Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3392: Meet the master

"Oh, what do you say?"

Lin Fei's heart moved, and his tone was also relaxed a lot.

If this monster really has a way to get himself into a place outside the law.

Then, it wouldn't be a big deal not to kill him.

"Young man, you have to believe me.

I do have a way to get you into a place outside the law!

As long as you don't kill me, let me die! "

When the monster listened to Lin Fei's tone, he could not help but be overjoyed.


I promise you, as long as you have a way, let me enter the place outside the law.

I won’t kill you.

Don't worry, I've always talked to myself. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"That's a deal!"

The monster couldn't help being ecstatic.

As long as there is no death in front of you.

In the future, there will be plenty of opportunities to get out of the palm of the young man in front of him.

In particular, when entering a place outside the law, there will be a large number of masters of the monster race, going in together.

When that happens, he doesn't need to be afraid.

There is even a chance to cure the death penalty of this young man!

For him, the most important thing is to escape the disaster in front of him!

"Hey, I tell you, don't think too much.

Now, let go of your sea of ​​consciousness, soul body, and don't resist! "

When Lin Fei saw this monster, his eyes turned quietly, knowing that he must be making a bad idea.

"What! What do you want to... do?"

The monster couldn't help being shocked.

How could he easily let go of his sea of ​​knowledge.

"Stop talking nonsense, do as I say!

Otherwise, die! "

Lin Fei shouted sharply, stomping heavily on the body of the monster.

There was a crackling noise, and on the body of the monster, there was no idea how many bones had been broken, and he screamed in pain.

"Boy, your words don't count, didn't you just say, don't kill me!"

The monster was sweating with pain, and was extremely wronged.

"Do as I say, and I won't kill you naturally.

Don't tell me these useless things! "

Lin Fei shouted sharply.

In desperation, the monster had to reluctantly let go of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"The secret method of the puppet's thread!"

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, thousands of red silk threads, like a red rainstorm, rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of that monster.

"What the **** are these..."

The monster was so scared that he had a rather bad premonition.

However, soon, he thought it came out.


Do not!

This is the secret method of the soul race, the puppet line!

Boy, you are a human race, how could it be possible to use the secret inheritance method of the soul race!

impossible! "

The monster couldn't believe it.

"But, boy, I advise you to give up.

The secret method of puppet thread, although very good.

But it can't deal with me.

Because I am a true middle god!

The secret method of the puppet thread is cultivated to the highest level. If it is used against ordinary gods, it may be useful.

However, if you want to use it to deal with the true god, it is useless!

I am a monster clan, of course I understand the secret method of inheritance of this soul clan.

Because the soul race is a creature belonging to a different dimension, and a subsidiary force of our monster race! "

The monster said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei knew he was right.

If it was before, Lin Fei would definitely not use the secret method of the puppet's thread to deal with the gods, especially the true gods.

Because it is difficult to succeed.

The soul body of the gods is too powerful.

It's too hard to control.

The power of the Puppet Thread secret method is not strong enough to control the gods.


right now.

Lin Fei was suddenly on a whim and wanted to give it a try.

Because Lin Fei practiced the law superposition technique!

The law superposition technique can be superimposed and integrated into all martial arts secret techniques.

Including, spirit martial arts!

If a chaotic origin law is superimposed into the secret method of the puppet's thread, what effect will it produce?

Therefore, when casting the secret method of the puppet's thread, Lin Fei used the law superposition technique to superimpose the original law of the ice and snow chaos of the Dacheng realm.

Therefore, every red line of puppets braved a terrible cold and formed a thin layer of ice.

The monster originally dismissed the secret method of the puppet's thread, thinking that he could never hurt himself.

But, soon, he felt something was wrong.

"It's cold!

How can this be.

How can my Sea of ​​Consciousness be so cold? It seems to have become an ice hole!

Ah, no, some places are starting to freeze!

Boy, what are you doing in my sea of ​​knowledge? "

The monster shivered from the cold, especially in the sea of ​​consciousness, braving a terrifying chill.

"Hey, you'd better not move, if you offend me, you will be killed in one shot!"

Lin Fei threatened.

Thousands of red silk threads, like rice dumplings, are densely packed, enveloping the spirit body of the monster.

Inside and out, I don’t know how many layers are covered.

Above each of the red silk threads, a terrifying chill radiated, permeating the monster's soul body.

However, I have to say that the soul body of the middle **** true **** possesses the soul energy, which is too powerful!

No matter how Lin Fei urged those puppet threads, they were tightly wrapped around him, and he tried his best to urge the original laws of ice and snow chaos to penetrate in.

The monster's soul body, unexpectedly, resisted!

Although, the breath is very sluggish.

Moreover, being frozen trembling constantly, turning into purple-black.

However, he persisted.

Not controlled by the line of puppets.

Did not become Lin Fei's slave!

"I do not believe!

Try the Law of Earth again! "

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a large number of puppet threads were created, rushing into the sea of ​​consciousness of the monster, and twisting towards the soul body.

Each of these lines of puppets is superimposed and merged into the original law of chaos of the earth into the spiritual realm!

The poor soul body of that monster was originally wrapped in a big zongzi by the previous puppet thread, and it was no longer visible.

Now, there is a big extra layer.

Soon, a large amount of the original law of the earth chaos penetrated into the spirit body of the monster.


Do not!

Boy, what are you doing!

If you do this again, I will blow myself up. "

The monster's soul body screamed in pain.

"Hey, you are so greedy and afraid of death, you won't commit suicide."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Don't worry, I said that if I didn't kill you, I wouldn't kill you naturally.

It will definitely save your life.

I think you should understand that as long as your life is still there, it is better than anything else, and there is hope for everything.

If your life is gone, there is nothing left.

Isn't it? "

Lin Fei comforted.

I was afraid of this monster, I couldn't think about it for a while, and it really blew up.

Then, I lost a test product.

that's it.

Lin Fei continued to use the secret method of the puppet's thread, either superimposed into the original law of ice and snow, or superimposed into the original law of chaos in the earth.

Repeat the experiment.

Gradually, the monster was tossed by Lin Fei, leaving only half a breath.

The breath is extremely sluggish.

He was even numb, and even the screams were gone.

His eyes were dull, and, occasionally, he smirked at Lin Fei twice, as if he was unlovable.

"No, have you fooled his soul body?"

Lin Fei thought to himself.

The soul body of a middle god, true god, is really too powerful and powerful.

Lin Fei tossed for five days.

Seeing, that monster, even if it didn't explode, was about to be tossed to death.

at last.

Five days later.


It seems to be! "

Lin Fei's face suddenly showed surprise.

next moment.

"Meet the master!"

The monster's gaze suddenly became extremely docile, and he saluted Lin Fei.

"Haha, finally succeeded!"

Lin Fei is naturally overjoyed.

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