Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3334: Start

"Okay, I will follow along and see what is going on."

Lin Fei suddenly became interested.

Lin Fei found a hidden location, and with a move of thought, all the gods of the Canghai world group were teleported out.

"You all change your appearance and spirit.

Pretend to be my subordinate. "

Lin Fei said.


The white-haired upper gods and other gods all nodded.

You know, as gods, they all have their own secrets in disguise.

Soon, these gods became servants.

And Lin Fei is a young man.


Lin Fei strode the meteor and followed the flying boat ahead.

After a while.

That flying boat entered a plane.

Lin Fei also followed in.

This is an advanced world.

It is also a world of ice and snow.

Snow fluttered everywhere, densely packed.

The temperature is also terribly low.

It is estimated that the weak creatures simply cannot survive in such severe cold.


The ice girl auction is about to begin, let's hurry up and try to shoot an ice girl back! "

"Never go for nothing!"


In this plane, it is very lively.

Countless creatures are constantly flowing into the plane.

Looking at the clothes, dressing, and aura, we all know that most of the creatures come from extraordinary origins.

The Demon Capital invaded the Ice Palace, the Ice Palace, and some large forces in the Ice Palace, all became prisoners of the Demon Capital.

In the demon city, there are a large number of ice girls, who are very famous in the boundless chaotic sea.

It is the stunner that all male creatures love in the world.

During this period of time, the army of the Demon City was fighting everywhere, and the manpower, material and financial resources consumed were incalculable.

Because, for war, money is definitely needed.

Moreover, Yaodu has the ambition to rule the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Therefore, in order to raise supplies for the continued battle, the demon all auctioned the ice girl publicly.

In the boundless chaotic sea, countless male creatures came after hearing the wind and wanted to auction an ice girl back.

"Haha, this time, I have brought enough belongings and I will definitely not leave empty-handed!"

"Quickly, the auction is about to begin."


Each and every male creatures, as if they were full of chicken blood, moved towards a huge star in the plane.

Lin Fei took a group of his own servants, followed Renliu, and landed on this star.

This is a white star, very huge.

In the sky, every moment, there are snowflakes flying, and from time to time, there are all kinds of hail, coming from high above.

There are hard layers of ice everywhere on the ground.

Braving the cold air.

In short, this is a star with the theme of ice and snow.

However, now, above this star, there are monsters of demons everywhere.

Demon spirited.

Above the stars, there is a huge plain, so vast that you can't see it at a glance.

In the center of the plain, there is a huge platform.

Around the platform, there are many demon masters, and a large number of demon people, who are guarding it.

The creatures who came from the outside world to participate in the auction were surrounded by this platform.

The number is absolutely over 100 million!

It can be seen that the ice girl is so attractive.

Expectations and excited eyes stared at the platform.

On the platform, stood an old monster clan.

Although this demon race had gathered its breath, everyone could perceive that he was a high-level god.

Moreover, belong to the strong in the same rank.

"It's another old demon, hehe."

Lin Fei glanced at the old demon on the platform without a trace, revealing a sneer.

The masters of these demons, especially the old demons, are naturally Lin Fei's key goals.

"Leader, our plan?"

The white-haired high-ranking **** came to Lin Fei's side and asked quietly through his voice.

At this time, the white-haired upper god, an elderly servant, appeared loyal and stood beside Lin Fei.

"No hurry, first look at this auction.

Also, you all carefully perceive what is the overall strength of the demon capital's men and horses in the Ice Palace.

When this auction is at its most exciting and gaochao time, we will suddenly have trouble again.

Today, with these many outside creatures coming, let the demon capital, take a good look. "

Lin Fei said to the gods of the Canghai World Group.


The gods of the sea world group are very excited one by one.

Since it is going to cause trouble, naturally you are not afraid of it.

"Everyone, it's been ten days since the news of the Ice Girl auction was released.

I think that all the creatures who are interested in participating in the auction should have almost arrived.

Well, we will not wait.

Next, I announce that the Ice Girl auction has officially started! "

On the platform, the old demon suddenly began to speak.

Suddenly, all the voices above the entire star disappeared.

The eyes of all creatures were staring at the old demon on the platform, listening to him.

"After checking, there are more than 50,000 ice girls in the Ice Palace.

We selected and categorized these ice girls based on their appearance, cultivation base, temperament, and various comprehensive conditions. Finally, we divided the more than 50,000 ice girls into three levels.

They are the upper class ice girl, the middle class ice girl, and the lower class ice girl.

The auction process starts with the lower ice girl, then goes to the middle ice girl, and finally, the upper ice girl.

There is only one principle of auction, and the highest bidder wins!

Also, those who dare to make trouble are enemies of our demons. Hehe, not only will they be put to death, but they will also punish the Nine Clans and slash them all!

Okay, now, start the first process, the inferior ice girl auction. "

On the platform, the old demon cleared his throat and said loudly.


I have been waiting for five days when I came to this icy ghost place, and the auction has finally begun! "

"Stop talking nonsense, get started right away!"

"Haha, when the ice girl is auctioned off, take it away immediately and find a quiet place..."

"I heard that these ice girls in the Ice Palace are all ice and jade, pure and free of impurities.

After the men have a good time with them, it will be beneficial to Xiulian. "


Hearing what the old demon said, the male creatures around the platform, who had come to participate in the auction, couldn't wait one by one, and yelled.

"Hey, don't worry, everyone, listen to me first, the inferior ice girl, the starting price is one, two billion crystals."

The old demon smiled.


Around the platform, there immediately sounded a stream of chills.

Before, Yaodu had not announced the auction price of Ice Girl.

Until now, it was announced.

An inferior ice girl also needs two billion crystals, and it's just the starting price!

"No way, why is it so expensive!"

"It's a sky-high price!"

"What to do, I don't have enough money at all. It seems that it was a waste of time!"

......   Immediately, many male creatures began to cry.

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