Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3421: Ideal marriage partner

Take another slave of the middle **** true god!

Lin Fei was very excited.

"Well, there are six middle-level gods, true gods, well, all of them are taken into slaves!"

Lin Fei glanced around and said inwardly.

As a result, Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he began to act on the other middle god, true god.

As for those lower gods and true gods, Lin Fei did not attack any more killers, but instead used the law of illusion, trapping them in various illusion worlds, unable to help themselves.

Next, Lin Fei took the other six middle gods one by one into slaves.

Although these middle-level gods and true gods struggled with all their strength, they were of no avail. In the end, they all became Lin Fei's slaves.

"Well, it's the turn of these lower gods to be true gods."

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the lower gods.

However, the number of true gods of the lower gods is not very large.

Probably, there are more than ten left.

Because, at the beginning, there were a large number of lower gods who were killed by Lin Fei.

There is not much left.

"It's a pity, just now, why should I waste so much!"

Lin Fei was a little bit distressed, very regretful, why did he commit a murder just now.

Next, Lin Fei began to subdue the lower gods.

It is really much easier to subdue the lower god.

After a long time.

In this courtyard, all the true gods alive, all became Lin Fei's slaves.

"the host!"

More than twenty true gods, standing in front of Lin Fei, were neatly lined up, crying respectfully.


Lin Fei nodded slightly, on the surface, it seemed very calm.

In fact, my heart is already extremely excited!

There are more than 20 true **** slaves, and among them, there are seven middle **** true gods.

These true **** slaves greatly increased Lin Fei's strength!

"Lin..., Lin Fei..., what's going on!?

Have you turned them all into slaves! "

At this time, the shark girl standing aside was so shocked that she was completely speechless. She looked at Lin Fei with horrified eyes, and made a trembling sound like a dream.


Lin Fei nodded and looked at Yu Nu.


You, you don't, don't, make me your slave too! "

The shark girl looked back at Shang Lin Fei and was so frightened that she took two steps backwards, her delicate body shook, and her face turned pale.

The impact on her just now was too great.

If Lin Fei beheaded all those true gods, perhaps the impact on her would be smaller.

However, now, more than twenty true gods have become slaves.

Among them, there are seven true middle gods!

As a result, each of them became docile and obedient slaves.

Now, the eyes of those true gods looking at Lin Fei seemed very pious, worshiping, and there was a sense of surrender from the depths of their souls.

It is as if their souls no longer belong to themselves, but belong to Lin Fei!

Looking at the meek and well-behaved true gods, the maiden just felt that her back was chilling.

This method is too weird and terrifying!

This young human race in front of him is terrible!


Are you scared?

Hehe..., it's a good thing to take you, a beautiful beauty, into a slave. "

Lin Fei looked at the scared shark girl, feeling very funny, and sneered deliberately, putting on an eager attitude.


Don't come over!

You must not take me as your slave! "

The shark girl was so scared that she screamed on the spot, her face instantly pale, her hands folded on her chest, tightly clutching her chest.

She knew that it was too easy to take her into a slave with the weird means that Lin Fei showed just now.

"Forget it, it's boring.

Let's go.

Don't worry, there is no grudge or enmity between me and you, how could I take you as a slave? "

Lin Fei couldn't bear to scare her again, turned and walked out of the courtyard.

More than 20 true gods and slaves, closely followed.

"You scared me on purpose!"

The mackerel returned to her senses, staring at Lin Fei with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Then will you go with me?"

Lin Fei's voice floated in from outside the courtyard.

"Wait for me!"

The shark girl gritted her teeth and hurriedly followed.

How dare she leave Lin Fei and act alone in this maze.

Lin Fei now has more than 20 true **** slaves, and she is safer by following Lin Fei.


From now on, you are not allowed to scare me on purpose!

Otherwise, I will turn my face with you! "

The mackerel caught up with Lin Fei and said in a loud voice.

"Oh, is it so.

Haven't seen you turn your face before. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Huh! Big bad guy!"

The Maiden glanced at Lin Fei, then turned her face away, and stopped ignoring Lin Fei.

It's just that she followed Lin Fei's butt, and looked at Lin Fei's back from time to time, thinking of Lin Fei's methods against those true gods just now, she couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

It can be said that during this period of time, Lin Fei has left a mark that can never be erased in her heart.

At this moment, Lin Fei's back, in her beautiful eyes, infinitely expanded in her heart, almost occupying everything.

Then she remembered one thing.

A long time ago, a close friend of hers once asked her what kind of man she would marry in the future.

At that time, she said that, my future man must be an invincible strong, a young hero who can fascinate me deeply. In short, my man must be the most dazzling and strongest among the younger generation. Big and most invincible.

And her best friend hit her in this way, cut, didn't look in the mirror, and wanted to marry an invincible heroic teenager. You are the ugly boy.

Then, she and her girlfriends quarreled together.

Now, the maiden peeping at Lin Fei's back from time to time, remembering the joke she had made with her girlfriend before, she couldn't help but feel a little silly.

"He should be regarded as the most invincible and most dazzling existence among the younger generation.

Although he is only in the realm of an ordinary lower god.

However, whether it is the lower **** true god, or the middle **** true god, he can easily deal with it.

Such a young man is the most enchanting man I have ever seen so far in my life.

Moreover, he saved my life.

He... is he the ideal person I want to marry? "

Thinking about it, thinking about it, the shark girl began to flush, she was too shy, and her breathing began to become heavy.

Just now.


"Junior sister, I finally found you!

Great! "

A man hurriedly ran from a distance.

"Brother, it's you!"

Yu Nu, she was also very happy to see this man, and immediately greeted her.

"Sister, are you okay?

Did you know that after entering this labyrinth and being separated from you, I have been looking for your whereabouts all these days.

I have been worried about your safety.

Now, I finally found you, great!

Junior sister, from now on, we will always be together, not separate.

This maze is too dangerous.

Junior sister, don't worry, I will take care of you. "

Said the man.

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