Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3643: Meet the Elf Prince Again

"Damn it, those shadow people, and that **** human kid, where are they hiding!

If I find them, I must fix them severely before handing them over to Phantom! "

It has been two or three months since the elven prince came to the soul world with the centaur.

However, there was no gain.

He received a large amount of reward from Phantom, and the price was to capture all the rebellious Shadow Clan people and take them back to the Shadow Realm.

The elf prince thought that this was a very easy thing.

After all, with his status, he can mobilize a large number of human and material resources at any time.

A few rebellious shadow people are not worth mentioning.

However, after a few months, let alone grabbing people, there was not even a hair caught.

This annoyed the elven prince.

Originally, the elven prince intended to visit the high-levels of the soul world, such as the big prince, the second prince, the third prince, and the soul mountain.

As long as these high-level souls are willing to come forward and help arrest people, things will be easier.

However, during this period of time, the soul world was in chaos, and the upper levels of the soul world were busy fighting for the position of the patriarch, so how could there be time to deal with this fairy prince.

Therefore, in the past two or three months, the elven prince took his men and horses, searching blindly and aimlessly in the soul world.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei happened to meet him.

"This elven prince is not weak in the elven world.

Since it provokes me, well, take it as a slave. "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Now, the entire soul world is under Lin Fei's control. Since this fairy prince has come to the soul world, it is impossible to escape.

"Look for it separately!

Must find those shadow races, and the human kid!

If you can't find it, there are good-looking ones from you! "

At this time, the elf prince became more and more angry, and roared at his men.

However, just in time.

"Ahem, I think, what you are looking for should be us."

Suddenly, a flat voice came from far away.


In anger, the elf prince followed his reputation.

I saw that in the distance, a group of people stood in the air.

The first one is a human young man.

Behind him, stood a large number of Shadow Clan, and an Elf Clan woman.

"It's them!

Prince, what we are looking for is them! "

Before the elven prince had time to speak, the men around him were excited and shouted.


The face of the elf prince was a bit ugly.

He knew that things were a little weird.

He took the men and horses and went all over the world to find people.

Unexpectedly, now, someone else took the initiative to send it to the door.

Therefore, the Elf Prince knew that something must be wrong.

"Hmph, no matter what tricks you want to play.

You can't escape the palm of my hand!

Surround yourself, don't let one go! "

The elf prince sneered.

Suddenly, the elves of his men swarmed up and surrounded Lin Fei and the others.


This means that there is a way to heaven and you don’t go, and there is no way to hell.

Boy, I understand.

You must think that this is not the spirit world, but the soul world.

So, you don't have to be afraid of me, you dare to run out and face me.

Soon, I will let you know how ignorant you are.

I, the fairy prince, are someone you can never afford to offend. "

The elf prince stared at Lin Fei and laughed.

He could see that Lin Fei was the boss of the group.

"And you, bitch, you actually betrayed our elves, eloped with these traitors, and waited for me to take you back, guess how the father would punish you.

Hey, bitch, I see your figure, it's not bad, I will ask the father to give you to me.

At that time, there is time to play. "

The elven prince looked at the seventh princess of the elven world with a malicious look.

The Seventh Princess, and Lin Fei's Shadow Race slaves, had always stayed in the continent on Lin Fei's body before. Just now, Lin Fei sent them out.

"Huh, death is imminent, and I am self-righteous."

The Seventh Princess angered.

"Bitch, you are looking for death!"

The elf prince was furious.

"Come on, take down this bitch, I'll wait a moment, I want her to look good!

And this Human Race kid can actually laugh!

What a guy who knows nothing about life and death!

Come, take it together, wait a while, I want him to cry! "

The elf prince yelled at his men.


The men under the elf prince agreed in unison, and approached Lin Fei aggressively.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to use the puppet's thread secret method to take this fairy prince into a slave, simple and straightforward.

However, just when Lin Fei wanted to do it, he suddenly discovered that in the sea of ​​knowledge of the elven prince, there was a very cryptic but very powerful ghost clone.

"Such a strong man must be the head of the elven clan, the elven king."

Lin Fei guessed in his heart.

Under this circumstance, if you act on the Elf Prince, you will definitely draw the Elf King out.

Because the spirit world and the soul world have always been in contact.

The Elf King can descend into the soul world at any time.

Lin Fei estimated that the strength of the Elf King should be a half-step master god.

Of course Lin Fei is not afraid of a half-step master god.

Lin Fei's worry is that once a conflict with the Elf King is easy, it will attract the main **** in the alien space.

It is said that there is a main **** in the alien space.

Lin Fei understood that he was definitely not the opponent of the Lord God.

Moreover, the most important thing is that once it attracts the attention of the main god, it will definitely reveal the fact that the soul world has been controlled by oneself when it is traced down.

The supernatural powers of a master **** are unimaginable.

"Huh, just play bigger!

Elf King, yes, well, I will come to the door myself, and I will meet you for a while. "

In Lin Fei's heart, after thinking about it, after making a decision, he sent a voice transmission to the third prince of the soul race.

"Prince, come to our soul world, why don't you say hello!"

The next moment, just as those of the Elf Prince's men were preparing to do something, the third prince brought a large number of soul clan masters and teleported in one after another.

"The third prince, oh no, it should be called the patriarch.

Congratulations to the patriarch! "

Seeing the third prince, the elf prince didn't dare to neglect, and immediately took the initiative to greet him.

After all, the third prince is now the patriarch of the soul race, and his status is quite the elf king.

What's more, the elven prince also deliberately fawns on the third prince, and wants to take the opportunity to make friends.


Shadow people!

It's actually from the Shadow Race!

What I hate most is the stinky guys of the Shadow Race, who is it that put these Shadow Race into our soul world!

Come, kill me all, not one left!

Moreover, one day, I will take the army of our soul races and commit suicide into the shadow world, and kill those shadow races without leaving them! "

The Third Prince suddenly yelled at the Shadow Clan people behind Lin Fei.

You know, the Shadow Clan and the Soul Clan are in a hostile state. There have been conflicts with each other many times.

Therefore, the current attitude of the third prince is quite normal.

"Slow, patriarch, can you give me a face? Don't kill these shadow races, leave it to me.

To be honest, I came to the Soul Realm to capture these shadow races. "

The elven prince was taken aback. If these shadow clans were killed, what would he do with the Phantom King?

"Okay, I'll give you face, but immediately take these shadow races and take them back to your elven world, don't stain our soul world!" The third prince angered.

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