Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3670: lead the way


The fist marks that Lin Fei punched out violently collided with the gray energy beam.

In the vast void, one piece after another piece of space continuously exploded, and endless time-space fragments fluttered.


Lin Fei's fist, like a bubble in the sun, exploded into nothingness on the spot.

"Good guy!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The strength of the main **** is really not trivial, head-to-head, he is not an opponent at all, the difference is too far.

"Not bad.

It was only a minor injury to block me. "

The beast was also shocked, a little unbelievable.

The little guy in front of him can actually block it without a serious problem.

You know, even a half-step master **** can't do this.

"Okay, I will try you again to see how much you can do."

The evil beast strode towards Lin Fei, changing step by step, and the law of time and space became chaotic and bizarre because of it.


With a loud roar, on the back of that huge beast body, a pair of gray wings stretched out, hanging down from the sky, like two heavenly swords, extremely tyrannical, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

This pair of wings is interwoven with complicated runes, emitting a dazzling light of law.

Lin Fei only felt cold all over, feeling completely locked, sealed and unable to move.

In desperation, Lin Fei let out a long roar, and the five human body worlds in his body boiled at the same time, endless chaotic essence surging out, blessing on the body.

A series of golden mysterious runes were born from every physical cell. This is a manifestation of the physique of the Tianjin tribe, being driven to the extreme.

In each human body world, all human gods, including a heavenly dragon, display different secret techniques, attacking each secret technique, converging them into a large beam of energy, and blasting forward.


Lin Fei's body was cut off by the pair of gray wings, into four pieces.

However, Lin Fei instantly reorganized and returned to its peak state.

"The combat power of the main **** level is really terrifying."

Lin Fei felt that he was completely crushed and beaten, and there was no strength to fight back.

If it weren't for the perverted physical quality, I'm afraid that in one move, it would have been wiped out.

"Very good, really good.

You actually cultivated your body to this level.

Has developed the body gods, releases the mysteries of the human body, and becomes a world of its own! "

That monster is full of praise.

Lin Fei could feel that the power of the monster in front of him was even more powerful than those of the main gods among the six superpowers.

Absolutely the strong of the same rank.

"However, in front of me, you are still far behind."

The beast approached Lin Fei.

The terrible energy coercion, crushed it mightily, making Lin Fei almost breathless.

Lin Fei hurriedly performed the secret technique of reincarnation, disappeared, and a space of billions of miles appeared.

It's just that this beast's understanding of the laws of time and space is obviously better than Lin Fei.

Its huge beast body moved lightly, time and space changed, and it appeared in front of Lin Fei again, the distance remained the same.

"Reverse time!"

"Time and Space Splitting Technique!"

Lin Fei continuously cast two secret techniques.

Suddenly, in this space, time began to flow backwards.

Moreover, it was split into dozens of independent small spaces, and Lin Fei stood in one of the small spaces and took the opportunity to escape.

Then, Lin Fei activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, and in an instant, he teleported it four or five times in a row.

With the improvement of strength, Lin Fei has a deeper understanding of the laws of time and space.

The secret technique of reincarnation is naturally more powerful.


The beast, for a while, lost the trace of Lin Fei, and couldn't help but praise it.

at the same time.

The Chinese zodiac, and the other monster, are inextricably beaten.

"Before, I underestimated you."

The evil beast that started with Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.


Don't fight anymore. "

This beast shouted to the other beast.

Immediately, the monster stopped, and the zodiac also stopped.

Just now, the two sides fought for hundreds of rounds. Regardless of the outcome, they all secretly admired.

"Your strength has won my approval."

The evil beast who started with Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Do you really want to know why there has been a change here recently."

The beast looked at Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Senior, we really want to know.

Because this space, in a world of three thousand sizes, I don't feel relieved if I don't figure it out. "

Lin Fei replied.


You come with me. "

The beast nodded and led the way.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac looked at each other and followed.

This is called daring.

Although Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac have not beaten the faith of the Lord God, they can still do it if they want to retreat.

The monster is in front, striding forward, changing every step, and the speed is terrifying.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac were trying their best to show the starting method in the rear before they could barely keep up.

Lin Fei understood that the strengths of himself and the Zodiac were stronger than the average half-step main god.

However, compared to the main god, it is much weaker.

Between the half-step main god, and main god, between the two.


The gate of that palace opened.

The monster, with Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, walked in.

"where is this place?"

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac are a little surprised.

Inside the palace, there is a vast space, with densely packed broken stars.

These star skeletal bodies, in tatters, have long lost any vitality and essence, as if the lifespan has been exhausted.

It seems that this mysterious space seems to be the burial area of ​​stars.

There are also all kinds of terrifying laws here, even beyond the scope of the original laws of chaos, too amazing, Lin Fei has never seen them.

The evil beast strode across the dilapidated stars.

A gray road continues to stretch in front of its footsteps towards the distant void.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac were walking on this gray road, following the evil beast.

It took more than ten days for this walk!

Only through the densely dense star skeletal region.

There was darkness ahead.

This is complete, dead, and absolute, without any shining darkness.

The divine consciousness of Lin Fei and the Zodiac, both immediately perceive the darkness ahead.

"how is this possible!"

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac screamed.

With Lin Fei and the strength of the twelve zodiac signs, he could not perceive anything, only the boundless silence and darkness.

The almost suffocating pressure is overwhelming and crushing on the face.

"Come with me." The monster beast strode into the boundless darkness, a gray path vaguely appeared at his feet.

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