Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3308: Slaughter Demon Army

"Damn monster, go to hell!"

Lin Fei Zhan started to move at an incredible speed, and rushed towards the army of the monster race.


Lin Fei's fist, like a urging death, kept blasting out.

The radiance of the billowing stars is like a stormy wave, surging surging, and wherever it passes, the bodies of one monster after another are blasted to pieces, to pieces.


The three old monsters, whose eyes were about to split, in rage, stretched out their bodies at the same time, and pursued Lin Fei.

"Lord Lin, I'll help you!"

The old patriarch flickered, blocked one of the old monsters, and started fighting.

You know, the old patriarch is also an upper god.

Before, he was only seriously injured and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

Now that he had recovered his fighting power and met the Yaozu again, his rage finally vented fiercely.


The energy displayed by the old patriarch is also the energy of the stars, but it is far inferior to the Xiulian's dafa from Lin Fei.

Because, Lin Fei's xiulian's star dafa, which was taught by the ancestor Wu himself, belongs to the most authentic star dafa.

"You monsters, also taste the taste of being tusha!"

Lin Fei, like a ghost, rushed into the army of the demon race to kill.

The billowing stars, like a deep sea, completely submerged this piece of heaven and earth.

The terrible gravity of the stars makes the entire space very heavy and stagnant.

Where Lin Fei's figure passed, each monster, without any resistance, exploded one after another, like blood-colored fireworks.

The lives of countless monsters were harvested frantically by Lin Fei!

Screams, calls for help, and howls are endless.

"Boy, stop!"

In the rear, two old monsters furiously chased Lin Fei.

However, under the cooperation of the shoes of the **** walking, the inaction of the nine palaces, the law of chaos, and the reincarnation card, Lin Fei's body speed is too fast and too weird.

The three old monsters couldn't even catch Lin Fei's clothes!

"Damn monster, how does it feel to be tusha!

Taste it! "

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

For these monsters, Lin Fei didn't mean any mercy.

During this period of time, the men and horses of the demon city have been attacking cities and plundering land everywhere in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, not knowing how many planes, sects, and races they have invaded.

I don't know how many innocent creatures Tusha has.

It can be said that the hands of any monster are full of blood debts.

"Run away!

All escape! "

The two old monsters knew that if this continued, the monsters here would be wiped out by Lin Fei Tusha.


All the demon army did not dare to stay anymore and flee desperately.

"Escape? Unfortunately, in front of me, you can't escape."

Lin Fei sneered, his tone was very ruthless, murderous, his body flashed again and again, and he chased him up, while the fists were waving, the bodies of the escaped monsters continued to explode.

At Lin Fei's speed, no monster can escape.

After a while.

Above Wu's star, all the demons and horses were killed by Lin Fei!

Not one left!

There is blood everywhere in the sky and in the earth, meat, bones, residual limbs...

"Hoho..., boy, I want you to die, you are dead..."

Two old monsters, constantly roaring, went crazy, chasing behind Lin Fei.

There is also an old monster who was intercepted by the old patriarch, and the two sides are fighting desperately.

"Now, it's your turn!"

After Lin Fei cleaned all the monsters and all the tusha, he stood still, slowly turned, facing the two old monsters who were chasing, slowly said.

"Lord Lin, be careful.

You are alone, not their opponent! "

In the distance, when the old patriarch saw Lin Fei, he wanted to fight two old monsters at the same time, and couldn't help being shocked.

He knew that it should be possible to fight against an old monster with Lin Fei's strength.

However, it is very dangerous to fight two old monsters at the same time.

"Don't worry, they can't help me with these two old beasts."

Lin Fei smiled confidently at the old patriarch.

Even if it really fails, Lin Fei is confident that he can escape at any time.

What's more, even if he was fighting two old monsters at the same time, Lin Fei had certain confidence.

"Boy, die!"

The two old monsters witnessed Lin Fei tusha so many people from the monster race, they had long been angry, furious and crazy, and they started directly without saying a word.


The overwhelming laws of demon power erupted from the monster bodies of the two old monsters, turning into chains of demon-colored laws, blocking this space.


The billowing demon energy was whizzing and surging wildly.

The heaven and the earth are filled with a depressive, solidified atmosphere like a swamp.

Two old monsters, like two violent longjuanfeng, rushed towards Lin Fei, the terrifying monster power shattered everything in the world.

The two old monsters are both high-ranking gods who have been Xiulian for a long time. They are so powerful that they are appalling.

Now, they have joined forces to exert their lifelong xiulian demon power law to suppress Lin Fei.


The terrifying law of demon power formed two separate storm spaces. The two old monsters stood in the very center of the demon power storm, like the eye of the storm, and suppressed them towards Lin Fei.

In addition, there are ghosts of ancient monsters, which are constantly being born, densely packed with shadows, and they are torn to Lin Fei.

"Lord Lin, be careful!"

Upon seeing this, the old patriarch shouted.

The two old monsters joined forces, and the power was too powerful.

The old patriarch thought about it, and found that if it were himself, it was absolutely impossible, it was the opponent of the two old monsters.

Therefore, he was very worried for Lin Fei.

"Well, it's really strong."

Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded.

If you are not a xiulian and have absorbed a large amount of celestial gravity, it is estimated that under the combined attack of these two old monsters, you will only have to escape.

But now, Lin Fei is standing still, as stable as Mount Tai, without the slightest fear.

Even, a strong war spirit was revealed.


The two old monsters had already reached Lin Fei's body, and the surging demon power Longjuanfeng, like two behemoths, rolled towards Lin Fei.

The space where Lin Fei was standing began to crumble, collapse, disintegrate, and turn into nothingness by inch.


Lin Fei finally moved.


In fact, Lin Fei had been gaining momentum for a long time and blasted out with a punch.

Above the fist, the massive gravitational force of stars, like a deep sea like a sea, billowed out.

Cover the sky and the sun, the world changes color!

The gravity of the mighty stars burst into the sky with dazzling stars. In an instant, thousands of stars roared and fell from the void and descended into this world.

Fill the whole world.

Brilliant stars and galaxies are constantly being born, lingering around Lin Fei's body.   Lin Fei, as if standing in a bright ancient starry sky.

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