Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3514: There is hope in the way of true God

"Just fine."

The Chinese zodiac was relieved after hearing Lin Fei's words.

After all, Lin Fei's current state is a bit scary, even if he can't die, if he can't recover and become a cripple, it's also very bad.

"Seniors, don't let anyone know that I am still alive.

After waiting for a while, I will make the five superpowers think that I am dead. "

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei, what do you mean..." The zodiac signs are all taken aback.

"If the five superpowers know that I am alive, they will definitely send an army to trouble me.

I want to practice quietly for a period of time to improve my strength.

When I become strong enough, I will find them personally.

Today’s matter, I won’t just leave it alone. "

Lin Fei said.

"That's also true, let the five superpowers think you are dead, you can be quiet for a while.

Well, just do it. "

Tianguo nodded and said.

"Lin Fei, hurry up and repair your body, what are you waiting for."

Da Hei Niu asked.

"Senior, I can only maintain this state now. There is no way to repair my physical body in a short time.

It takes a good rest period. "

Lin Fei's helpless laughter came from the soul tree.

Lin Fei exploded his body and soul body for the first time. The damage was a bit serious. Although in terms of his body, he possessed the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth and the physique of Tianjin tribe, in terms of soul body, there was the protection of Chaos Ice Lotus, Soul Tree, and Soul Dragon. , There is no danger to life.

However, it is a bit difficult to recover all at once.

"Seniors, please take me back to Luoshengu.

I want to go back to Luoshengu and take a good rest for a while before I can fully recover. "

Lin Fei said.

"What about the three thousand worlds, don't you need to go back and explain."

Tun Tiangu asked.

"I sent them a voice transmission to explain to them."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, we will go back to Luoshengu now."

Tianguo nodded and said.

Therefore, the Tian-Swallowing Dog used its boundless power to cut off the space where Lin Fei was, and put it into a space magic weapon.

Then, the Chinese Zodiac walked into a space-time transmission channel and disappeared into this chaotic void.

at the same time.

Near the 3,000-size world, a large number of gods are anxiously looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

Just now, Lin Fei was chased and killed by the five great masters, using the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card to teleport and escape. The five great masters also used great magic power and quickly caught up.

Because of the speed of Lin Fei and the five masters, it was too fast! The gods in the three-thousand-large world and those under Lin Fei had no ability to catch up.

Therefore, Lin Fei was soon lost after chasing.

Until now, they were still looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts in the vicinity of three thousand worlds.

Just at this time.


"You don't need to look for it anymore, I received Lin Fei's transmission!"

True Sword God said.

Suddenly, all the gods came around in surprise.

"Is Lin Fei whereabouts?"

"Master is fine, right!"

...Everyone wants to know where and safety of Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, Lin Fei is fine.

However, he asked us to announce from now on that he has fallen.

It is best to convince the five superpowers. "

True Sword God said.


When many gods heard it, they were a little startled.

"Well, if Lin Fei did this, he naturally had his plan, so let's do it according to his requirements.

As long as Lin Fei is fine. "

Yang Song said.

Therefore, the True Sword God and Yang Song took everyone back to the world of three thousand sizes.

Soon, a message spread in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Some time ago, the alliance army that repeatedly provoked the five superpowers, the leader Lin Fei had been beheaded by the masters sent by the five superpowers, and the alliance army was completely disintegrated and ceased to exist.

The news spread and caused a big sensation.

You know, some time ago, the Alliance army really made a lot of noise.

I don't know how many points of the five superpowers have been destroyed, causing the five superpowers to lose a large number of people.

The alliance army has completely lost the face of the five superpowers and lost face.

Even, in the minds of many creatures, the Alliance Army has become the only justice division in the boundless sea of ​​chaos that can resist the five superpowers.

The five superpowers are fighting for the hegemony of the world, attacking cities and slaughtering innocent people everywhere, making the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless planes, countless creatures complaining, but they are helpless.

Suddenly, an alliance army appeared, dedicated to fighting the five superpowers, and once caused the five superpowers to be overwhelmed.

This made countless planes, countless races, countless sects, countless creatures, as if seeing a ray of light and a glimmer of hope in the dark night.

However, now all the alliance forces, including the leader, have been destroyed.

I just saw a little hope and it was completely gone.

"It seems that the five superpowers are indeed invincible, and we have to choose to surrender."

"Let's accept our fate. From now on, we can only work as coolies and slaves for the five superpowers before we can continue to live."

...The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless planes, races, and sects secretly sighed.

In short, the news of the destruction of Lin Fei and the Alliance Army brought a major impact to the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

"Look, this is what provokes us!"

"No matter who it is, even if the evildoer is like Lin Fei, who dares to provoke super powers like us, the end is destined to be miserable! Lin Fei is a role model!"

"If there are repeat offenders, they will definitely end up in the same way!"

...The people of the five superpowers felt very happy about Lin Fei's death, and they released such words one after another.

After all, some time ago, Lin Fei led the alliance army to provoke the five superpowers too hard.

Now, this thorn in the eye, the thorn in the flesh, was finally pulled out.

The five superpowers felt a sigh of relief.

As much fun as you want! "Lin Fei dared to provoke us these super powers, not only he is going to die, his plane, all the creatures related to him, will all be destroyed with him.

Wait, sooner or later our army will destroy three thousand worlds. "

"Three thousand big and small worlds are already on our death list, so the plane must be destroyed!"

...The people of the five superpowers have threatened to destroy the three thousand worlds sooner or later.

at the same time.

In the Valley of God, in a secret room.

A large mass of flesh and blood residues mixed with the Soul Tree, Soul Dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus.

"It's really uncomfortable to explode.

It seems to be seriously ill.

However, I have to say that this trick is indeed the best way to avoid thunder.

In the future, if you encounter a very difficult thunder robbery, use this trick to be sure.

It seems that there is hope for success in my path to true God. "

Lin Fei's voice sounded.

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