Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3428: Rely on me

"Ant, you are dead!

And you three **** of the Shark clan, you actually eat inside and out, and fornicate with foreign enemies. Okay, I will clear the door for you Shark Girl clan and punish you three bitches! "

At this time, the elder Cui had already dispelled the hallucinations and illusions that had besieged him, and also took action to protect the senior Cui brother.

Brother Cui is his nephew.


Elder Cui, in a rage, shot Lin Fei.

A giant palm, which seemed to be carved from white jade, was shot at Lin Fei, and the entire void seemed to be frozen, and the terrible palm wind that it brought up seemed to destroy everything.

Desperate energy, mighty, crushed towards Lin Fei.

If it were in the outside world and encountered such a terrifying attack, Lin Fei could only choose his way and flee.

However, in this maze, it is different.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and massive hallucinations and illusions quickly gathered, turning into huge phantom vortex funnels, blocking the giant white jade palm.

The offensives of the two sides collided and were deadlocked for a moment.

"Second Uncle, kill that garbage!"

In the distance, Senior Brother Cui stared at Lin Fei with spiteful, gloating eyes.

"If you want me to die, then you die first."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Mind moved.

More than a dozen phantom vortex funnels formed at the same time, appeared around Brother Cui, and attacked them together.

"Ah..., second uncle help!"

Brother Cui was so scared that his feet were soft, he trembled and screamed in horror.


Lin Fei opened his mouth, and the purple flying sword slashed out boldly.

Flying swordsmanship is a combination of swordsmanship and spirit energy.

Now, Lin Fei's spirit energy is much stronger than before.

Correspondingly, the power of flying swordsmanship has also advanced by leaps and bounds, with a qualitative leap.

Lin Fei's offensive against this brother Cui was a bit sudden, and the speed was too fast.

Brother Cui, there is no time to dodge.


The purple flying sword was astonishingly fast, strangling Senior Cui into scum.


Ant, dare to kill my nephew!

I can't spare you! "

Elder Cui was furious.

"Haha... What about killing your nephew.

I'll meet again next time, and even your dog's life will be taken together! "

Lin Fei laughed, excited the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, teleported away, and disappeared instantly.

"You three bitches, you are very sinful, get out and accept punishment!"

Elder Cui couldn't perceive Lin Fei's breath anymore, and stared at the three shark girls in a rage.

"Elder Cui, deal with the three of them. I'm afraid that it will be difficult to explain to Yuzu by then."

A master in the Sky Demon Valley whispered to Elder Cui.

In the Sky Demon Valley, the ancestor is a very difficult master.

"Huh, what are you afraid of!

This is a place outside the law, even if you kill the three of them, it doesn't matter.

As long as everyone's speaking is strict and the news is not spread, there is no way to find out the ancestors! "

Elder Cui's sharp gaze glanced around the surrounding area.

"Elder Cui rest assured, I [51 novel] will definitely not talk nonsense!"

The other masters in the Sky Demon Valley quickly expressed their opinions.

In fact, this team is all the confidants of Elder Cui, so he is not worried at all.

"You three little bitches, colluding with foreign enemies and killing my nephew, you deserve death!

Today, I will definitely not let you go! "

Elder Cui gritted his teeth and was murderous.

His nephew was actually killed in front of him.

This feeling is too frustrated!

Now, Zheng Zhuer ran away, and his monstrous anger was transferred to the three shark girls.

"Lin Fei, you are so loyal, you left us and escaped by yourself!"

Sister Ling looked at the hideous Elder Cui, feeling very desperate.

The strength of this elder Cui is too terrifying, and the three sisters have no resistance at all.

Just now.


"How about, do you want me to help."

A faint sound transmission sounded in Sister Ling's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Lin Fei!

Help us! "

Sister Ling trembles with excitement and quickly replied.

She understood that as long as Lin Feiken took the shot, the chances of their three sisters being rescued were very high.

next moment.


More than a dozen phantom whirlpool funnels suddenly appeared, holding up the three shark girls, and moving quickly to the distance.


Elder Cui was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. Under the rage, the palm of his hand suddenly protruded, billowing energy, roaring and boiling.


Elder Cui's palm collided with a dozen phantom vortex funnels, and a big explosion occurred.

At this time, the three shark girls had disappeared.

Lin Fei took advantage of massive hallucinations and the cover of illusions to quietly rescue the three shark girls.

"Hoho..., Ant, I'm going to kill you!"

Elder Cui's roar, like a violent storm, spread far away.


Give my order, let all the true gods in the Sky Demon Valley, from now on, take part in hunting down that ant. I will break his corpse into thousands of pieces to solve my hatred! "

Elder Cui has fallen into a crazy state.

At this time, Lin Fei had gone away with the three shark girls.

"Lin Fei, you were so unrighteous just now, you actually wanted to leave the three of us behind."

Sister Ling complained.

"This is the internal affairs of your Sky Demon Valley, how am I embarrassed to intervene casually."

Lin Fei replied.

"I don't care. From now on, the three of us will follow you.

You have to be responsible! "

The three shark girls all said in unison.

"No way.

You actually depend on me. "

Lin Fei was speechless.

Soon after, Lin Fei encountered a group of true gods in the corpse hall.

Naturally, Lin Fei would not be polite. Without a second word, he shot directly to subdue all the true gods in this team of corpse halls and become slaves.

Moreover, a large number of psychedelic tokens were also obtained.

Next, Lin Fei continued to wander around in the maze.

Conquered more and more true gods and became slaves.

Also obtained more and more psychedelic tokens.

However, gradually, Lin Fei offended most of the more than a dozen forces!

Because these dozens of forces have almost been robbed by Lin Fei!

Every power has a true god, who was robbed by Lin Fei, or died at Lin Fei's hands, or was taken into slavery by Lin Fei.

Every force has noticed Lin Fei.

Almost every force gritted their teeth at Lin Fei.

Especially the Demon Race and the Sky Demon Valley, these two forces are doing their best to track Lin Fei's whereabouts.

However, with Lin Fei's divine consciousness, coupled with the law of illusion, it is simply impossible to track Lin Fei's whereabouts in this maze.

At the same time, as time goes by, most of the creatures activate three psychedelic tokens and teleport out of the maze.

After all, this maze is too dangerous.

In this maze, the biggest opportunity is those psychedelic tokens, as long as they are activated, the strength of the divine consciousness can be directly multiplied.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, the more the number of activated psychedelic tokens, the greater the increase in the strength of the divine consciousness!

Therefore, most of the creatures who had obtained enough psychedelic tokens did not hesitate to activate and leave the maze.

A few days later.

Lin Fei found that there were fewer and fewer creatures he could meet.

"It seems that most people have already left the maze.

Well, during this time, I also collected a large number of psychedelic tokens, first retreat and practice, and then I am ready to leave the maze. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

So Lin Fei chose a hidden place and started practicing.

A large number of middle-level gods and true gods slaves protect the law for Lin Fei.

The three shark girls are also sitting close by.

With a wave of Lin Fei, hundreds of psychedelic tokens flew out, floating in front of him!

These more than one hundred tokens are Lin Fei's harvest during this time.

As time passed slowly, Lin Fei fell into a state of sentiment.

Divine consciousness and divine soul energy are getting stronger and stronger.

The comprehension of the law of illusion is getting deeper and deeper.

At this time, dazzling divine consciousness auras radiated from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, shrouded in Lin Fei's head, like rounds of scorching sun, radiating radiantly.

In Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the dark golden planet of Divine Consciousness has been soaring in size, and its density has also been increasing.

The terrifying power of divine consciousness penetrated from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, penetrated through the void, and wiped out eternal years!

While practicing, Lin Fei gradually discovered that his divine consciousness and the range of perception began to expand.

With Lin Fei as the center, his divine consciousness can perceive from a distance, understand everything around him clearly, and firmly control it!

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