Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3692: Feiyue's strength

On this day, with the earth as the center, almost half of the boundless sea of ​​chaos is filled with endless chaotic essence and star origin, as well as a series of colorful origin laws, madly converging.

Lin Fei's body seemed to have become a bottomless pit, absorbing all the energy and laws.

In Lin Fei's body, flesh and blood, bones, meridians, internal organs, and everything in the body were sublimated to the utmost, shining brightly.

The terrifying breath erupted, and the shock waves of cambium energy spread out toward the distant void.

On this day, most of the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and the endless space area, can perceive this kind of energy vibration transmitted from the earth.

"Could it be that some creatures are going to attack the main divine realm!"

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the strongest ones were all a little surprised.

There have been endless years, without beings, and this highest realm has been touched.

In the long years, the number of main gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos has almost been fixed.

Now that there are creatures again, have you come to this point?

"No, this energy fluctuation, although very strong, is almost close to the main divine realm.

It's just that it shouldn't be the real master **** realm.

Energy and laws are not complete enough, what is missing. "

Soon, the strongest people discovered this.

"Since it is not the main divine realm.

But why can such a terrifying energy fluctuation be released? "

Those who are the strongest are all puzzled.

"One hundred and eight human body world, finally opened up!"

In the last hole of the earth, Lin Fei stood up, his eyes exploded with terrifying glow.

Within the body, one hundred and eight human body worlds, energies and laws were boiling, like burning, shining Lin Fei's body almost transparently.

"Now, any half-step master god, I have the confidence to kill him with one blow.

Even facing the Lord God, I don't have to run away in embarrassment! "

Lin Fei was more calm and confident.

Although, on the single realm, Lin Fei and the main **** are still far apart.

However, with the physique of the chaotic heaven and earth, the physique of the Tianjin clan, and the too last week of the induction chapter, Lin Fei is confident that even when facing the main god, he doesn't need to be too afraid.

Even if you can't beat it, it should be no problem to save your life!

"It turns out that this is the perfect state of Tai Last Weekly Induction!"

Lin Fei clenched fists with both hands, feeling the surging, unspeakable power in his body, and felt confident.

I just feel that the whole world is vast, from now on, I can go anywhere!

If someone dares to provoke any more, he can conquer the enemies from all directions!

For Lin Fei, his strength is so powerful that he has entered a new era.

"Too last week's induction chapter, I have practiced to perfection.

Next, it is one gasification and three cleansing.

I also got the complete One Qi Transformation Three Cleansing Techniques.

Simply, successfully practiced. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Among the 108 Daotian Fudi of Taoism, Lin Fei not only obtained the complete Taishang Zhoutian induction chapter, but also obtained the complete One Qi Transformation and Three Purification Techniques in one of the Daotian Fudi.

When Lin Fei first obtained these two taboo secret techniques of Sanqingzong from the outside world.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I got a complete chapter when I returned to the earth.

"However, you don't need to be on the earth if you practice one gas to transform the three clears.

You can go back to the Falling Immortal plane to practice. "

Lin Fei's figure moved.


The terrible physical power savagely smashed the void, rushed out of this cave and stood above the earth.

"The earth still has many mysteries. I will come back and explore them one by one when I have time.

There are also problems in the Bermuda Triangle, the gateway to the seabed, and it will be resolved sooner or later. "

Lin Fei turned around, looked at the earth, and then walked away.


Lin Fei's body was extremely strong, releasing terrifying energy, wherever he went, he forcibly tore the void apart, coupled with the power of the laws of time and space, fast.

In just half a second, Lin Fei returned to the plane of falling immortal.

"Boy, you have become so strong!"

The Chaos World Tree appeared and looked at Lin Fei, shocked.

"Lin Fei, you made the energy fluctuations that came from the earth not long ago."

The Chinese zodiac also appeared, like looking at a monster, and surrounded Lin Fei.

"too frightening.

Your physical quality, I guess, even if it's the main god, it's not necessarily comparable to you. "

The big tiger stretched out his fist and banged on Lin Fei's body. However, he felt that he was hitting a piece of chaotic cold iron that was hundreds of millions of years old, and his fist was so painful.

The **** cow even took out a gleaming machete, and slashed it twice towards Lin Fei's back. As a result, sparks flashed.

Fortunately, in addition to the tiger and the black cow, the other ten zodiac signs are fairly gentle in their movements. Feeling here and patting there is a little research.

"Two seniors, start lightly!"

Lin Fei was rather helpless and said to the tiger and the black cow.

"Lin Fei, fight alone, we are twelve, and may not be your opponent."

The Tianguo felt Lin Fei's body and exclaimed.

"Lin Fei, you are back."

The really old way appeared and came to Lin Fei.

"Senior True Cang, is there any news to come back."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness had already sensed the entire Falling Immortal plane, and already knew what had happened during this time.

My own clone, and Azi, have already set off to find Qingluo, the three shark girls, and Ren Shanshan.

"not yet."

Answered really old.

"No, I have to pick them up."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Go ahead.

Lin Fei, with your current strength, you can safely walk in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

We will not accompany you.

In case something happens and you need help, send us a message immediately, and we will rush there. "

Tianguo said.

"I understand."

Lin Fei nodded and turned to leave, stepped into the void and disappeared.

Now, Lin Fei was able to forcefully break through the void and teleport over a long distance with the help of his unmatched physical strength.

"This kid is really growing up."

Tianguo looked at Lin Fei's back and sighed, his tone a little relieved.

At first, Lin Fei excavated it.

Now that Lin Fei can achieve such an achievement, he naturally feels very happy.

After leaving the three-thousand-size world, Lin Fei strode the meteor and walked away.

Lin Fei's clone has left various signs along the way.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful. Along the way, he quickly caught these signs and hurried on his way.

at this time.

Within an area controlled by the underworld.

In a forbidden area with a fierce reputation.

There are four beautiful women trapped in it. These four women are Qingluo and three shark girls!

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