Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3239: Chase

Those gods have never been beaten, nor can they escape. They only have to cry for father and mother.

One by one, Lin Fei used the most rude way to directly kill him!

In the end, only the prince of the prison, the prince of Haotian, and the man in black holding the spirit banner in the underworld were left.

The three of them are the strongest, and they are in control of a top magic weapon, and they can barely cope with them for the time being.

However, the eyes of the three of them also showed some sense of horror.

"You guys go to die too!"

Regardless of it, Lin Fei aimed at the three remaining gods and rushed over.

The prince of the prison, the prince of Haotian, and the man in black, destroyed the top magic weapon in his hand, and after a moment of confrontation with Lin Fei, he was a little scared.

Because Lin Fei is in a state of desperation, this style of play puts them under a lot of pressure.

Moreover, Lin Fei's own strength, coupled with the breath released by the female fetus and the male fetus, is very terrifying.

The prince of the prison, the prince of Haotian, and the man in black from the underworld could not resist.


The prince of the prison, the prince of Haotian, and the man in black finally turned and fled, fleeing into the distance.

Of course, their divine consciousness is still tightly locked on Lin Fei, and can sense Lin Fei's location at any time.

They are merely sheltering from the limelight.

Once there is a chance, I will come back immediately.

call out!

However, Lin Fei was reluctant and chased after the three.

"This kid, maybe he wants to pull someone back before he died!

Too hateful! "

The Prince of Heaven Prison gnashing his teeth while fleeing, really wants to turn his head and kill Lin Fei.

But Lin Fei's current state is too special and too dangerous, he really didn't dare to fight Lin Fei desperately.

"Where to run!"

Although Lin Fei was in extreme pain, he still yelled while chasing.

In the end, he caught up to the edge of the Yanhuang Plane.

At the edge, there are a total of four space-time transmission channels.

These four space-time transmission channels are exactly the channels through which the Quartet people and horses come in from the outside world. They have always been here and have not been closed, because this is the way to leave the Yanhuang plane.

"How to do?"

After escaping to the edge of the Yanhuang plane, the Prince of Heaven Prison and Prince Haotian glanced at each other and hesitated.

The black-clothed man in the underworld also stopped, looking at Lin Fei who was quickly chasing from behind, it was a bit difficult to make a decision.

"Where to escape, you all roll over and die!"

Lin Fei came after it, like a cannonball, rambling over at a terrifying speed.

"Let's go out first."

The Prince of Heaven Prison and Prince Haotian gritted their teeth and got into a space-time transmission channel. The men and horses of their demon race had entered through this space-time transmission channel before.


The man in black in the underworld stared at Lin Fei deeply, snorted coldly, and got into another nearby space-time transmission channel.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei's body was like a cannonball, head forward, and slammed into the space-time transmission channel of the Yaozu.

At this time, Lin Fei's body was under more and more frightening pressure.

Lin Fei's body was completely deformed, and its volume was five or six times larger than usual.

No longer see the original appearance, completely, it became a round meat ball.

The capillaries, green veins, and muscles under the skin seem to be transparent and can be seen very clearly.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been impossible for the body to swell like this, it would have exploded into pieces long ago.

However, Lin Fei possesses the realm of gods, and has always had the habit of xiulian **, so ** quality is particularly strong.

At the same time, the Too Last Weekly Induction Chapter is actually the main method of the Xiulian body. Once it is turned, Lin Fei's body will be extremely hard.

In addition, in Lin Fei's body, there are thousands of magic weapons of the gods, which are being blessed to protect Lin Fei's body.

Especially the reincarnation card.

Lin Fei could feel that the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card seemed to be protecting the lord, releasing a powerful and mysterious force that was protecting his own ****.

Therefore, Lin Fei barely supported it till now.

Now, Lin Fei just wanted to vent the extremely painful pressure in his body!

No matter if you catch something, you slam it over!


The Yaozu's space-time transmission channel was hit by Lin Fei, shook violently, and began to collapse.

"No, Lin Fei, that kid, crashed our transmission channel!"

In the passage, the prince of Tianlao and the prince of Haotian were shocked.


Sure enough, as soon as the two demon voices fell, the entire transmission channel began to disintegrate and fall apart.

"Run away!"

The princes of Tianjao and Haotian couldn't help being shocked. They used the law of time and space, and ran forward desperately, trying to grab this time and space transmission channel and escape before being completely destroyed.


In the passage, behind, a human cannonball, unrelenting, even chased up and crashed into the two monsters.


This kid, is it really fatal! "

The two demons couldn't help but exploded.

They were forced to escape by Lin Fei, and they already felt very aggrieved. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei even chased into the passage and crashed the passage!


The entire space-time transmission channel was finally completely blown up.

At this time, outside the Yanhuang plane.

In the chaotic void nearby.

There are four groups of creatures in four different locations, waiting anxiously.

They are the Yangshen faction, the Yaozu and the Yinshen faction, the underworld, and the quartet of the corpse hall.

Quartet people, guarding the four time and space transmission channels respectively, hope that the young geniuses who are sent in will complete their tasks quickly and come out quickly.


In the time and space transmission channel of the Yangshen faction, human figures flickered, and a group of figures rushed out of the channel.

"Look, they are back!"

The gods of the Yangshen faction are all overjoyed and refreshed.

Tang Mu, Ji Qian, Gu Yao,...

Nine young geniuses from the Yangshen faction rushed out of the passage one after another.

"Well, just come back."

Pangu and Nuwa and other powerful men saw these young geniuses who had been sent in, and they all came back alive. They were very pleased and smiled.

"Hey? Where's Lin Fei? Why didn't Lin Fei come out?"

Dao Ancestor Hun Yuan yelled first, his gaze kept staring at the exit of the transmission channel, but after everyone came out, Lin Fei was still missing.

"Senior Pangu, Senior Nuwa, seniors, you guys think of a way to save Lin Fei!"

Gu Yao suddenly cried, and tears filled his beautiful face, making him very anxious.

"Tell me, what happened? What happened now?

Negative fetus, who got it? "

Pan Gu and others were all surprised.

"For me!"

Tang Mu took a step forward and quickly recounted what happened within the Yanhuang Plane.

"What, the female fetus and the male fetus ran into Lin Fei's body again?!" Pangu and other gods couldn't believe it after listening to them. 14

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