Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3278: Immortal Falling Plane Upgrade

"Breakthrough again!"

Lin Fei moved in his heart and looked up at the sky above the square.

"Suppress it and cannot break through."

The sound of the statue sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Master, I understand."

Lin Fei immediately stopped refining the two fetuses in his body and began to converge his breath, suppressing the rioting energy in his body with all his strength, isolating the energy in his body from the chaotic void of the outside world.


Above the square, thick thunder-lighted electric snakes, like giant dragons, were walking wildly, roaring, and shaking the earth.

The monstrous thunder and tribulation aura rolled down the square, trying to find the target and conduct a bombardment.

This is already Lin Fei's second time, ushering in a breakthrough thunder catastrophe.

Lin Fei desperately suppressed the violent energy agitation in his body, and his body kept trembling, very hard.

After half an hour.

Finally, due to Lin Fei's desperate suppression, the manic energy in his body that wanted to hit the realm gradually subsided.

High in the sky, the thunder and lightning faded, and the dark clouds dispersed.

In the end, Lei Jie disappeared.

"Huh! I escaped again!"

Lin Fei softened physically and mentally and almost collapsed to the ground.

"This is just the beginning.

In the realm of the lower god, you have to avoid seventy-nine thunder calamities before you will be recognized by the eternal, absolute, and most primitive chaotic vacuum, and become a true chaotic vacuum god.

If you can't avoid it, then in time, you belong only to this chaotic jiyuan god, in space, you belong only to the boundless chaotic sea, a chaotic void god.

Work hard.

Nine, nine and eighty-one calamities, one calamity is more difficult than one.

The more you go to the back, the more difficult it is for you to successfully avoid the catastrophe. "

The voice of the statue sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"I see, Master, I will definitely work hard!"

Lin Fei replied with firm eyes.

Now that he knew the secret of the chaos vacuum god, with Lin Fei's character, he would naturally go after and fight desperately.

"By the way, Master, the Chaos Void God, and the general Chaos Void God, how different is the power difference between the two?"

Lin Fei suddenly came to curiosity and asked.

"Well, I'll tell you in detail, the difference between the two.

The main difference between the chaotic vacuum **** and the chaotic void **** is in three aspects.

First, in terms of strength, the chaotic vacuum gods can kill the chaotic void gods of the same order.

Second, in terms of lifespan, the chaotic vacuum gods have a life span that is a thousand times, ten thousand times longer than the chaotic void gods.

The third and most important point is that only the chaos vacuum **** is recognized by the absolute chaos vacuum, and it is possible for the Xiulian to break through and become the chaos god.

As for the chaotic void gods, it is never possible for Xiulian to become a chaotic god. "

The statue said to Lin Fei.

"So that's it. Thank you, Master, for your advice."

When Lin Fei heard this, he probably knew the difference between the two.

"I will work hard, and I will obtain the fruition status in every realm of the gods!

In the future, Xiulian will become the Chaos God! "

At this moment, Lin Fei's will is extremely firm.

"Well, very good, your martial arts heart is very firm, and your will is like iron."

The statue praised.

"Master, the situation of the boundless Chaos Sea has become very complicated.

The demon master harboured hatred and made chaos, causing the boundless sea of ​​chaos into the chaos of war. "

At this time, Tuntengou came to the square.

"Well, it's normal.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos has calmed most of the chaos jiyuan, and according to the will of chaos, it is time for chaos.

Quietness is chaotic, after the chaos, it will become calm again and again.

The general trend of the world is operated by Anzhao this cycle. "

The statue said flatly.

"Master, I feel, in the dark, something seems to be staring at us in the Valley of the Fallen God."

Tianguo said.

"Not bad.

They are here.

Not only the Valley of the Fallen God, the boundless sea of ​​chaos, every forbidden area, every force, every race, every world group, and even every plane, they will pay attention.

As long as I live for a while and don't die completely, they will not let me go. "

The statue sighed softly.

"Don't worry, they haven't found me yet.

It's just casting a wide net, searching everywhere for my whereabouts.

As long as I don't leave the Valley of Fallen God and leak my breath, I'll be fine. "

The statue continued.

"Well, I understand, Master."

Tuntiangou nodded.

"Master, is your enemy coming?"

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

"Not bad.

Don't worry about this matter, please feel at ease Xiulian.

When one day, your strength is strong enough, you will know everything. "

Said the statue.


Lin Fei replied.

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly vowed that he must work hard to make himself strong enough.

One day, I can share the worries for my master.

Now, Lin Fei finally understands deeply that Xiulian is endless and the meaning of this sentence.

Originally, Xiulian became a god, and Lin Fei thought that he already belonged to the most powerful group of elites in the heavens and all realms.

However, afterwards, Lin Fei came into contact with a group of super masters such as the True Sword God Monarch, the Sky Swallowing Dog, the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord, and the Palace Lord of the Underworld.

Later, when Lin Fei met the statue in front of him and worshipped it as a teacher, he was even more amazed. He turned out to be just a frog at the bottom of a well!

This is true, xiulian is endless!

Every time, when Lin Fei felt that he had finally become the most powerful group of masters, he always found that there were stronger people above his head, and he needed to look up!

"Lin Fei, hurry up, after refining the two fetuses in your body, go for a walk and practice.

The real xiulian is not behind closed doors.

Staying in the secret room and meditating on the Xiulian, the strength gained is definitely not reliable and not solid.

Only in the training, the strength gained is the most reliable.

In particular, the experience between blood and sweat, life and death is the most precious. "

Said the statue.

"Okay, Master."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei knows this truth best.

Because, Lin Fei spent most of his xiulian career in Lilian.

"The two fetuses in your body are only about one-fifth refined. Hurry up."

Said the statue.


Lin Fei nodded.

Just now.

"Boy, your Immortal Falling Plane will soon become an advanced world."

Lin Fei suddenly received a message from the Chaos World Tree.


That's great! "

Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised and explained to the statue, then, unfolding his figure, he left the square like lightning.

Falling into the Valley of God.

Above a certain mountain, the Chaos World Tree is suspended there.

The plane of Falling Immortal, like a bird's nest, undulates in the void, with turbulent chaotic fog surrounding it.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are many pure energies, like the sea of ​​rivers and rivers, converging towards the plane of falling immortals and blending into the plane of falling immortals.

This is the purest chaotic energy in chaos.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the world barriers on the plane of falling immortals are constantly changing, and the quality is getting higher and higher, showing the color of jade and glass.

"Sure enough, the plane of Falling Immortality is about to transform into an advanced world!" Lin Fei was very excited.

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