Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3340: Thank you for your help

"They ran away."

On the platform where the Ice Girl was auctioned just now, there were seven masters of the monster race standing, all of them gloomy.

Their divine consciousness has perceived this star, even the entire ice palace, back and forth many times, but they couldn't find a trace.

The creatures who made the trouble just now have long been gone.

"That kid is very weird, and his strength is far beyond his superficial realm.

Moreover, he seems to have a very powerful teleportation magic weapon, we just arrived a little late, he disappeared. "

One of the monster clan masters said slowly.

"I guess he has already left the Ice Palace."

Another Yaozu master said.

Around the auction platform, all the creatures and the atmosphere did not dare to take a mouthful.

They all stared at the seven demon masters in the sky with fearful eyes.

The breath of these seven monster masters was too terrifying.

The vast majority of creatures are very afraid and dare not take a mouthful.

"Third Prince, how could it be like this.

All the five **** were rescued!

I am not reconciled, I want those five bitches, it is better to die!

Third prince, send someone to get them all back. "

Tianyu suddenly took the third prince's arm, soft body, rubbed it on the third prince, and whispered.

"Tianyu, be quiet, these seniors will take care of it."

Third Prince comforted.

"No, third prince, I want you to get those five **** back quickly.

I can promise you anything.

No matter what your excessive demands, I can do it..."

At this time, Tianyu's body, completely complete, collapsed in the arms of the third prince, as if, wishing to merge with the third prince.

"Tianyu, there are many people here, don't do that."

The third prince felt the astonishing heat from the body of Tianyu's delicate body, remembering the various lingering scenes before, and could not help but utter his tongue and burst into fire.

"Tianyu, don't worry, the five ice goddesses can't escape.

Hmph, I believe that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, no one can **** things from our monster race.

Tianyu, let’s go first..."

The third prince seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and he picked up the jade, turned it into a stream of light, and disappeared instantly.

"Everyone, sorry.

At the auction, something went wrong.

However, everyone can rest assured that the matter will be resolved soon.

Everyone was in the ice palace first, and waited for a while.

Those ice girls, including the ice goddess, will be captured soon. "

High in the sky, a Yaozu master said.

at this time.

Outside the ice palace.

In a chaotic void.

Lin Fei's figure suddenly appeared.

"Fortunately, go faster.

True God, really amazing. "

Lin Fei recalled the terrifying aura that those monsters true gods had just released, and couldn't help but frown.

"Master is right.

The strength of true gods is much stronger than ordinary gods.

With my current strength, facing the true god, it is the same, and I feel great pressure. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Next, Lin Fei returned to Wujian City.

Miss Lin Yue seemed to be in retreat all the time and did not appear.

Lin Fei was too embarrassed to disturb her.

Because when practicing in retreat, the most taboo is to disturb.

Lin Fei sent all the people out with a move.

"We are back to Infernal City!"

Hundreds of gods of the Canghai World God cheered one by one.

Just now, in the Ice Palace, these gods were actually very nervous.

Now, finally returned to the Wujian City.

All people relax.

"We are saved!"

"We don't need to be bought back to be slaves!"


Tens of thousands of ice girls, until now, finally affirmed that they were saved and free, and all cheered.

You know, not long ago, they were all prisoners of the order.

Moreover, it was auctioned.

What awaits them will be a very tragic fate.

"Lin Fei, it really is you!"

Back in the city of Wujian, Lin Fei revealed his true appearance in front of Wang Chan, and Wang Chan exclaimed.

"Sister Wang, this young hero, you know?"

At this time, the Three Profound Ice Girls, and the other three Ice Goddess, came to Lin Fei's body, ready to thank Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Senior Sister Sanxuan, his name is Lin Fei, and I come from the same world group. "

Wang Chan introduced.

"Come, Lin Fei, let me introduce to you.

This is Senior Sister Sanxuan, she is our Senior Sister.

Since I came to the Ice Palace, Senior Sister Sanxuan has been taking good care of me. "

Wang Chan took the ice goddesses and introduced them to Lin Fei enthusiastically.

Wang Chan knew Lin Fei's character very well.

She knew that Lin Fei would not care about small etiquette.

"Lin Shaoxia, this time, thanks to you.

Otherwise, our experience will be unimaginable.

Everyone, thank you Lin Shaoxia. "

The Three Profound Ice Girl really has the demeanor of a big sister, she is generous, lightly lifted her lips, and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, Master Sister!"

Tens of thousands of ice girls came together in front of Lin Fei.

One by one, they are like flowers and jade, their figures are graceful, and their fragrance floats.

"Thank you Lin Shaoxia for your help."

Tens of thousands of ice girls, including several ice goddesses, had a slender waist and slightly bent skirts, lightly raised skirts, jade pendants, Yingying Yanyan, and at the same time bowed to Lin Fei Yingying.

Tens of thousands of ice girls stood together in front of him. Lin Fei could only feel that a burst of fragrance was rushing towards his face, as if he was standing among thousands of flowers. That kind of feeling, it is estimated that any man in the world would be very yearning.

These ice girls used to be the core disciples cultivated in the ice palace.

In the Ice Palace, they belonged to a group of elite disciples with the highest status.

With their status, how could they be willing to auction them back to those male creatures as playthings?

Such terrible encounters, for them, it is better to die.

Fortunately, Lin Fei rescued them all.

These ice girls stared at Lin Fei with grateful eyes.

A pair of beautiful eyes are very passionate.

"You are welcome, everyone, you are welcome."

Lin Fei didn't know what to say in the face of tens of thousands of beautiful women.

In desperation, Lin Fei pointed his sleeve lightly, stimulating it out with a magical force.

Immediately, all the ice girls felt, with a huge force, suddenly lifted their delicate body and stood up straight.

"What a terrible strength!"

All the ice girls, including the five ice goddesses, were secretly surprised.

"Lin Fei, you have actually cultivated to the realm of a lower god!

This... how is this possible!

Your cultivation is too fast! "

At this time, Wang Chan finally noticed Lin Fei's realm, and in surprise, couldn't help but cover Zhu's lips lightly and shouted.

"It's not the same with you, you are now in the realm of a lower god."

Lin Fei felt Wang Chan's realm and was also shocked.   How long has it been before Wang Chan has also become the next god!

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