Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3412: The power of the illusion

after one day.

"My illusion law has gradually improved!

However, there is still a lack of heat from a complete illusion law!

Still need to find more tokens for cultivation! "

Lin Fei opened his eyes abruptly, jetting out a blurry illusion, and said to himself.

So Lin Fei stood up and moved on.

After a while.

Lin Fei met a team of men and horses, demons and horses!

Several Yaozu true gods, with a large group of slaves, are looking for tokens everywhere.

Moreover, due to the interfering effects of hallucinations and illusions, this group of monster race men and horses, going around, are groping forward with difficulty, and can't tell the direction at all.


Lin Fei sneered and walked forward, not evasive.


You are so familiar! "

A true demon god, saw Lin Fei and shouted.

Lin Fei ignored it and continued to move forward.


How dare you be rude when my master asks you! "

Immediately, a dozen slaves rushed up to block Lin Fei's path.


I recognize you.

You are Qianyu's slave!

Where is your master Chiba? "

A true demon **** suddenly recognized Lin Fei.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Lin Fei said coldly.

There is no mood at all to pay attention to these monsters.

Lin Fei now, the most important thing is to quickly find more psychedelic tokens and successfully practice the illusion law.


Let's take it first! "

The dozen or so slaves were furious.

Although they are slaves, their cultivation realm is higher than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was just an ant in their eyes.

An ant, dare to be so rude to their owner, it is simply the opposite.

An ordinary mid-level god, stretched out his hand to grab Lin Fei, to take Lin Fei down.

Lin Fei sneered.

An ordinary mid-level **** is simply too weak for Lin Fei's current strength.

So weak, Lin Fei didn't need to avoid his attack.

"Okay, try the law of illusion."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Although Lin Fei hadn't fully grasped the magical principles of the practice during this period of time.

However, there is also a certain degree of experience and certain achievements.

Especially in the current environment, the surrounding space is full of hallucinations and illusions, and the power of the illusion law is definitely good.

Lin Fei thought.

Exercising the law of illusion.



All around, hallucinations, illusions, all of them floated up, surrounded by the ordinary middle god, drawn by the law of illusion.


The ordinary median **** was slightly taken aback.


Layers of illusions, and illusions, surrounded the ordinary middle god!

"not good!"

The ordinary mid-level **** turned pale.


Suddenly, the dense illusions and illusions turned into various things, launching a terrible attack on the ordinary middle god.

There are huge monsters, houses, piles of rockery, many flowers and trees, all kinds of weird things, swarms of bees, attacking the ordinary middle god, and drowning him.

"Ah! No! Get out, get out of me all!

Help, so many monsters!

There are so many refined houses and refined rockeries, which have been under siege, so they can help! "

The ordinary middle **** resisted desperately, his eyes were crazy, and he let out a heartbreaking scream.



This ordinary mid-level **** was torn to shreds by the rush of hallucinations and illusions!

This process is too fast!

So fast that even the true gods of the monster race have no time to rescue them!

Originally, in this maze, there are a lot of hallucinations and illusions everywhere, and whenever there is a chance, it will launch an attack.

In addition, Lin Fei used the law of hallucinations, which made those hallucinations and the hallucinations feel more crazy.

An ordinary middle-ranked **** can only be killed by a spike!

"Well, very good.

Mastering the law of illusion has greatly improved my combat effectiveness in this labyrinth environment! "

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth pulled out a satisfied smile.

"what happened?!"

The dozens of other slaves who blocked Lin Fei's way were a little confused.

"Boy, say, is it your ghost!"

They looked at Lin Fei, a little suspicious.

"Go to death all."

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

As soon as the mind moves, the law of illusion is displayed.


In the surrounding space, massive hallucinations and illusions have all been induced, densely packed, and desperately moved.

"not good!

So many monsters! "

"Many houses for biting people!"


A dozen slaves yelled in terror.

Puff puff……

In less than a tenth of a second, more than a dozen slaves were all crushed into dregs by the surging hallucinations and illusions.

"what happened?"

The true gods of the monster race finally realized that something was wrong.

Although, they already knew that this was a labyrinth, full of terrifying hallucinations and illusions everywhere.

However, before, those hallucinations and illusions can still be dealt with, not so crazy, not so scary.

Now, it suddenly became crazy.

Moreover, there are fixed targets.

Only attacked the dozen or so slaves.

Instead of attacking all creatures.

"Could it be that this Human Race kid is really a ghost?"

Those real monsters stared at Lin Fei suspiciously.

"You, get out and answer me!"

A true demon god, shouted at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei didn't care about him at all, and walked forward.

"You are the slave of our monster race, you dare not listen to me, I think you are the opposite!"

That Yaozu true **** couldn't help being furious.


He turned into a terrifying demon hand and grabbed it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the law of illusion.

Suddenly, a large number of hallucinations and illusions, like locusts crossing the border, rushed in, and flooded the group of monsters.

But Lin Fei turned and left.

"In such an environment, having the Law of Illusion makes my combat power look like a divine aid."

Lin Fei showed a satisfied expression.

Now, Lin Fei still doesn't want to kill.

The most anxious thing is to find more tokens first, and successfully cultivate into a complete illusion law.

Then, everything is easy to handle.

"If you succeed in practicing a complete illusion law.

Then, I have mastered the three complete laws of chaos origin.

The law superposition technique should be more powerful and powerful, at least, several times higher. "

Lin Fei's heart was hot.

There are three complete laws of the origin of chaos, Lin Fei believes that even those main gods are not necessarily able to achieve such an achievement!

"Strength, for me, the most important thing is to improve strength.

This is the core! "

Lin Fei whispered to himself while flying forward.

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