with endless evil spirits, boiling and surging.

"Master Xingtian, there is a world of three thousand sizes ahead."

An old man in Tsing Yi came to this headless monster and said cautiously.

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