Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3595: Sword world

On the other altars, there are densely packed spiritual cards, and there is only one altar, only one.

It is very prominent and conspicuous!

"What a terrible sword spirit!"

When Lin Fei gazes at the spiritual card, a few sharp sword auras slashed towards Lin Fei, forcing Lin Fei to step back again and again.

Fortunately, that piece of spiritual card was not deliberately dealt with Lin Fei, but some sword energy leaked out inadvertently.

Lin Fei has no doubt that once this spiritual card really wants to deal with himself, he has absolutely no power to fight back!

"The kendo level of the master of this spiritual card is terrible.

If he is still alive, it is estimated that he can kill me in seconds.

This means that the owner of this spiritual card is, at least, a main god! "

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly surprised, became more careful.

It seems that even with his own strength, in this sword temple, he can't be too presumptuous.

Lin Fei felt the wisps of sword aura that occasionally leaked from that spiritual card, and did not dare to get too close.

"With one sword, I conquered the world, and Wan Xiong fell to his head.

However, the heights are very cold, and when I look back in my old age, there is no one. Isn't this a kind of sadness in my life? "

These few words were engraved on the spiritual card.

Describes a kind of holding a sword to conquer the world, and in the end can only experience a lonely life like snow.

Lin Fei savored these few words carefully, and couldn't help but feel excited all over.

"The life of this senior is really yearning!"

Lin Fei stood there, savoring it carefully, and was speechless for a long time.

In the end, Lin Fei couldn't help but bowed a few times to that spiritual card, truly convinced.

"This is the real sword repair!"

Lin Fei sighed.

"This Ice Sword plane must have been very strong back then.

There are tens of thousands of swordsman gods buried in this sword shrine alone.

However, it seems that some disaster letter has been encountered, otherwise, the entire plane will not be transported to the ice palace. "

Lin Fei thought secretly.

"By the way, is the life-long inheritance of that kendo master really hidden in this sword shrine?

Since it is here, let's look for it. "

Lin Fei's gaze, as well as divine consciousness, all searched around.

Just now.

"Young man, you are also a swordsman, and you can come to the sword shrine. It is also destined..."

Suddenly, an aloof, indifferent, seemingly supreme voice sounded.


In the most center of the square, on the altar table, that piece of spirit card placed alone, sprayed out the sword aura of a rhino sword, extremely bright.

The dazzling sword auras are twisted together to form a dazzling figure.

This is a middle-aged man with a slender figure, aloof temperament, and a sword-like vision.

A terrible aura that dominates all directions and frightens the world is released from the body of this middle-aged man.

It seems that as long as he stops there, he becomes the center of the whole world.


Lin Fei was very surprised.

The middle-aged man stared at Lin Fei for a while, and suddenly waved at Lin Fei slightly.


Suddenly, there were sword qi in Lin Fei's body, constantly rushing out.

These sword auras are the crystallization of Lin Fei's years of practice.

Represents Lin Fei's kendo level and kendo achievements.

Originally, these sword auras were part of Lin Fei's body and were completely controlled by Lin Fei.

However, now, these sword auras were not controlled by Lin Fei. Instead, they rushed out of the body after following the middle-aged man.

Suddenly, the sword aura was overwhelmingly suspended between Lin Fei and the middle-aged man, cutting the space into a sneer.

Lin Fei was extremely shocked, but also very helpless.

These are all my sword aura, how can I obey his orders? !

Fortunately, Lin Fei could feel that the middle-aged man should have no malice towards him.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not resist.

"Well, although these sword auras are still weak, they are of very good quality."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and all his sword aura, like a hundred birds returning home, returned to Lin Fei's body.

Then, the middle-aged man once again beckoned to Lin Fei's body.


A dazzling flying sword rushed out of Lin Fei's body and flew in front of the middle-aged man.

This is Lin Fei's flying sword.

Originally, Flying Swordsmanship was a very powerful hole card of Lin Fei, and he used it frequently when facing the enemy.

However, after Lin Fei became a heart sword, he rarely used it.

Because the heart sword is easier to use and more powerful than flying swordsmanship.

"Well, flying swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, this kind of swordsmanship is still circulating in the world.

Young man, it's really not easy for you to practice flying swordsmanship to this level by your own groping. "

The middle-aged man exclaimed while observing Lin Fei's flying sword.

"Senior praised."

Lin Fei had already recovered from the shock just now and replied.

"Young man, do you know that flying swordsmanship in the boundless chaotic sea actually spread from me.

The flying sword technique you practice is also inherited by my teacher. "

The middle-aged man said to Lin Fei.


Senior, what you said is true? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

Lin Fei always thought that his practice of flying swordsmanship originated on the earth.

The middle-aged man in front of him said it was passed down from him.

"I think back then, when I walked on the boundless sea of ​​chaos and passed through a world group called three thousand worlds, I once stayed on a star called the earth for a few decades.

I was above the earth, and I accepted a disciple, and taught him flying sword skills.

I guess that the flying sword technique in the boundless chaotic sea must have been passed down from the earth. "

The middle-aged man smiled.

"Senior said well.

The flying sword technique in the boundless chaotic sea indeed originated from the earth. "

Lin Fei replied in surprise.

In my heart, I already believed what the middle-aged man said.

It seems that Heart Swordsmanship has really been passed down from him.

In this way, the heart swordsmanship he cultivated belongs to the inheritance of the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Young man, do you want to go one step further and practice kendo."

Said the middle-aged man.

"I naturally thought."

Lin Fei quickly replied.

"I can teach you my kendo.

But you have to promise to do me a favor. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"What is it, Senior, can you let me listen first."

Lin Fei asked.

"Young man, listen to me slowly."

The middle-aged man sighed.

"I come from a supreme plane, called the sword world.

The supreme master of the sword world is the old man.

And I am a closed disciple of Old Man Jian.

Old Man Jian, there are a total of five closed disciples, I am the fifth. "

The middle-aged man said slowly.

The sword world!

Supreme plane! Lin Fei was shocked when he heard this.

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