Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3424: Yu Qianyu

Lin Fei found Qian Yu under the perception of his divine consciousness.

"Huh? Qianyu, seems to be a little troublesome."

Just as Lin Fei wanted to move, he walked towards Qianyu's position, and suddenly frowned slightly.

In the distance, on a square.

The demons were full of energy, and there were many masters of demons standing in the square.

Among them, there was a Yaozu master who was forced to a corner of the square. His whole body was bruised and bloody, and his face looked viciously towards the other monsters who were constantly approaching him.

This scarred monster clan master is Lin Fei's slave, Qian Yu.

"You are deceiving too much!

I actually wanted to forcibly **** my tokens, these dozens of tokens, I got it through hard work.

Hmph, Qian Xuan, you are too much, you are also bullying with your clan! "

Qian Yu was forced to a corner of the square, his eyes were splitting, his eyes breathed out fire.

"Hey, Qianyu, don't play stupid anymore.

Let me ask you, what is your ant slave?

That ant killed so many true gods of our monster race, and he was full of blood debts.

Qianyu, these blood debts must be counted on you! "

A master of the monster race approached Qian Yu, showing a grim smile.

This monster clan master is Qianxuan.

In this square, there are hundreds of Yaozu true gods.

Among them, there is a middle-aged man in a green robe, covered with palm-sized green scales, with his hands on his back, his expression is very aloof and indifferent.

This green-robed man is a true **** of the upper god.

Called Yaogu.

Lin Fei had seen him before.

"Master Yaogu, I suspect that Qianyu has rebelled and became a traitor.

Otherwise, how could his slaves kill the true **** of our monster race.

I suggest that Qian Yu should be arrested first, and then tortured. "

Qian Xuan Chao Yao Gu said.

"Well, that slave, I thought he was weird a long time ago, well, let's catch it first."

Yao Gu nodded.

"Haha, Qianyu, Master Demon Ancient, has already spoken, I advise you to obediently tie your hands."

The other monster clan master laughed wildly, and Qianxuanyi left and right, approaching Qianyu.

"Qianyu, Tianhuang, you two, blood-sprayed, deliberately colluded to frame me.

Master Demon Ancient, you must not listen to them! "

Qian Yu roared in grief.

However, Yao Gu remained indifferent.

"Hey, Qianyu, what you say now is of no use.

Just tie your hands. "

Qianxuan, Tianhuang, and several other monster clan masters formed an encirclement and forced them to Qianyu, ready to do it.

And Qian Yu was desperate.

Faced with so many masters, Qianyu knew that he was definitely not an opponent.

However, at this moment.


Qianyu's body trembled suddenly, and his face showed a color of surprise.

Because he received Lin Fei's transmission.

"Master, you finally appeared!

A little later, you will never have a chance to see Qian Yu again. "

Qian Yu quickly spoke to Lin Fei.

"Hehe, don't worry, you will be fine."

Lin Fei's sound transmission sounded in Qian Yu's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Master, things are a bit bad.

Demon ancient is here, and there are hundreds of true gods of demon race.

Even if the two of us join forces, they are far from rivals. "

Qian Yu was a little panicked.

"It's okay.

Remember, when I tell you to run, you run as hard as you can. "

Lin Fei's tone was very calm.

"Master, I understand."

Qianyu's mood stabilized.

He is Lin Fei's slave. Deep in his soul, he is full of worship and trust in Lin Fei. For him, what Lin Fei said is the imperial edict and truth. He absolutely believes in it.


Qianyu, you fool, this is the case, you can still laugh.

Simply unreasonable. "

Tianhuang couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing Qian Yu's face with a smile.

"Haha, Tianhuang, Qianxuan, you two guys, want to hurt me, wait, I won't let you go.

There is also the demon ancient, you old beast, too partial, you have been helping Tianhuang and Qianxuan to deal with it, so you can't die! "

Qianyu burst out laughing suddenly.


Reversed, really reversed, take it, take this traitor to me immediately! "

When the demon ancient heard this, he was very angry and roared.

"Qianyu, I think you are impatient!"

Qianxuan, He Tianhuang, and several other monster clan masters, all of which were middle-ranked true gods, simultaneously slaughtered Qian Yu.

Just now.


All the illusions and illusions in the surrounding space violently violently violently violently gathered in the square, forming huge imaginary vortices, like huge tornadoes, rumbling against the true monsters in the square. .

Puff puff……

The lower gods, true gods, couldn't resist the massive phantom invasion, and their heads exploded.

In an instant, dozens of the lower true gods died.

As for those slaves, they were all dead instantly, not one left!

The corpses are all over the floor, dripping with blood!


The true gods of those middle-ranked gods uttered screams or roars one by one, or they attacked the air frantically, as if they were fighting some terrible enemy.

All are caught in a bizarre fantasy world.

Only that demon ancient is still sober.

After all, he is the upper **** true god, the most powerful.

Divine soul energy and divine consciousness strength are also the most powerful.

The higher the realm, the greater the gap between each small realm.

When it comes to the upper **** true god, the strength is much stronger than the middle **** true god!

Seems like a moat!

Therefore, those illusions, although they have a certain psychedelic effect on Demon Gu, they still cannot hurt him.

"How can this be?

What happened? ! "

For a while, Yao Gu couldn't figure out what happened.

"Qianyu, run!"

Lin Fei had already communicated to Qian Yu at the same time he displayed the Law of Illusion.

Qian Yu immediately shook his foot and ran, towards Lin Fei's direction, running with all his strength.


Could it be Qianyu's ghost?

Weird, weird!

Stay for me! "

When Yao Gu saw Qian Yu running desperately, he became suspicious and shouted.

Suddenly, Yao Gu's whole body was full of monsters, and within his body, a terrifying rune of monster power spurted out, and his right hand grabbed Qian Yu from the air!

In an instant, a large area centered on the demon ancient suddenly seemed to be clouded with a shadow, a huge panic, covering everything. At that instant, the space around him began to fluctuate, as if an earthquake occurred. .

A large area of ​​space is twisted one after another, and even the large number of hallucinations and illusions in the surrounding space are also twisted, twisted, and falling apart.

I have to say that the strength of this demon ancient is terrifying.

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