Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3680: The cause of the earth's abnormal movement

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac stood in front of this gateway on the seabed, uncertain.

The breath of this portal is too similar to the gate of the palace in the depths of the God Battle Tomb.

A deep, vast breath.

"How about, do you want to break the door, come in and have a look."

The black cow is eager to try.

The voice fell off.


A heavy roar came from the portal.

The door began to tremble slightly.

It seems that on the opposite side of the portal, something terrifying is bombarding the portal, trying to break in.

"It's this kind of change!"

Lin Fei whispered.

Some time ago, the abnormal movement that the Chaos World Tree felt transmitted from the earth should be the one in front of it.

"Seniors, I think there seems to be something wrong with this portal.

We'd better not touch this door. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei was afraid of the Chinese zodiac, and on a whim, he smashed the door in front of him.



The sound of the chain vibration was loud, and a huge black shadow descended from above the sea to the seabed.

It was the dragon.

The chains on its body are just long enough to allow it to reach the bottom of the water, before this gateway.

"This portal is moving again.

Senior gods, I'm sorry, I'm going to recite the mantra.

If something goes wrong with this portal, I will be unlucky with it. "

The Jiaolong said hurriedly, looking very nervous.

"You're busy."

Lin Fei said.

The Jiaolong stood in front of the portal and began to mutter some words.

And, stretched out a front paw, released energy, and drew on the two doors.

Soon, the energy and laws in the surrounding space quickly converged and came towards this gateway.

Moreover, Lin Fei clearly felt that within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, time and space had begun to change significantly.

Become more and more stable.

"What a clever law of time and space!"

Even the Chinese Zodiac sighed.

By chanting mantras and drawing symbols, the structural stability of a piece of time and space can be changed. This method is indeed very clever.

You know, the old man who taught these spells and runes to this dragon is a character from the ancient times.

Until now, these spells and runes still work.

This method, even Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, also lamented.

After the dragon cast a spell, he took out a small yellow formation flag and shot it into the portal.

The gateway really quieted down.

"My deities, before, this gateway was very stable.

Even if it is millions of years, nothing will happen.

However, recently, there have been constant changes.

The situation is extremely unstable.

I am worried that something bad will happen.

The old man who imprisoned me here once said that once there is a problem with this door.

The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos will suffer. "

Said the dragon.

"do not worry.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos will not easily cause problems.

You continue to guard here. "

Lin Fei comforted.

"I don't want to stay here anymore!

Dear gods, can you help me and relieve me of suffering.

I have been in this horrible place for a long time. I have had enough!

Otherwise, I would not catch those humans in and accompany me. "

The huge body of the Jiaolong knelt down in front of Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, crying with tears and snot, just like a grieving woman who had suffered great grievances.

"You captured those humans just to accompany you?"

Lin Fei was speechless.

Dare to love, in Bermuda, so many ships and planes are missing, so many humans are missing, it turns out that this dragon feels lonely, and has captured those humans as companions.

"You are too selfish.

Have you considered the feelings of those humans! "

Lin Fei said.

"My Lord God, although I have captured these humans as companions.

However, they do not suffer.

I know how to cultivate them and let them become cultivators from mere mortals.

They respect me as Jiao ancestor one by one, and I don't know how grateful they are to me. "

Said the dragon.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness felt a little bit, and sure enough, in this small world, there are humans in many corners.

Those human beings are all cultivators.

Among them, there are even a few of them!

Compared with ordinary mortals, I don't know how many times stronger, and also live a lot longer.

"My deities, I am a good dragon.

You show mercy, please help me. "

The dragon begged again.

"This portal needs you.

So, you must continue to guard here. "

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"Do not!

I am really fed up! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the flood dragon cried a little desperately.

"Perhaps, this is your fate.

Well, I think you don't have many cultivation resources in this small world.

I can give you some.

It's compensation for you. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took out a few space rings and sent them to the dragon.

"Thank you, Lord God."

That flood dragon really lacked cultivation resources, and the resources that Lin Fei gave away were nothing short of giving charcoal to him.

"Well, you continue to guard here.

I will come again in the future.

Maybe, I will find a solution. "

Lin Fei said.

This time, the purpose of coming to earth has been achieved.

Found the reason for the change on the earth.

It is the seabed gateway in front of me.

For a while, Lin Fei couldn't figure out what was going on with this portal.

Only wait until later, and then take care of it slowly.


Dear gods, if you think of a way, you must come back and rescue me. "

The Jiaolong begged.

"By the way, you can no longer catch the humans outside."

Lin Fei said.

"Since Lord God has ordered, I will definitely not arrest those humans outside."

The Jiaolong replied.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

Soon, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac left this small world under the sea and returned to the sea.

"Unexpectedly, I accidentally revealed the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle."

Lin Fei looked at the sea below and smiled softly.

"I wonder what happened to Rong'er and Wan'er."

Lin Fei's divine power perceives the past far away.

The space where the Buddha left his mark is very calm, and there is no movement for the time being.

"Well, the Buddha said, want Rong'er and Wan'er to practice with him for seven days.

I still don't want to disturb them too early. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Lin Fei, the cause of the earth's abnormal movement has been investigated.

There is no need for us to stay here.

Do it yourself.

We took a stroll around. "

Big Tiger said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.   The twelve zodiac signs move at the same time, and instantly disappear on the earth.

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