Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3225: What happened to the family

"It's really ALFY!

ALFY, you have come back to Earth! "

Lin Fei's father and elder brother yelled first, surprised and delighted.

"A Fei, you are finally back, just come back!"

Lin Fei's mother finally understood that the person standing in front of her was indeed the youngest son she had been thinking about day and night, hugging Lin Fei.

The family was reunited, naturally, it was unavoidable to be excited, especially Lin Fei's mother, who ordered Lin Fei to sit down on a grassy slope, and asked carefully, not getting tired of it.

Lin Fei had no choice but to accompany her mother to answer one question after another, including the last time, why did he leave the earth suddenly, where he went afterwards, what did he do, and this time, why he came back suddenly.

The family sat together and listened to Lin Fei's thrilling stories about struggling in another world.

Hearing all kinds of magic, thrills, and passion, Lin Fei's parents, and eldest brother were all shocked and even screamed.

For a peaceful earth, the outside world is really wonderful!

"A Fei, are you a **** now?..."

After hearing the experience of Lin Fei breaking through to become a god, the whole family looked up and down with strange eyes, looking at Lin Fei as if looking at an alien.

"No way, my son is actually a god..., this..."

Lin Fei's mother stared at her son, a little bit dumbfounded, and even pinched Lin Fei's body with her hands several times, trying to see what was different.

"A Fei, in the legend, the bodies of those gods will shine, especially behind their heads, there will be circles of light, why don't you have them?"

Lin Jie asked curiously.

"This is easy."

Lin Fei smiled slightly.

Up and down the body, a soft light radiated, and the whole person became bright and bright, and even the hair and the hair on the body were crystal clear and sacred.

It looks like a **** who descended from the mortal world from nine days.

"It looks like it now!

A Fei, you really are a god! "

The family no longer doubted, they cried out in surprise.

"You can't use this sign to determine whether a warrior is a **** or not.

In short, when your realm improves in the future, you will understand. "

Lin Fei laughed blankly and said.

"A Fei, you mean, on Kunlun Mountain, there is a female fetus. Once born, it will be invincible, the end of the world?!"

Finally, when Lin Fei said about the vaginal fetus, both parents and elder brother were surprised and curious.

Of course, it is the curious component, which accounts for the majority.   In their minds, the earth has always been calm and quiet. The big deal is some frictions between countries. The most serious is that the United States often launches small-scale wars against some small countries, as well as one of the martial arts circles.

Some grievances to kill.

Now suddenly, the earth has a relationship with the end of the world.

This is a bit weird, it is usually a part of a movie or a novel!

"A Fei, in that case, when you came back to Earth, did you plan to deal with that female fetus and save the world?

Tsk tsk..., this sounds a bit like Ultraman fighting monsters and saving the earth.

My ALFY has turned into Superman. "

Lin Fei's mother couldn't help crying softly.

"It's a bit like!"

Both father and elder brother nodded.

Lin Fei couldn't help but turned dark, dare to love, his family thought it was a very fun thing, even Ultraman and Superman contacted.

"By the way, Mom, why are you not in the Xiulian Mountain Temple in Qing'an County? How come you came to Tibetan areas?"

Lin Fei changed the subject and asked about what happened to his family.

"Hey, it's a long story."

The mother sighed, and then told Lin Fei about the matter from beginning to end.

It turned out that after Lin Fei left the earth, his parents and elder brother stayed in the outskirts of Qing'an County, underground, in the mountain temple.

After more than ten years.

Suddenly, people from the Western Church came to the door.

Before Lin Fei left, he had already set up numerous formations around that mountain temple, which was as solid as gold.

Therefore, the people of the Western Church tried their best, and finally used a lot of potent zhayao, ground penetrating missiles, and even nuclear bombs!

Neither has any effect.

Because the arrays that Lin Fei arranged were of many types, with defenses, attacks, concealment, and arrays related to time and space.

Any attack energy from outside will not only be resisted, but will also be transferred to other places.

Therefore, those zhadan, missiles, and even nuclear bombs were clearly blasted towards the mountain temple, but in the end, they were transferred to other places, Baozha.

As long as Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother stay in the mountain temple, there will be no danger.

Later, the people of the Western Church seemed to give up the attack and all evacuated. For several years, there was no more movement.

Later, in the Western martial arts world, news suddenly came out, saying that Lin Fei had appeared and was seriously injured by the gods of the Western Church, and was fleeing back to the east in embarrassment.

Moreover, there are some related video images, which were transmitted back to the martial arts world in the east. In those videos, Lin Fei was covered in blood and was chased and killed by a large group of paladins behind.

Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother also heard the news and even saw those video images.

So, in a hurry, the parents and eldest brother quietly left the mountain temple to meet Lin Fei.

As a result, before setting foot outside the country, the Western churches appeared!

Until then, Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother wanted to understand that everything was a conspiracy of the Western Church!

The news and videos about Lin Fei's appearance are all fake.

As a result, the family was jammed in Tibetan areas by the Western churches, hiding in Tibet, and fleeing day and night. Fortunately, Lin Fei’s mother is already at a high level, and, above the swordsmanship, she has also realized the sword intent of great perfection. Only with this strength can she protect her husband and son and barely support her for several years. Time, eventually, no

Intentionally, broke into this barren no man's land.

The men and horses of the Western Church also followed and besieged the family on this low mountain.

"That's it."

After hearing what his mother said, Lin Fei finally understood why his family left Qing'an County and came to this uninhabited area.

Everything is because of the Western Church!

"Hey, very good, Western Church, there is no need for it."

A cold light flashed through Lin Fei's eyes.

Last time, Lin Fei went to Jerusalem and fought against the gods of the Western Church.

However, afterwards, because the gate of Shenxiang suddenly appeared, Lin Fei hurried away.

There is no time at all to find the Western Church to settle the accounts.

Unexpectedly, after he left the earth, the Western Church unexpectedly found his own family again, and bitterly forced each other.

This time, if you didn't rush back in time, you can imagine that sooner or later your parents and eldest brother will fall into the hands of the Western church. The consequences will be unimaginable.   It can be said that the Western Church, this ancient organization on the earth, has deeply angered Lin Fei!

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