Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3598: Swordsmanship

"Thank you seniors for perfection!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Okay, go and do your business.

If you have a chance, remember to go to the sword world to accomplish what you promised me. "

The middle-aged man said to Lin Fei.

"Senior don't worry, Lin Fei will definitely live up to his trust!"

Lin Fei said sincerely.

"Well, I can see that you are a trustworthy person.

Go ahead. "

The middle-aged man nodded.

"Senior, goodbye."

Lin Fei respectfully bowed and walked out of the sword temple.

"The army of the six superpowers..."

Lin Fei's face showed a sneer.

Although staying in the sword shrine all the time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was so powerful that Lin Fei knew everything that happened outside.

In fact, Lin Fei had long expected that the army of the six superpowers would come sooner or later.

Because, for a period of time, Lin Fei had sent people to let out the news that the Alliance army wanted to dominate the boundless Chaos Sea.

This is equivalent to that in addition to the six superpowers, there is another superpower to carve up the boundless Chaos Sea.

The six superpowers, where are they willing to let the alliance army develop and grow smoothly.

Will definitely come to encircle and suppress and kill.

"This battle is the real rise of the alliance army."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and walked outside the Ice Palace step by step.

At this moment.

Outside the ice palace, the fight was fierce.

The true **** slaves under Lin Fei blocked most of the masters of the six superpowers.

Especially those slaves of the upper gods and true gods are the most important combat power.

The battle was very intense.

Every minute and every second, a large number of creatures fall.

The corpses piled up into mountains, like the flesh and blood residues of the vast ocean, float by in the endless chaos void.

The Yangtze River, composed of the blood of the dead and wounded, roared.

Countless war ghosts, broken soul fragments, soul clones, soul imprints, crying and wailing.

Lin Fei walked out of the ice palace step by step, slowly scanning the fierce battlefield with indifferent eyes.

Lin Fei saw that his **** slaves and the Alliance army were constantly injured and dying.

"This is what you must experience."

Although Lin Fei felt a little pain, the Alliance army had to experience a war of blood and fire if it wanted to truly contend for the boundless chaotic sea.

Otherwise, it cannot grow and become stronger.

Lin Fei knew well that the entire alliance army was actually supported by himself.

Of course, there are those true **** slaves under his own hands.

If you don't have yourself, the alliance army will be vulnerable to the six superpowers.

Lin Fei intends to compete for territory in the boundless Chaos Sea and establish many strongholds.

In this way, the troops of the Alliance army must be scattered, and it is impossible to follow them all the time.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to consciously exercise the Alliance army.

Let this army become stronger quickly.

Become an army that can truly compete with the six superpowers for hegemony!

And this kind of war between life and death is undoubtedly the best way to exercise.

"Look, the leader is out!"

Suddenly, those high-ranking members of the Alliance Army discovered Lin Fei and cheered.

"Master has finally come out!"

Those slaves under Lin Fei also screamed excitedly.

"The leader is here, everyone, come on, kill all the enemies who have come!"

"With the leader, we will definitely win!"


There is nothing to be afraid of if there is an alliance leader to bet us! "

"Kill, the lord is watching us, you can't embarrass the Alliance army!"


Originally, the Alliance Army had suffered a lot of casualties, and morale began to drop a bit. However, as Lin Fei appeared, the Alliance Army's morale rose instantly.

The members of the alliance army, as if beaten in blood, desperately, desperately rushed to kill.

Those **** slaves under Lin Fei were even more courageously moving forward, doing their best to perform well in front of Lin Fei.

"Well, this kind of fighting spirit is very good."

Lin Fei glanced around the battlefield, satisfied, and nodded.

"Boy, if this fight continues, the Alliance army will suffer heavy casualties."

The Chinese zodiac came to Lin Fei's side.

They have not shot.

"I have my own score, which is a kind of training for the alliance army.

Well, ready to end this war. "

Lin Fei replied.

Although Lin Fei wanted to give the Alliance army a hard time, he would not allow the Alliance army to suffer too many casualties.

"Lin Fei, should I take action with Brother Tiger."

Big Tiger said to Lin Fei, a little eager to try.

His character is inherently aggressive.

Seeing the large-scale battle in front of him, he couldn't help it for a long time, and wanted to take action and have fun.

"I don't need it for the time being, I still say that, seniors are my biggest cards, try not to expose it too early."

Lin Fei smiled.

Then, Lin Fei carried both hands and walked towards the battlefield step by step.

"You forces, who took the initiative to provoke, don't you really put the army of our alliance in your eyes?

Kneel down immediately, bow your head and confess your guilt, perhaps, give you a way out.

Otherwise, no one should want to leave alive. "

Lin Fei walked unhurriedly, talking while walking.

In the battlefield, the sound of fighting, roaring, screaming, all kinds of sounds are deafening.

However, the voice of Lin Fei's words reached every creature's ears clearly, clearly.

"Lin Fei, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak.

A stinky back kid, how can He De, can bear our kowtow!

Lin Fei, your death date is here! "

A real **** of the Western Holy See, showing his figure, quickly rushed towards Lin Fei.

With a blue crystal ball lying on his right hand, and a red cross in his left hand, both released energy pressure.

It's just that he just finished speaking.


A flying sword appeared abruptly and cut it at him.

The speed of Feijian is too fast, and the energy contained in it is too strong.

The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, was horrified, and the crystal ball and cross in his hand blocked forward at the same time.


The crystal ball was split in half, and the cross was cut in two.


Flying sword swept across, cut his knees, and cut off his legs on the spot.

Lin Fei's flying sword technique defeated a high-ranking true **** in seconds.

If it wasn't for wanting to keep him alive and take him as a slave, the sword just now would have killed him.

"Lin Fei, Hugh must be murderous!

I'll kill you! "

An old demon covered in red skin, using brilliant spatial sorcery, came to Lin Fei's body instantly.

He burned the original blood of God, like a red fire man, blasting Lin Fei.


A flying sword cut to him.


Above the flying sword, thousands of radiant sword auras emerged, making a clank sound, like a living thing.

These sword auras are full of various sword civilizations and sword beliefs.


The sharp flying sword, cut through all the attacks and defenses of the old demon, cut through his demon body, and cut him in half! Lin Fei smiled, relying solely on swordsmanship and without resorting to any other means, he could kill the upper gods in seconds.

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