Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3402: All spikes

"court death!"

Lin Fei's plain attitude and some silly words completely angered Yin Dou.


The silver spear in Yindou's hand was pierced brazenly, with a shadow of a spear.

Very strong, really strong.

I saw, all of a sudden, the entire Colosseum was filled with silver.

The silver gun shadow collapsed, killing the sky.

The terrible gun shadow tore this piece of world to pieces.

Hundreds of thousands of silver spear lights, turbulent, extremely large, mighty, and condensed. In the end, all the spear lights, fused and gathered together, transformed into a huge, **** silver filled with the entire void. Gunmans.

Chi Chi...

The huge spear light had just condensed and appeared, and the expressions of most of the creatures in the entire Colosseum changed a little.

"The Law of Chaos!

Tianhuang, I didn't expect that this slave of yours, in a vague sense, realized a trace of the chaos origin law of the gun.

Unfortunately, he is not a true god.

If he is a true god, with his aptitude, even we are not his opponent. "

Above the auditorium, Qian Xuan couldn't help but nod his head in praise.

The three monsters Tianhuang, Qianxuan, and Qianyu all stood very close.

"Hey, of course, Yindou is my proud slave.

Why, Qianyu, do you think you still have a chance to win this game? "

Tianhuang is very proud.

"Small bugs, wait and see."

Qian Yu smiled coldly, not caring.

Just kidding, even if it is a true middle god, it is not an opponent of his master.

An ordinary high-level god, no matter how powerful it is, it is not enough to look at.


Still stiff! "

Tianhuang snorted coldly.


A huge silver spear light that filled the sky and the earth stabbed in front of Lin Fei.

As if it were a punishment from the sky, pressed down from the sky, the shocking, burning, and faint smell of the spear light was really unimaginable and indescribable.

With this shot, Lin Fei's breath was completely locked, and he didn't hurry, and pushed towards Lin Fei. Seeing that, Lin Fei would be completely swallowed, crushed, and killed!

I have to say that this shot is really strong.

As an ordinary high-ranking god, being able to stab such a terrible shot shows that the fighting power of this silver fight is indeed powerful.

Worthy of being one of Tianhuang's proud slaves.

"Silver fight will win!"

Suddenly, in the Colosseum, I don't know who took the lead and yelled.

Then, countless creatures also roared.

"Silver fight will win!

Silver fight will win!


Crazy, venting roars, one after another.

Look at Lin Fei again.

At this time, there was no movement.

Even with his hands on his back, his face was indifferent.

It seems that there is no preparation for the shot.

"Hey, kid, frighten you."

At this moment, Yin Dou showed a cruel smile.

He felt that Lin Fei had been crushed by his shot and could no longer move.

"Haha, look, Qianyu, your ant slave has no chance to shoot!"

At this time, Tianhuang couldn't forget it, and wanted to tease Qian Yu.

at this time.

Lin Fei still did not move.

He didn't even blink his eyelids.


A cold current poured out from above Lin Fei's body.

This cold current is full of unimaginable chill.

Wherever it went.

Everything, including space and time, is frozen into solid ice.


This terrifying cold current and the huge silver spear light pierced by the silver bucket encountered.

In an instant, encountered.

Time is extremely short.

And then.

It's over.

That huge silver spear light was instantly frozen into ice.

Then, exploded into pieces.

"Do not!"

Yin Dou uttered a cry of disbelief, shock, fear, and unwillingness, rippling in the ears of all creatures.

Then, the billowing cold current swarmed up and drowned the silver bucket.

The silver bucket became an ice sculpture.

An expression of horror, helplessness, and regret solidified on his face.

He wanted to struggle, wanted to escape from the fighting platform.

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

With a pop.

Yindou's body was directly exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

everything is over.

the whole process.

Lin Fei just carried his hands.

He didn't blink or move his fingers.

Extremely laid-back.

The entire Colosseum was silent.

It's like the tranquility after a storm.


All the creatures stared at Lin Fei with shocked eyes.

"Schedule the next one."

Lin Fei stood calmly on the platform, looked at Qian Yu, and said in secret.

"it is good!"

Qianyu nodded.


Tianhuang, this time, I won again. "

Qianyu looked towards Tianhuang and said with a big smile.

Qian Yu only felt that he had never been so happy as today.

It turned out that it was such an enjoyable thing to repeatedly crush the opponent.

Qian Yu waved his hand and collected all the treasures Tianhuang had just put out to bet.

The natural famine suffered heavy losses.

But this is a casino, even if he is not reconciled, there is no way.

He stared at Lin Fei on the fighting platform and made no secret of his killing intent.

"Haha, Tianhuang, how is it, very unhappy?

Do you dare to bet with me. "

Qianyu laughed very cheerfully.


Tianhuang snorted coldly, but did not speak any more.

"How about this.

Tianhuang, I will bet with you again.

Bet on your wealth.

In this game, you can let all your slaves play at the same time!

I only have one slave to play. "

Qian Yu said.

"Qian Yu, you are too arrogant!"

Tianhuang was completely angry.

"What? Such a condition is fine?"

All the creatures around him were completely dumbfounded when they heard Qianyu's words.

"What? Don't you dare?"

Qian Yu provocatively said.

"it is good!

you said!

Gamble! "

Tianhuang was already extremely angry, unable to control himself, waved his hand, and took out all his belongings.

This is his full wealth!

If he loses, he has nothing.

However, he felt that he would not lose.

The Human Race kid on the fighting platform, no matter how powerful.

There is always a degree.

Could it be that all his slaves, going up together, couldn't beat him.


"Go up, go up all to me, kill that human kid!

Break him into pieces! "

Tianhuang roared.


Beside Tianhuang, all the slaves, more than thirty in total, all stretched out and rushed to the platform.

Each of these thirty-odd slaves was an elite and had experienced many battles.

Among them, there are four or five ordinary upper gods and more than 20 middle gods.

None of the lower gods.


More than 30 slaves stepped onto the platform and immediately besieged and killed Lin Fei, aggressively.

Lin Fei thought.

The original law of the earth's chaos!

An earth-yellow mud wall is continuously generated.

The number is hundreds of millions.

Each piece is terribly heavy.


Hundreds of millions of mud walls, densely packed, like a torrential rain, rushed over the thirty-odd slaves.


There is also the earthy earth atmosphere that is overwhelming, permeating everywhere, generating terrible gravity, and completely suppressing the entire space of the Colosseum.

Especially above the fighting platform, the thirty-odd slaves felt one by one that they seemed to be carrying dozens of great peaks on their backs, unable to move!


In the blink of an eye, more than 30 slaves were smashed into masses of meat sauce by the dense mud wall, and they could not die anymore!

The whole hands-on process took less than a second.

More than thirty slaves, all of them vanished!

The entire Colosseum is as quiet as a tomb!


Tianhuang's face was pale.

In this game, he lost the entire net worth!

He [literature museum] has nothing!

"Haha, Tianhuang, finally know what it's like to be crushed!"

Qianyu laughed wildly, almost broke his mouth, and took all the treasures Tianhuang took out into his own bag.

"Continue to arrange the game."

Lin Fei transmitted sound to Qian Yu.


Qianyu nodded.

But what surprised Lin Fei was that no one wanted to gamble with Qian Yu.

Lin Fei's combat power has already conquered the entire Colosseum.

"Master, you acted too hard.

There should be no monsters who dare to send slaves to play against you. "

Qianyu smiled bitterly.


Lin Fei was helpless.

Finally, Qianyu and Lin Fei left the Colosseum and returned to Qianyu's residence.

Qianyu, as a true middle-ranked god, had a mansion dedicated to him in the third-layer space of the demon city.


This ant made me lose such a big face, I must die!

I must kill him! "

Tianhuang looked at Lin Fei's back, gritted his teeth, and said word by word.

"This Human Race kid, but Qianyu's heart, you kill him, I'm afraid Qianyu will fight you hard."

Qian Xuan said next to him.

"Hmph, it's just a slave, a lowly character, I don't believe that Qianyu will fight me hard for him!

I must kill this ant and let go of my hatred! "

Tianhuang gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, I got the order.

Set off now and go to places outside the law! "

A day later, Qian Yu suddenly spoke to Lin Fei.

"Oh, can we finally go."

Lin Fei refreshed.

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