Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3619: Elves

This teleportation array is in a square.

There is a large group of Shadow Clan men and horses guarding this teleportation formation.

However, usually all the shadow clan, as long as they pay a certain amount of property, they can enter and leave at will from here.

Therefore, there is nothing to protect. The Shadow Race men and horses guarding the large formation are scattered sparsely in the square, gathering people to chat, or, even, betting money.

This kind of scene is too common.

Those Shadow Clan slaves under Lin Fei walked into the square and came to the teleportation formation. After paying a certain amount of spar, they were qualified to pass.

Several shadow clans walked to the base of the teleportation formation, preparing to activate the formation.

However, just when these Shadow Race slaves of Lin Fei were preparing to step into the teleportation formation and teleport away.


"Attention everyone, don't activate the teleportation array.

I received an order from Master Mirage to not allow them to leave.

Catch them all! "

A shadow clan who looked like a captain suddenly yelled and pointed his finger at the shadow clan slaves under Lin Fei.

Suddenly, in the square, all the Shadow Clan men and horses responsible for guarding the teleportation formation started to move, forming a circle, and rushing over.

You know, Lord Mirage, in the shadow clan, is very high, holding a heavy soldier, and powerful.

If Master Mirage's order is not completed, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, no one dares to slow down.

"Go, catch them all!"

The shadow races shouted one by one, and surrounded the shadow race slaves under Lin Fei.

"No, Master, we seem to be exposed.

How to do. "

A Shadow Clan slave spoke to Lin Fei.

"It's okay. Let me deal with it."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness has clearly perceives everything.

next moment.

Lin Fei's figure has appeared in the square.


Lin Fei didn't have any nonsense, and directly displayed the secret method of the puppet's thread, the endless red silk thread, splattered in all directions.

Lin Fei perceives that several shadow clan gods are rushing towards here quickly.

Less than a breath, all around, all the Shadow Race men and horses were conquered by Lin Fei and became slaves.

"Activate the big array now!"

Lin Fei ordered.


A few Shadow Clan slaves immediately stepped forward to activate the teleportation formation.

These slaves were originally responsible for guarding the large formation, mastering the method of activating the teleportation formation.


The teleportation array was activated.

Lin Fei took all the Shadow Race slaves and all stood in the teleportation formation.

call out!

The people in the big formation have all disappeared.


Come one step later, let them run away!

What the patriarch said was right.

Those people, there is a problem!

Could it be that they have betrayed our shadow clan? "

At the moment when the big formation completed the teleportation, a gray man, with a large group of Shadow Clan men and horses, rushed into the square.

"Hurry up and check it out for me, where is the target of their transmission!"

The gray man roared.

Immediately, a few shadow clan proficient in the teleportation formation ran into the teleportation formation to make calculations.

"Report Master Mirage, the destination of their teleportation is the territory of the Elves!"

Soon, those shadow clans calculated the results.

"Immediately contact the prince of the elven race and ask them to arrest all the people who have passed by.

Our shadow clan, we must give a heavy reward to thank you! "

Master Mirage shouted.


Several shadow races agreed and immediately contacted the elves.

In the alien space, most races will establish fast channels of communication with each other.

at this time.

Lin Fei and those Shadow Race slaves were teleporting.

The transmission time is very short.

After a while.

Lin Fei's feet landed suddenly and steadily.

Looking around, I found myself in a square, standing in a large teleportation formation.

Those shadow clan slaves also followed him.

Lin Fei's divine power sensed it and found this square located in a huge ancient city.

The city is spectacular, prosperous and prosperous.

There are many beautiful humanoid creatures who are walking back and forth.

These humanoid creatures, any one, naturally exudes a very noble temperament, similar to those princes and princesses in the human race, supreme.

"Are these the elves?"

Lin Fei was a little curious.

I saw that the whole skin of those elves, in the white, showed a kind of emerald green, regardless of men and women, all of them looked elegant and handsome!

Especially those men, all are butter nipples!

At first glance, all of them appear to be very noble.

However, when you look closely, you will find that the nobleness exudes a smell that is almost evil, full of a certain kind of enchanting, and it is easy for people to be fascinated.

"Sure enough, it's almost the same as the legendary elves."

Lin Fei looked at it for a moment and couldn't help nodding secretly.

"Master, we are in the territory of the elves."

A Shadow Clan slave spoke to Lin Fei.

"Well, our goal is the territory of the Soul Race.

Don't stay, use this teleportation array directly to teleport to the past. "

Lin Fei ordered.

"Understood, Master."

The Shadow Clan slave nodded.

In this square, there are many elves responsible for guarding the teleportation formation. As long as you pay a certain amount of money to them, you can use this teleportation formation for teleportation.

A Shadow Race slave under Lin Fei walked out of the teleportation formation and paid enough spar.

"Master, we can now directly send to the soul race."

A Shadow Race slave said to Lin Fei.

However, at this time.

"The prince has an order to not activate the teleportation formation.

Grab all those shadow clan! "

A loud shout rang out.

Immediately, a large group of elves rushed towards the square.

"No, Master, Master Phantom, must send a message to the prince of the elven race, to arrest us!

The prince of the elven clan, and the phantom lord of our shadow clan, have always had a good personal relationship. "

A shadow clan slave immediately transmitted to Lin Fei.

"Let's leave first!"

Lin Fei appeared in the square, rolled up his sleeves, rolled up all the Shadow Clan slaves, then cast the reincarnation secret technique, and disappeared instantly.


A slender elf with a large group of elves rushed into the square, just to see the scene where Lin Fei rolled up the shadow clan slaves with his sleeves and disappeared, his face twisted with anger.

This elf is very beautiful, with a crown woven from beautiful bird hair on his head, a long green bow on his back, and a quiver hanging from his waist. It looks so handsome. .

"Pass the order and find out these shadow races!

Especially that human kid, must not let him go! "

The handsome elf gritted his teeth and said.

"Also, the two large teleportation formations that block our elven world, all the creatures entering and leaving must be closely investigated!"

The handsome elf added.

"Yes, prince!" The elves around answered in unison.

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