Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3396: Colosseum

At this time, Qian Yu took Lin Fei and walked all the way to the third floor of the Demon City.

Along the way, monsters are monstrous, all kinds of monsters, coming and going, passing by.

The Yaozu is a big clan.

In the Yaozu, in fact, there are many small branches.

Therefore, various monsters have different appearances.

However, Lin Fei discovered that, in fact, most of the monster races are similar in appearance to humans.

The difference is only the color of the skin, or the skin is covered with a layer of scales, or the head has horns, etc.

"Huh? Qianyu, you're back!

This should be your new slave.

How about it, do you have the courage to go to the Colosseum with me and gamble for fun? "

At this moment, suddenly, in front of him, a middle-aged man wearing a pale yellow robe with a pair of silver pointed horns on his forehead blocked Qian Yu's path.

This man, holding a folding fan in hand, shook it a few times, looking very leisurely.

He looked at Lin Fei, and a strong curiosity flashed across his eyes.

"Qianyu, your eyes have dropped.

You actually took this kind of stuff as a slave.

Tsk tsk, a lower god, it is unthinkable that this kind of **** was also picked up by you.

Qianyu, the more you live, the more you fail. "

The man smiled.

"Qianxuan, what are you talking about!

Please be respectful! "

Qian Yu was taken aback, and quickly stood in front of Lin Fei, screaming angrily.

Seeing this Qian Xuan, Qian Yu looked very disgusted.

Lin Fei could see that between Qian Xuan and Qian Yu, there seemed to be something wrong.

"Oh, Qianyu, my temper seems to have risen a lot after not seeing him for a while.

Now that we meet by chance today, let's go to the Colosseum together, have a gambling and have some fun.

By the way, I heard that the fellow Tianhuang didn't know where to get a few worthy slaves. During this time, in the Colosseum, the spring breeze was triumphant, winning again and again, and gained a lot.

Qianyu, in the casino, you have always been Tianhuang's defeat, especially last time, you lost ten games in a row in Tianhuang's hands.

How can you swallow this breath?

What? You don't mean to tell me that you dare not go to see the sky. "

Qian Xuan's remarks were even ironic.

"Who dare not! That **** Tianhuang, sooner or later I will let him lose and beg for mercy."

Qian Yu said angrily.

"Haha, Qianyu, don't brag.

You don't even feel embarrassed to meet Tianhuang's face. "

Qian Xuan laughed.

"Who said I was embarrassed to see him.

Go, let's go to the Colosseum now! "

Qianyu was furious.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, he regretted it.

"the host.

Let's go to the Colosseum.

how about it? "

Qian Yu secretly asked Lin Fei Chuanyin, he was afraid that Lin Fei would be unhappy.

"It's okay.

If you want to go, just go and see. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Go, Qianxuan, let's go to the Colosseum now.

Have a good bet! "

With Lin Fei's approval, Qian Yu was also eager to try, and immediately walked towards the Monster Capital Colosseum.


Qianyu, you don't mean to tell me that you have to take this ant to participate in a gambling fight.

You won't fall to this level anymore.

If you intend to let this ant participate in gambling, I advise you, really don't lose face. "

Qian Xuan pointed at Lin Fei and sneered.

Lin Fei couldn't help but his eyes cold.

"Huh, naturally it won't be the Lord... it's him.

I immediately transferred a group of slaves from my mansion to use. "

Qian Yu said irritably.

"Well, it's almost the same."

Qian Xuan nodded.

Qian Yu and Qian Xuan walked ahead.

Lin Fei walked behind.

"Tell me about the Colosseum."

Lin Fei asked Qian Yu Transmission.

"Master, the Colosseum, similar to a casino.

Between our monster races, we often let our slaves participate in competitions and gambling against each other. "

Qian Yu said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

After a while.

Come to the front of a magnificent building!

Tall, magnificent, magnificent.

That building is extremely large.

There are three characters carved on it, Colosseum.

At the entrance of the Colosseum, there are many monsters, and there are also many creatures of other races.

In the demon city, not only a large number of demon races live, but also many forces belonging to the demon race have also entered the life of the demon city.

Saw Qian Yu and Qian Xuan coming.

Many creatures bowed far away to greet them, calling them adults.

It can be seen that the status of these two true gods in the demon city is still quite high.

Within the Colosseum, the area is very large.

It's too big.

It can hold hundreds of millions of creatures and watch at the same time!

The seats are so densely packed that you can't see your head at a glance.

Very exaggerated.

Qianyu and Qianxuan, looking for seats in the Colosseum, respectively.

The seats of each other, not far apart, are nearby.

The monsters around, looking at Qian Yu and Qian Xuan, they all looked awed.

After all, these two middle gods are true gods.

"Haha, it's been a long time since I bet two. Today, I have to win a few games."

Qian Xuan seemed to be in a good mood and full of confidence.

"Give me all out!"

Qianxuan yelled, and immediately, a group of slaves teleported out from a spatial container on his body.

"the host!"

A large number of slaves respectfully saluted Qianxuan.

This batch of slaves, one by one, has a sharp aura, fierce eyes, and really strong.

They are all ordinary lower gods, middle gods, and upper gods.

It seems that each one should be a strong person of the same level.

"Haha, Qianyu, how about my slaves, the quality is not bad.

It's much better than the ant next to you. "

Qianxuan was very proud, and said to Qianyu.

The slaves of Qian Xuan also stared at Lin Fei with playful eyes.

Although they were both slaves, they felt that they were a bit more beautiful than Lin Fei.

Because Lin Fei was obviously too weak.

Lin Fei was silent and expressionless.

"Huh, it's a frog at the bottom of the well!"

Qianyu snorted disdainfully.

"Master, these guys are really ridiculous.

Actually thought that the master you are very weak.

In fact, if you want to kill them with your master's strength, it is easy to turn your back. "

Qian Yu secretly communicated to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei laughed off.

"What? The frog at the bottom of the well?

Qianyu, I heard it right.

Don’t you think I’m wrong about the ant next to you?

If you are dissatisfied, why not do this? I will pick a slave with the worst strength and fight the ant next to you.

See how it turns out. "

Qian Xuan said dissatisfiedly.

The slaves beside him looked at Lin Fei, and they were immediately full of provocation.

"Not interested in."

Chiba refused.

Of course he couldn't, let Lin Fei stop the game.

Just now.

"See the master."

Suddenly, a large number of creatures in the distance walked from afar, and walked all the way to Qianyu's body and bowed to Qianyu.

"Yeah. Just come here, stand aside first."

Qian Yu nodded slightly.

It turned out that these slaves were just transferred from the mansion by Qian Yu.

"Master, these are my slaves.

Of course, it is also your slave to the master. "

Qian Yu secretly communicated to Lin Fei.


Those slaves, at the same time agreed, stood beside Qianyu.

These slaves looked at Lin Fei curiously. They believed that this should be a new slave from the master.

No, as soon as he saw that Lin Fei was just an ordinary lower god, he had no interest in starting a conversation.

"Well, Qianyu, these slaves of yours are not bad, much better than that ant.

Well, the next game will start soon. "

Qian Xuan glanced at the slaves beside Qian Yu, nodded, and said.


Inside the Colosseum, monsters and various creatures gathered, and the popularity was bursting.

The next game will start soon.

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