Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3430: Strange orb

At this time, outside the maze.

A large number of creatures, divided into a dozen camps, stood in the void, looking ahead.

In the space ahead, there are huge and unfriended palaces, magnificent and magnificent, exuding dazzling luster.

At the same time, there are many rare, priceless, incalculable treasures, piled up like a mountain, projected from those palaces.

It seems that it is full of great temptation.

"Well, who can think of it, there is actually a maze, with dangerous steps."

"At the beginning, we thought that we found a big treasure and rushed into it. Unexpectedly, inside, we were tortured and finally escaped."


The creatures looked at the magnificent palaces ahead, sighing again and again.

"However, entering this labyrinth for a while, it's not completely unprofitable, my divine consciousness strength is three times stronger than before!

Correspondingly, my combat power is definitely stronger than before. "

"My divine consciousness has also increased three or four times, so this maze is dangerous and has opportunities.

In the final analysis, when we enter the land outside the law, we are exploring treasure hunting, and encountering some dangers, it is normal.

So, you have nothing to complain. "

"Yes, it makes sense."


There are also some creatures who have conducted a rational analysis.

"What's the matter, Qianyu, and his slave, haven't seen him yet?"

In the camp of the demon clan, the demon-consciousness of the demon ancient felt all the creatures that came out, but did not find the traces of Qian Yu and Lin Fei, could not help but become anxious.

Yao Gu went crazy in the maze with the men and horses of the Yao race, looking for Lin Fei and Qian Yu for more than ten days.

In the end, nothing was gained, and in frustration, they activated the psychedelic tokens in their hands and left the maze.

"Master Yaogu, it is possible that Qianyu and his ant slave have fallen into the maze."

A true **** of the Yaozu said.


That ant possesses a high-level magic weapon, in that maze, like a fish in water, even I can't help him.

He is impossible, he will fall into the maze.

There are only two possibilities.

One, that ant left the maze one step earlier than us. At this time, I don't know where to hide.

Second, he may, still in the maze, dare not come out. "

Yaogu analyzed.

"Well, Master Yaogu makes sense."

The other true gods of the monster race also nodded one after another.

"Anyway, that ant, who killed so many of our kinsman, is a heinous crime and we must not be merciless.

From now on, as long as you find him, you will kill him. "

Yao Gu said.


The other true demons all agreed.

"With a high-level magic weapon, in that maze, like a fish in water..."

Next to him, another high-ranking **** of the Yao Race, Lin Qi, heard Yao Gu's words, and a shocking light flashed in the eyes of the Yao.

He also began to care about Lin Fei.

at the same time.

In the Sky Demon Valley camp, the elder Cui's gaze constantly scanned the audience.

He was looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

His nephew, died in Lin Fei's hands, and was killed in front of him!

If this hatred is not reported, his thoughts will never be mastered!

He is also like a demon ancient, with his men and horses, chasing and killing Lin Fei everywhere in the maze.

However, even Lin Fei's hair was not found.

Finally, only after leaving the maze.

However, he naturally would not stop there.

"Hmph, ants, in that maze, I don't understand why you can control those hallucinations and illusions and take advantage of the location.

However, once you leave the maze, with your poor state, I can blow you to death with a breath! "

Elder Cui's gaze shot everywhere, looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

at the same time.

In other camps, there are also many masters looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

One by one, the masters blazed their eyes everywhere, and their divine consciousness was also released, carefully perceiving them.

I want to find Lin Fei!

Because most of these dozens of forces have creatures, they were snatched by Lin Fei, or died in Lin Fei's hands, or they were subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves.

Some creatures who were lucky enough to escape from Lin Fei's hands remembered Lin Fei.

It can be said that in the labyrinth, an ordinary lower **** realm human race kid has attracted attention and became the focus.

There was also news among the monster race, spreading out.

Everyone knows that the identity of that Human Race kid is a slave to a master of the Yao Race!

Because, Yaogu took the men and horses of the Yao race in the maze, looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts everywhere.

The news, naturally, spread out.

A lowly slave can actually suffer so many true gods.

Even the upper god, true god, can't help him!

This makes all creatures feel shocked.

In short, everyone, pay attention to Lin Fei.

"Huh? Where's that slave, look for everyone, find out that nasty slave!"

"The slave of the Yaozu is too arrogant, even our Huangguhe dare to provoke!"


Many creatures were looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts while talking loudly.

However, Lin Fei hadn't come out yet, so they couldn't find it naturally.

At this moment, within the maze, Lin Fei was stepping into a palace.

I saw that this is an empty, vast palace.

The palace was almost empty.

However, in the most central position, there are two huge shells, tightly closed together.

It looks like a giant clam!

It's kind of like an oyster again.

Lying quietly in the center of the palace, motionless.

There is no breath, pass it out.

"Well, it's just a clam.

But what is that bead? "

Lin Fei stared at the top of the clam without blinking, a dazzling orb the size of a fist.

The orb bloomed, blurred, dreamy, and distorted colored light rays shining in all directions.

At the same time, there are a large number of runes related to the law of illusion, lingering around that orb.

This gem is very attractive to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei stepped forward and looked carefully.


This orb seems to be creating hallucinations and illusions, and then it is constantly released! "

Lin Fei walked closer, and, with the help of the Law of Illusion, finally saw clearly that inside the bead, hallucinations and illusions were constantly being created.

Then, these created hallucinations and illusions were released from the beads, like colorful bubbles floating in the surrounding space.

"Could it be that the illusions and illusions in this labyrinth are all created by this gem?!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but gasped, shocked.

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