Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3246: By the disciple

At the same time, Lin Fei had some doubts in his mind.

Lin Fei felt a little familiar with the sword light just now!

It's just that that sword light is too powerful and too advanced, for Lin Fei's current level, it is impossible to interpret it.

[Benquge] Seems familiar, but can't accurately interpret it!

Not only Lin Fei, but all the people looked in the direction from which the sword light had been cut. They were also confused and jealous.

Everyone knew in their hearts that an incredible master must have arrived.


Could it be him

That person, didn't he leave the three thousand worlds? "

The demon master couldn't help muttering to himself.

Back then, the demon lord took a fancy to Three Thousand Worlds and chose this place as the location of the womb. He did a survey on the Three Thousand Worlds and knew that there was a great master who walked out from here.

That was a terrifying master who once shocked the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos!

It's just that the time that person has been alive is too short.

Moreover, the whereabouts are erratic, like a dragon, seeing the head but not the end, has long disappeared in the long river of years, without whereabouts.

Now, the demon master saw the sword light, and couldn't help but remembered the terrifying master in the legend.

"No way.

Demon Lord, don't scare people.

If it were that person, it would be terrible.

It's not enough for us to go there together. "

King Taishan in the underworld heard the demon lord's self-talk and was startled and said in a loud voice.

The demon master, the deputy master of the Divine Corpse Hall, etc., also had serious expressions.

If it is really that person who returns, then the matter is big.

You know, he walked out of these three thousand worlds.

People like myself came to three thousand big and small worlds to show off their power. According to that person's character, I'm afraid that one can't escape!

It is even possible that they will be called to the door and bring harm to the original faction!


The man did not know how many years had disappeared.

There are rumors that he has already fallen.

How is it possible, will come back! "

The devil shook his head.

Just when everyone was shocked because of the sword light just now.



Someone said in surprise, pointing beyond the edge of a three-thousand-size world.

Everyone looked quickly.

I saw a man with a sword walking slowly.

This man, with a majestic appearance, swallow-nodded beard, leopard head and eyes, has a kind of imperial attitude that shocks the world.

"It's actually his old man!

Sword Emperor!

The true sword god!

My kendo master! "

Seeing the man with the sword walking slowly, Lin Fei burst into tears and almost yelled.

"It's the true sword god!

He is back! "

All the gods of the Yangshen faction are extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Unexpectedly, the kendo level of the true sword **** is already terrifying to this level!"

Pangu, Nuwa, Fuxi, Zhuren, Shennong and other top masters of the Yangshen faction could not help but marvel.

Excited and envious.

I think back then, in the three thousand worlds, the true sword **** came out of a small world, and with his clever kendo level, he was like a comet, powerfully shocking the entire three thousand worlds.

Later, True Sword God Sovereign left three thousand big and small worlds and began to travel in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and became famous and made a great reputation.

Later, the true sword **** suddenly disappeared and no longer appeared in the world.

This is a shining, but short-lived powerhouse like a meteor!

However, no one would have thought that today, he unexpectedly returned, reappearing in a world of three thousand sizes, and, with just one sword, all creatures were shocked!

I saw that the True Sword God Sovereign slowly walked into a world of three thousand sizes, with a free and easy manner, a leisurely attitude, seemingly unhurried, but he stepped across hundreds of millions of miles.

In an instant, he came to Lin Fei's side.

"Well, very good. I didn't expect that my kendo has been passed down in a world of three thousand sizes."

The true sword **** looked at Lin Fei, and immediately felt the sword energy in Lin Fei's body, which was actually inherited from him.

"You can rely on your own groping. It's great to have this kind of achievement."

The Sword God Lord felt Lin Fei's kendo level and smiled with satisfaction.


Lin Fei wanted to say something, but choked up. He only called Senior, and didn't know what to say.

Ever since I got the statue of the sword emperor in the sunset mountains in the Yuanwu world, the swordsmanship of the Xiulian by Lin Fei has always been the inheritance of the true sword god.

Domineering Sword, Five Elements Domination Sword, Kendo Compression Method

Each of them was left by the true sword god.

"Is it still called Senior? All of your swordsmanship is inherited from me. Shouldn't it be called Master?

At least in Kendo, I can be considered your master. "

True Sword God said with a smile.

There is no reproach, but there is a kind of love!

"Master is here, I am worshipped by my disciple!"

Lin Fei did not hesitate, and bowed down in the void on the spot.

Lin Fei has worshipped many masters in his life, and one more is nothing.

What's more, with this master, Lin Fei yelled sincerely!

"Haha, great."

The Sword God Lord laughed, very cheerful.

This teacher and disciple, talk freely.

"Brother Zhenjian, don't come here unharmed!"

"Brother Zhenjian, congratulations on receiving high apprentices!"

Pangu, Nuwa and other gods of the Yangshen faction greeted the True Sword God.

Although, the true sword god, in the three thousand worlds, does not belong to any faction.

However, there are many gods in the Yangshen faction, and they all have good friendship with the true sword god.

"Hehe, I've always been fine, I'm worried about you."

The true sword **** greeted Pangu, Nuwa and others with a smile.

As for the Yinshen faction, Chi You, Unable to, and Snake God, they have no friendship with the True Sword God, and they all look at the True Sword God with fearful eyes without saying a word.

Around, the demon lord, the demon lord, the deputy lord of the corpse hall, the Taishan King of the underground palace, and the master of Western Jiaoyan, the rotten face from the dark world, all the super masters, all staring at the true sword **** , His face was uncertain.

After the True Sword God appeared on the stage, he didn't pay attention to these super masters at all, and he didn't even look at them!

Just Gu talked to Lin Fei, and said hello to the gods of the Yangshen faction.

As for the surroundings, those powerful enemies who looked at him were turning a blind eye.

This attitude of the True Sword God made the demon masters who are extremely masters very unhappy.

It was ignored!

"Hmph, it's just a body, I thought it was amazing."

The demon lord suddenly said with a cold snort.

"A Dao body, it's enough to wait for Xiao Xiao!" True Sword God Lord only seemed to notice the existence of those super masters at this time, glanced at the past with fierce and majestic eyes, and said slowly.

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