Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3315: Willing to follow left and right

After a while. Enter this site.

A large group of gods appeared in the distance, shooting towards Lin Fei like streams of light.

"Lord of the forest!

I'm Cao Wu's plea! "

At the forefront, Cao Wu, when he came to Lin Fei, he knelt directly on one knee.

"It doesn't have to be!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Lord Lin, you saved our great benefactor of the sea world group.

And we, who don't know good or bad, will avenge our grievances and offend the forest master, we are really ashamed. "

The white-haired high-ranking **** also appeared very humble, respectful, and complete, just treating Lin Fei as the same rank.

"Lord Lin, please forgive our rudeness!"

Hundreds of gods actually bowed to Lin Fei at the same time!

You know, these gods usually belong to the entire Canghai world group, a group of top masters with the strongest strength and the highest status, all of them are proud, and they have never bowed their heads to others.

Now, they all took the initiative to apologize to Lin Fei bending over.

"Master Lin, these guys have already regretted it, so please forgive them."

The old patriarch of the Wu family also smiled.

"Lord Lin, let's do this, I, Cao Wu, knelt down for you!"

Cao Wu suddenly said loudly, about to kneel down.

Don't look at Cao Wu's usual violent temper and straightforward speech, which easily offends people.

In fact, he is a person who has distinct grievances and daring to be.

"Senior, never do it.

I did not blame you. "

When things came to this point, Lin Fei had no choice but to make a statement.

The so-called, do not hit the smiley people.

These gods apologized and knelt down again, which made Lin Fei a little unexpected. Even if there was any unhappiness in his heart, it would have been eliminated long ago.

"Lord Lin, have you forgiven my rudeness?"

Cao Wu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"The predecessors are serious, I am not a grudge."

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Lord Lin, you really are a refreshing person, you friend, I'm settled by Cao Wu.

In the future, wherever I need Cao Wu, Forest Boundary Master, just speak up. "

Cao Wu was overjoyed and said.

"The forest master really has a large number of adults!"

The other gods, seeing Lin Fei's attitude, all breathed a sigh of relief.

After a long time of tossing, these gods of the sea world group truly convinced Lin Fei.

"Lord Lin, we want to invite you to be the leader of our sea world group.

Also hope that the Lord of the Forest, don't refuse! "

The white-haired high-ranking **** said directly to Lin Fei.


Senior, I am not a member of your Canghai world group. I just pass by occasionally, and I will not stay in the Canghai world group for a long time.

Therefore, it is inappropriate for me to be the leader.

Senior, you can find someone else. "

Lin Fei declined directly.

Lin Fei was not interested in this leader.

"Lord Lin, listen to me."

The white-haired upper **** said.

"Our Canghai world group is already the demon capital, and we have forged a **** feud that is difficult to resolve.

Soon, everyone in the demon city will definitely attack again.

Therefore, all the planes of our Canghai World Group must unite to form an alliance, and everyone will twist together to fight against the demon capital.

And, there is one more point.

Once the army of the Demon City comes again, the creatures of our Canghai world group must evacuate, it is impossible, to wait here to fight the Demon City.

Because the strength of our Canghai World Group is too weak.

The strength of Yaodu is too strong.

Our Canghai world group, compared with the demon all, is too far, too far.

It means that the egg hits the stone, absolutely, there is no possibility of winning!

So, I thought about it, once the army of the demon capital would really come again.

Our ocean world group, all planes, all creatures, forced by the force, must leave our homeland and live in another country.

It's just that the boundless sea of ​​chaos is boundless, and the power of the demon city is so terrible that it can affect the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Therefore, I have thought about it, and I am going to take all the creatures of the sea world group from now on, follow the forest master, and take the forest master as the leader. Under the leadership of the forest master, we will fight the monster race together! "

The white-haired high-ranking **** said something like this.

"Follow me since then?!


Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

You know, the Canghai world group has hundreds of planes, and each plane has many interfaces, stars, and small worlds.

Adding up, the number of creatures in the entire Canghai world group is amazing.

The number of billions is not enough.

It is simply impossible to calculate!

So many creatures, have to follow me?

This is too exaggerated.

"Lord Lin, you don't know.

In our Canghai world group, there is a giant city called Wujiancheng.

Infinite City can accommodate infinite creatures!

Moreover, Wujiancheng can be moved.

As long as we persuade the lord of Wujian City, Lin Yuexiaojie, then all the creatures of the Canghai world group can enter the Wujian City and settle down temporarily. "

The white-haired high-ranking **** seemed to see Lin Fei's concerns and said in a loud voice.

"Oh, is there such a huge city that can accommodate infinite creatures?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not bad.

The Lord of the Forest, Wujian City, is very old. It seems that it has existed since time and space.

It is a landmark building in our sea world group.

No one knows how long Wujian City has existed, and what is its origin.

The only thing that can be known is that since the existence of the Canghai World Group, Wujiancheng has existed. "

The old patriarch of the Wu family said.

"So, Lord Lin, as long as you agree, be our leader.

We are now going to ask Lin Yue Xiaojie to let all the creatures of the Canghai world group enter the city.

From then on, we followed the forest master's side.

Anyway, if we stay here, we are waiting to die. Following the forest master, maybe there is still a way to survive. "

The white-haired upper **** said.


Lin Fei heard this, but couldn't make up his mind.

If there are a large number of gods, they are willing to follow oneself and regard oneself as the master, and there is no loss to oneself.

"Lord Lin, if you agree, our Canghai world group will also offer a great gift, a treasure. Until today, there are no creatures that can understand the treasure.

It is said that this treasure contains a very mysterious inheritance.

This kind of inheritance, I have vaguely heard of it, it seems to be a special Xiulian to develop a spiritual life, called Tai last week...

Specifically, I can't say clearly, it should be, the legends about this treasure are just a few words, and the words are unknown. "

The white-haired upper **** said.


Lin Fei almost jumped up when he heard it.

Could it be that it was too last week? !   Lin Fei's heart was instantly excited.

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