Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3604: Cultivate the true god

Then, these gods lined up one after another, choosing the exercises and secret techniques that suit them.

After getting the exercises and secret techniques that he fancy, all of them were extremely excited.

"Leader, I want to go to retreat immediately and have a good understanding!"

Soon, there will be a god, can't wait, retreat to Lin Fei.

"Go, work hard.

During this month, I will practice hard and strive for improvement. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Leader rest assured, we will definitely work hard to cultivate!"

The gods of the alliance army are full of energy.

The secret techniques of the six superpowers gave them great hope.

"Well, go ahead.

Ice Master, Senior Cao, Senior Wu..., you stay.

Everyone else, go ahead. "

Lin Fei called the name and let the ten gods stay.

These ten gods are all upper gods.

Moreover, they are all the core high-level leaders of the Alliance Army.

Including the Ice Lord, Cao Wu of the Canghai World Group, the Wu clan chief and others.

These high-ranking gods are all alliance forces, and when they were first established, they already assumed the main leadership position.

"Leader, you let us stay, what's the matter?"

The ice master asked Lin Fei.

Because of Wang Chan and Wang Yu's reasons, her relationship with Lin Fei is also good, and there is not much pressure in front of Lin Fei.

"Do you think that you have hope to become a true **** through cultivation?"

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Cultivation to become a true god?!"

The ice master and the ten high-level gods were all taken aback. They looked at Lin Fei with a puzzled look, and didn't understand why Lin Fei suddenly asked such questions.

"Leader, I am already very old.

Moreover, it is already the realm of the upper gods.

Missed the best time to cultivate true gods.

I feel that in my entire life, I shouldn't have the opportunity to cultivate to become a true god. "

Cao Wu answered first.

"Not bad.

Lord, I feel that it is very difficult for me to cultivate to become a true god.

Unless there is a miracle. "

The ice master and others also shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Leader, to cultivate a true god, not only requires a good talent and aptitude, but also, I heard, you also need to master some clever special secret techniques.

For example, the secret technique to avoid thunder.

Otherwise, it is impossible for ordinary people to survive ninety-nine or eighty-one thunders. "

Chief Wu sighed.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded in agreement.

It is too difficult for ordinary gods to cultivate to become true gods.

First of all, you must have a very high level of talent.

Secondly, we must master the relevant secret techniques.

Lin Fei had evaded ninety-nine-eighty-one times of thunder tribulation, and he knew how difficult it was to avoid thunder tribulation.

"I have a way so that you can directly become true gods without practicing."

Lin Fei said lightly.


Become a true god! "

The ice master waited for ten high-level gods, and after hearing Lin Fei's words, they were shocked to the extreme for a while.

"Leader, what you said is true..."

One of the upper gods asked carefully.

They still don't know that Lin Fei possesses true magical fruit.

Even at their level, I have never heard of the legend about the true **** fruit.

You don't need to go through cultivation to directly become the true god. Such a thing is incredible.

At the same time, they are extremely eager, this is true.

Becoming a true **** is too tempting for ordinary upper gods like them.

"What I'm saying is true.

However, after I help you become true gods, you will never betray the alliance army.

Always sit in the Alliance Army.

If you can't, you can withdraw as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you betray in the future, I think I will settle the account with you. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

The true fruit is too precious.

These ordinary high-level gods, if they want to obtain true **** fruit, naturally, they must pay a corresponding price.

Otherwise, Lin Fei was unwilling to waste a true fruit.

"Leader, don't you understand our heart!

Even if you don't help us become true gods, we will never betray the Alliance army. "

The ten high-ranking gods all said in unison, each one with firm eyes.

"Very well, I just want you to be loyal to the Alliance army in normal times, so I plan to make you all true gods."

Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.


Ten true divine fruits flew out of Lin Fei's hands and landed in front of the ice master and other ten higher gods.

"This is a true fruit, take it back, and after taking it, retreat and digest it well.

Regarding the information about the true sacred fruit, and the matters needing attention when taking the true sacred fruit, I have entered your sea of ​​knowledge.

I will protect you all the way. If you encounter any problems, tell me immediately. "

Lin Fei said.

"True fruit?"

The ten upper gods looked at the miraculous fruit floating in front of them, both curious and excited.

They didn't ask Lin Fei any more questions.

Because Lin Fei had already entered the information related to the true **** fruit into their sea of ​​knowledge.

"Thank you for your reinvention!

We are willing to follow the leader forever and do our best! "

The ten upper gods carefully held the true **** fruit with both hands, and their breathing began to heavier. They were extremely excited and saluted Lin Fei respectfully.

From then on, they will leap from ordinary gods into true gods!

This is tantamount to a complete rebirth!

"Go ahead."

Lin Fei waved.

The ten high-level gods took the true **** fruit and left, went to their secret room, and began to eat and refine.

Lin Fei released part of his divine consciousness, locked the secret rooms of these ten higher gods, and kept paying attention.

Time passed slowly.

One month, in the blink of an eye, passed.



In the ice palace, in a very hidden secret room, a terrifying energy fluctuation was released, and the entire ice palace was shaken slightly.

"Leader, I broke through!

Become a true god! "

In the secret room, an upper god, excited to the extreme, roared loudly.

This upper **** is Cao Wu.


An incomparably powerful energy poured out from his body, and the entire secret room collapsed!

"Leader, I am a true **** now.

The middle **** is true god! "

Cao Wu was extremely excited.


Suddenly, in the distance, another secret room also heard a huge roar.

"Leader, I have become a true god!

The middle **** is true god! "

There was also a voice in that secret room.

"Haha, I am a real **** too!"

Then, other upper gods broke through.

In the end, the ten upper gods all succeeded and became true gods.

Among them, the Ice Lord turned out to be the true **** of the upper gods!

The other nine all became true middle gods.

Although it is only a true middle-level god, it is much stronger than ordinary upper-level gods!

A true middle-level **** can kill an ordinary high-level **** in seconds.

"I now teach you the secret methods of the six superpowers, the cultivation of true gods.

You must cultivate hard and break through to the upper gods as soon as possible.

Even, it is necessary to strive for a breakthrough to become the half-step main god.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to lead the coalition army. "   Lin Fei gathered the ten gods including the Ice Master in front of him and said in a loud voice.

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