Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3621: go together

This seventh princess really wants to seduce herself and gather yin and nourish yang?

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

"This young master, I don't know, would you like to enjoy the noodles and have a few drinks with the slaves?"

The seventh princess whispered to Lin Fei.

While she was speaking, her beautiful eyes were fascinating and fascinating.

Lin Fei wanted to refuse directly.

However, this seventh princess, apparently, is certainly not low in the elven clan.

I don't know whether it is possible to use her relationship to use the teleportation formation to teleport to the soul race.

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly calculating.

Because, now, the entire elven world is investigating, there are elves everywhere, tracing the whereabouts of the shadow clan and a young human.

Especially those two large teleportation formations were interrogated most closely.

Except for the clansmen of the elves, the creatures of other races are not allowed to leave the elves world for the time being!

It turned out that the prince of the elven clan and the phantom lord of the shadow clan have a very good relationship.

Master Phantom made a big price and asked the prince of the elven clan to help him get people back.

The prince of the elven clan is respected in the elven world. With the order, naturally the entire elven world has become a sensation.

"This young master, could it be that you are cruelly rejecting the slave family..."

The tone of the seven princesses was very numb, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, tossing with winks makes ordinary men unable to refuse.

"Finally, this seventh princess has a very high status.

I might as well, first appoint the virtual snake to her, and then think of a way to use her relationship to use the teleportation array of the elven world. "

Lin Fei made a decision in his heart.

"This... Lady, I'm not telling you anything. I was in a hurry and wanted to rush to the soul world.

However, since this lady is so enthusiastic to invite, I should respect my life. "

Lin Fei pretended to be fooled and stared at the seventh princess blankly, seemingly fascinated by the beauty of the seventh princess.

"It's miserable, that Human Race kid was fascinated by the Seventh Princess.

Waiting for his end, the Yang Qi must have been sucked out and his life was dead. "

"Haha, another hapless person who died under the pomegranate dress of Princess Seven!"

"Hey, there is a knife on the head of the color word, this sentence is indeed correct."


In the distance, many creatures onlookers secretly sighed, ridiculed, satirized, gloating, pity, all kinds of differences.

"Master, you agreed, it's great.

Now, follow the Nujia, go to the Nujia’s house, and get together. "

As the seventh princess said, she glared at Lin Fei and scratched her head, making Lin Fei cry out.

However, on the surface, Lin Fei was also very cooperative, with an expression already deeply fascinated, staring at the seventh princess without blinking.

"Hmph, this stinky guy is so lustful, I can't blame me."

In the heart of the Seventh Princess, said coldly.

"Thank you lady for inviting me!"

Lin Fei showed a very yearning expression and quickly replied.

"Okay, Master, you follow the Nujia and go back together."

Seeing Lin Fei's promise, the seventh princess was very proud, and immediately took Lin Fei back to her residence.

Lin Fei followed with a large number of slaves from the gods.

"By the way, this young master, you just said that you are in a hurry and want to rush to the soul world.

Can you talk to the Nujia, what is the urgent matter? "

On the way, the seventh princess asked Lin Fei casually.

In fact, she wanted to know more about Lin Fei and took the opportunity to inquire about Lin Fei's origin.

She has scruples for people with too many backgrounds, and she doesn't dare to start.

"It's really urgent.

I'm going to the soul world to get ten chaos magic weapons, and a batch of top **** pills. "

Lin Fei heard the question from the seventh princess, and immediately felt that an opportunity had come.

"Ten Chaos Magic Weapons! A batch of top-level magic pills!"

The seventh princess halted and stopped abruptly, ecstasy burst out of her eye sockets, but at the same time, she was a little confused.

Because the ten magic weapons of chaos and the top level **** pill are too valuable for her.

She couldn't believe it. Is the so-called young master in front of her really that rich? If you go to the soul world, you can get ten chaotic magic weapons and a batch of top-level gods?

You know, in the alien space, the space environment is very harsh and resources are scarce.

Chaos magic weapons and top-level magic pills are more precious than the outside world, at least hundreds of times, even thousands of times!

"Master, where do you come from, and where do you come from?

If you go to the soul world, can you really get ten magic weapons of chaos and a batch of top **** pills?

You are not coaxing the slave family. "

The seventh princess looked at Lin Fei's gaze, looking a bit cold, as if questioning.

"This lady, speaking of it, my life experience is a bit, really a bit..., it's hard to tell..."

In Lin Fei's heart, a set of rhetoric had already been thought out.

"Well, my wife and I hit it off as soon as we saw it, and I don't have to hide it from the woman anymore.

In fact, I am an illegitimate son of an overly elder in the soul world... Well, back then, my mother, a human woman, accidentally entered a different dimension, rushed into the soul world.

Later, I ran into my father, the Supreme Elder of the Soul Realm, and had feelings and became pregnant.

However, because of my father's special status, he has flesh and blood with a foreign woman. It is no small matter. If he is not careful, he will be ruined.

Therefore, my mother had no choice but to leave the soul world and go to the outside world.

Now that I have grown up, my father has consciously treated me badly for so many years, so he must compensate me and send someone to send me a letter to the soul world.

That's it.

Lady, this is my privacy, you must keep it secret for me. "

Lin Fei made up a lie.

While speaking, Lin Fei quietly released some spirit tree and spirit dragon breath.

The soul tree and soul dragon possess the strongest and purest spirit family aura.

"So that's the case!"

The Seventh Princess was very surprised.

"You actually have the purest spirit race aura on your body. It seems that you really have the blood of the spirit race!"

At this time, Princess Seven completely believed Lin Fei's words.

"Tsk tsk, I can't think of it, the soul race and the human race are combined, and the descendants born have the flesh and blood of the human race and the pure blood of the soul race.

Strange, really strange. "

The Seventh Princess smiled.

"It seems that she believes me.

Hope to use her to go to the soul world. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

"Master, aren't you lonely when you go to the soul world alone?

Why don't you let the slave family go with you? There will be more fun along the way. "

Said the seventh princess.

"Come with me."

Lin Fei was silly on the surface, but in fact he was overjoyed.

It seems that the fish has taken the bait.

"Yeah, Master, I don't know why, the slave family treats you, Master, at first sight, the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye, I can't wait, I can't wait..." The tone of the seven princesses became more and more turbulent, and the autumn waves continued to send, and the numbness was numb.

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